Tuesday, August 13, 2024

William...Salmon, Lucy, and Crones.

Good morning, Friends...
We got the good news that our grandson, William, passed his Staff Sergeant exam!  He's been promoted.  We are so proud of him!  Such a hard worker...He loves Arkansas, and he loves his job...we are so happy for him!!

Salmon done in the air fryer...goodness!!  I just made a simple gravy
of soy sauce and honey...added some garlic powder and poppy seeds, then cooked.

My next project was making, Lunchroom Pizza...Don't mind the oven...It's too hot here to turn on the cleaning cycle....I'll do it when it's a bit cooler...anyway, I mixed the dough then put it in this Pyrex bowl to proof...Lolol...something told me to check on it a half hour early...so glad I did!  I felt like Lucille Ball in the skit with the bread!  It was huge!  Anyway, I got it punched down and placed on the 13 x 18 sheet pan...it kept growing!  The recipe said to use 2 Tablespoons of yeast...I'll be cutting that back! lol

As you can tell, there's a lot of dough. But it was good...brought back a few memories of enjoying pizza as a kid in school.  The lunchroom ladies sure are missed!  Today's lunchroom just isn't the same...
There was too much to eat so I cut the rest of the pie up and froze it.

Two pieces was more than enough!  I only made it through one and a half! lol  

The 9th of August was my birthday...I'm an old Crone...Larry took me to my favorite seafood place, Tejun's.  Love their food...and the Christian atmosphere.  Christian music playing...none of that horrible riprapp garbage, filling up the place!  The corn was slathered in a butter sauce, (TIP ) thickened with a tiny bit of cornstarch.  That's why it stays on the cob so well.
I'm surprisingly alright with turning 73...It gets easier as the years go by...unbelievable, as that might seem.

Photos of Sloane for her 2nd birthday...She'll turn 2 on the 15th of August...We are both Leo's.  Momma Sam is throwing her party on Saturday the 17th so everyone can come. I can't believe it's already been two years!

This is SO her! Lolol

A birthday bouquet from our grandson Tylar and wife Sara, who are stationed in Hungary (Air Force).  I call them our HungarianBabies...lol

We really miss them, but they are due for some time off and will be here sometime in September! Can't wait...

Miss Kitty has now learned how to use the doggy door!!  She lets herself in and out whenever she pleases.  I'm so grateful that she hopefully won't be staying outside when Winter arrives.

This spooked me out!  There weren't any cars parked on the road...and none of the neighbors have lights on their mailboxes...That orb looking light was underneath our pecan tree!

I bought 6 pounds of potatoes yesterday, then came home, sliced them all up...cooked until almost tender...then let cool off on a large cookie sheet then bagged them up with my vacuum food sealer.  It's for the big jobs.
Also bought clear storage trays for the freezer.  I have GOT to get that thing organized before Winter!

Thank you, Ann! This arrived on my birthday!  I'm so lucky to have such sweet blogging friends!!

Well, I guess that's about it for me...Hope you all are safe and happy wherever you are.  Have a wonderful week!
  So, until next time...


Catherine said...

Congrats to William! ( our William is only 5 months old yours is tall soldier 😜)
I hope Larry medical exams went well. Sloane is such a cute little girl! VERY nice picture of her. I think I’ll definitely buy an air fryer will try to go on Saturday. It is too hot to go out for me those days!

Catherine said...

A very Happy Birthday 🥳!

Mari said...

Congratulations to William! And Happy Birthday to you.
You've been busy! I laughed at your dough, but I bet it was good!
I haven't gotten an air fryer yet, but I will be. I think you should share some of your recipes, they all look good!

Debbie Nolan said...

Hey wishing your grandson congratulations - I am sure you are quite proud. Wishing you a belated Happy Birthday too. I am sure you are not an old crone - you are 73 years young! Have a great week. P.S. - Sloane is adorable - oh to be two again. Hugs!

Red Rose Alley said...

That's a cute picture of little Sloane at two years old. Love the white misty look. The shrimp and corn dish looks delicious. I was going to make shrimp tonight as well haha. That's good to know about the cornstarch on the cob too. You did a nice job on the pizza. I miss those lunchroom ladies too. Happy Birthday to you, Donna. I'm not a salmon lover, but yours with soy sauce and honey looks really good. And I love that "elderly" quote. I'm an early bird, so I can relate. That was a spooky video, indeed. Wonder what that was all about? I don't have debt, but there are some that have debt, and I think we should help them out when and if we can. It's all about helping others on this journey.

Have a terrific week, Donna.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Happy Birthday, you are just a month older than me! Hope you had a great birthday! Your Sloane is a doll:) Congrats to William!

Ann said...

Congratulations to William.
That video is kind of freaky. I wonder what that could be.
Love that meme at the end. I cracked up when I read it because add to cart sounds like a good thing to do when I'm sad.

Dianna said...

Congratulations to your grandson on his promotion. And a belated happy birthday to you and an early happy birthday to Sloane. That salmon looks delicious!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Congratulations to William!! That’s great news. It was so nice catching up with you and seeing all your photos. Happy Birthday to you! 🎉 🥳 🎂

Bill said...
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Bill said...

Congrats to William on his promotion. Glad you enjoyed your birthday. Didn't take long for Miss Kitty to learn the how to use the doggy door. The salmon looks very tasty and delicious. Have a wonderful week, Donna.

Jennifer said...

Happy belated birthday wishes to you! I do hope plenty of dozens will arrive when folks start doing their elderly checks on you:) Pizza looks delish. And filling. Our lunch lady was not that friendly and ran a tight ship. I was always glad that I packed lunch. Somehow, that made a difference. So, how long did you air fry the salmon? It looks so yummy:)

Happy wishes to your sweet two year old!!:)

photowannabe said...

My Dear ... I AM the Old Crone...going to be 81 in November. Now that gives me pause... I am trying to live Well and embrace each day the Good Lord gives me.
Happiest of birthdays..you can claim it all month.
Love the flowers from the family too.
The photos of that 2 year old are so cute. How can she be 2 already? Love the impish photo best.
Shrimp and buttery corn on the cob.. my favorite. Dave won't eat shrimp so I have to wait for restaurant dinners but it usually is too expensive so I just dream and salivate over your photo.
If you come to check on me (elderly) yes, please bring donuts..yummm

My Tata's Cottage said...

Congratulations to WIlliam! You have to be very proud of such wonderful young man. You share your birthday with our son Jeremy. How is he 39 and I am still so young hahaha??? My teenage hubby turned 70 last month. I am old hat. Turned 70 in December so he loves people to know he is married to an older woman! I saw you at Creekside Cottage. That anon commenter really grated on my nerves. So incredibly full of baloney! I am dealing a bully who is horrible I know through a group I belong to at social media. I am sad to see this mean spirited knocking my posts when I thought I already blocked her. It is very sad. But your blogs are beautiful. I went to an old blog first. I have two as well. It was nice to visit you here. Enjoy the week as it is going by quickly.

Sandra Cox said...

Many congrats to your grandson. Glad you had a good bday.

Granny Marigold said...

That blinking light sure would freak me out too. I hope you find out what it was ( and let us know).
Congratulations to your grandson William and a big Happy Birthday to Sloane.
Belated birthday wishes to you. How did I miss it. Such pretty flowers from another grandson and his wife.

Polyester Princess said...

Congratulations to William, and a happy birthday to you and Sloane! They grow up so quickly, don't they? I'm loving that cheeky photo of hers! xxx

Jennyff said...

Belated happy birthday wishes from Yorkshire, to the little one too. Sloane is growing so quickly and you don’t age at all, just how it should be. x

DeniseinVA said...

That is wonderful news, congratulations William! Happy Belated Birthday to you, though a little late, that's a lovely bouquet. The same to Sloane, such precious birthday photos. More yummy food and funnies. The bread, that’s a real chuckle. I have done things where I can relate. These doggy doors are such clever ideas, and great for Miss Kitty too. That orb light is puzzling. Ann’s card is lovely isn’t it? A great catch-up post Donna, enjoy the rest of the week.

Lin said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I'm right behind you...I'm on August 22. All the cool people are born in August. Hee Hee! Omg...that Sloane! What a DOLL!

dori said...

I love the laughing of the old woman in the roses 🌹🌸🌿
Best wishes to Sloanes birthday 🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺 She is so very sweet!!!!
O my dear, I fall asleep after a long day! You KNOW, what I feel :)))))

dori said...

Ich liebe das Lachen der alten Frau in den Rosen 🌹🌸🌿
Die besten Wünsche zu Sloanes Geburtstag 🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸 Sie ist so süß!!!!
O meine Liebe, ich schlafe nach einem langen Tag ein! Du weißt, was ich fühle :)))))

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh dear, lots to unpack here ... I need a therapist who sprays me with water at those crucial moments, hahahaha! And I hate to tell you but you ARE paying for those who haven't earned it, with your tax dollars. And there's not a single thing you can do about it. Ours is a Constitutional Representative Republic, but I have never as an adult felt represented by government, on the federal, state, or local level. They take from hard-working citizens and then blow it on those who won't work, and most of the rest is gobbled up in corruption. You just have to say, God knows all of this and He will even it out in the end. Meanwhile He blesses us and we have all we need, but if I think about this for too long, I will lose what peace of mind I have in my possession, hahaha! So that little Sloaney girl ... oh my word she is a darling dollbaby ... the two-year portraits are so beautiful. I like your enthusiastic pizza dough and I never make salmon but that looks heavenly. I get up rather later but when you check on me, do bring the donuts, hahaha! I'll make the coffee. Congratulations to Will! And a belated but no less sincere Happy Birthday to you, and I am so ashamed that I did not know your birth date ... I have wondered about that from time to time and think I will ask, and then I get distracted and do not ask! And you sent me such a sweet card on my birthday in March! I have made a note of that and when you turn 74 I will not forget! Love you xoxo