Thursday, August 1, 2024

God and Country...Cicada, William and Germs.

 Good morning, Friends...Seems another week has flown by!  So many sad things are happening in our country right now... I wanted to watch a video of Trump's rally in Atlanta so I did a Google about biased!!  It gave me Harris rally in Atlanta!!!  All my search engines did this!  I'm just sick... Where has my America gone?  This is not right!  I don't care what side you are on! If you typed in Harris and all that comes up is Trump'd be pissed, as well!
Moving on...I'm just disgusted.

Our Sloane after a full day of swimming and tired!

This is one of the reasons I get angry at the state of our country...We've made an absolute mess of things and Sloane and your babes, will be paying the price for our bad choices! 
Okay...okay...enough.  It's in the hands of God...

This recipe sounds so good!  A very "Fall" sort of meal!  I want to make Chicken and Dumplings today for lunch...We've both been craving it.

I came out the back door yesterday and my arm brushed on this, happening before my very eyes!  Cicadas shed their husk at night...undisturbed. Well, I disturbed this one at the 3am finish line...he is so bright and beautiful at this stage.  By the time I walked back into the house to get the cat food for our feral cat, Miss Kitty...he'd flown away.  It was so special...I don't think he appreciated the flash of my phone

Food wise...I made a meatloaf which was perfect!  The secret ingredient is milk.

Potato soup made out of leftover potatoes from the meatloaf lunch...adding leftover red potatoes to the soup.


A good BLT sandwich for another day's lunch.

Our grandson, William... <3

This sounded interesting!  Create your own soups using this base recipe...feel free to copy it!

I don't mean to bore you with so many food photos...I'm just old school and I tend to cook daily for Larry and myself.  Some women decide to give up cooking when they retire but I never could.  I still believe, you cook for your family whether there's children with you or just you and hubby.  My mom (and I'm not blaming her but...) decided that when I became a Senior in high school, she was done cooking.  I woke up on my first day at school only to be told if I wanted breakfast, I needed to make it myself...needless to say, my eyes still sting over that announcement.  I never got over it.  I suppose that's part and parcel, why I cooked for my family...and still do.  I just wish me, and my mother had been closer...but we weren't...I was the last of her three children.  She wasn't trying to be mean but she, in all fairness, hadn't been raised well.  Oh well..."if wishes were horses, we'd all ride".

Larry was at it again...He made this cute little bike with a basket for my Fall table.

Might I remind you all to keep cleansing your hands after leaving the house to go  Want to look under a microscope at those shopping buggy handles??  
I just pour 70 to 91% rubbing alcohol in my spray bottle or any small bottle I have and keep them in the car and truck.  We use them without fail every time we get back in the vehicle.  Lots of sickness going around right now.

Well...Here's to another week.  I pray you are all well and safe. I can't wait for the cooler temps to get here...and yes, I know it's only the first of August, but a girl can but next time...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

your food pics are AMAZING. do you take them with cell phone? beautiful shots. handsome and so cute grandson..
Sloan is almost cammo and lost and so tired.
our fence is covered in the orange flower vine and even more covered with our true nemesis Virginia Creeper. we can't even see any of our fence, bob is not able to keep it cut back and its rained every day for 3 weeks. soon the house might be covered

Mari said...

So, you are making me hungry this morning. That was a creative way to use your leftover potatoes! The meatloaf looks so good!
Sloane looks wiped out - bet she slept good.
I'm with you on the state of the country. It's scary, but thankfully God is on the throne!

Chatty Crone said...

Okay thank William for me for his service. I do agree with you about the country being a mess for our grandchildren and yes God is there. Thank God.
We were supposed to get the cicadas here in GA but we did not get any near Atlanta - I really wanted to see them.
Poor Sloane looked so tired.
I use that same alcohol spray and spray the carts too!
Hey, would love the recipe for the meatloaf and potato soup - mine don't look like that - lol - on your next post.
I understand the parent thing too.

Bill said...

Cute bike that Larry made, I like it. Your food photos have made me hunngry. :) Sloane definitely looks wiped out. :) Have a fantastic week and a nice beginning to August.

photowannabe said...

Awww ... poor baby ... She really must have had a great time playing to be so wiped out. Bet she slept like a log.
Yummm on the food photos. I haven't made meatloaf in ages. Its one of Dave's favorites. I guess I should make it soon.
Your Larry is so creative and a master at his craft. Fall and the bicycle are a perfect duo.
We don't have Cicadas around here. Its so fascinating to see them shed and wow on you capturing it.
My sentiments exactly on the state of our world. So sad and disgusting..

Granny Marigold said...

Please don't quit posting food photos. They give me inspiration!!! Looking at the mashed potatoes and gravy I asked myself why I don't make gravy more often. It's so tasty ( when I get it lump free. LOL)
Our political situation is dire as well. No one is happy with the
Prime Minister :(
So you use undiluted rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle? No water added? I had not heard of that one but may just try it.

Polyester Princess said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Polyester Princess said...

Oops, I accidentally pushed publish. Let me try again ...
You'd never bore me with your food pictures, Donna, they're only making me hungry :-) What a story about your Mom deciding she was done cooking, that's so sad :-(
I'm loving Larry's latest creation, and I too can't wait for Autumn to arrive. That's my favourite season! xxx

Ann said...

You've made me very hungry. The meatloaf and mashed potatoes looks so good. That's like ultimate comfort food right there.
I hear you on the bias when it comes to politics. It's almost like they have already got this decided and it WILL turn out the way they want it to.

Catherine said...

I still do some cooking even if the children are gone from home.
Our country is not in a better condition unfortunately. Covid is coming back here and I wear a mask in some places and always continue to clean my hands as much as possible I also have got a bottle in my car.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I need to make BLT's one of these days! Thanks for the reminder! Remember when Walter Cronkite read the news...and Huntly and Brinkley...those were the REAL News guys! No bias...just the news.

Margaret D said...

Dear little Sloane, she sure does look ever so tired after her very busy day.
Cicadas - how beautiful it looks, thanks for sharing as I've never seen one do that.
The food is looking tasty and a nice basic recipe for soup, I always use cracked pepper and a lot of it in my boiling of soup, gives it a hot taste that tolerates me. 😊
We have hand sanitizer in the car and just inside the back door, always use it as it must help.

Lin said...

Food = love for humans, so the proclamation of not cooking for you anymore feels like more than the dislike for cooking. Well, that's what I think, anyway. I struggle with this as I am Celiac and people are so offended when I don't take "just one" bite of the food they offer. It's so complicated this whole food/love thing!

Jennifer said...

I, agree, so much sickness going around. And, yes, sometimes I get lazy with sanitizer, thanks for the reminder! That shedding cicada is half cool...and half creepy! Not sure I would have been able to hang around for photos!! Meatloaf sounds like a great idea for dinner for my hubby!! Ah, and love your bike with basket!! Very talented hubby! Happy August to you!!

Prims By The Water said...

I pray that my grandchildren have a country in the coming years. I fear we may be in a war if Harris gets elected. The state run media will not say a bad word about her nor did they with Biden. The left has everyone who watches their so called news hoodwinked. They call Trump Hitler and a dictator, but yet they are not racist HA God saved him that day for a reason and I hope he becomes our president again. Ok off my soapbox now. All of your food pics looked wonderful. Makes me hungry. Janice

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Those Amish chicken and noodles do look good. Perfect comfort food. The meatloaf looks yummy as well. I find that I often crave meatloaf.

Lee said...

That certainly is bias, and I, like you, would be very angry about it, too.

Our world is in a very sad mess, and the what the future has in store is very concerning. I keep saying I'm glad I'm the age I am now (and that is old) because I don't like what appears to be ahead of us, there, and everywhere.

Take very good care, Donna...and extra hugs from me for darling Sloane. :)

Linda said...

Google and others are busy scrubbing anything / everything. Horrible. Beautiful photo of Sloane, thanks for the many smiles, my friend.

Shug said...

I am visiting from another blog. Love all the pink! I tend to agree with you about our World. The politics of our world today is sickening. And you are is our grand babies and great grand babies who are really going to have a difficult time. By the Grace of God...they will make it. Enjoyed lookin at all of the recipes. I still cook around here. My problem is coming up with what to cook. thanks for letting me visit

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Donna! Oh, that BLT sandwich is chips looks delicious! I love BLTs! The food and you and post pictures of always looks so good. Cute pictures of Sloane - as always. Amen about the state of politics in our country. I am truly not a fan of either side. We are praying for our country. God is in control. Have a good week. See you again soon!

dori said...

Dear dreaming girl, you had a dream of a cooking mother and so you are now a cookig mother! Best friend cooking for a big family or "just" for Larry and you.. ! So important, so seldom...
Sweet Sloane after a long working day!! :)))
Her in Europe people are listening all the news about USA and the future..
But naturally we don't get all news..
We have to be careful because of new sickness coming from places, where many people spend their time.
Larry is a special artist!!
Many greetings and blessings to you all from Dori from te Bavarian Forest

dori said...

Liebes träumendes Mädchen, du hast von einer kochenden Mutter geträumt und bist jetzt eine kochende Mutter! Beste Freundin, die für eine große Familie kocht oder „nur“ für Larry und dich...! So wichtig, so selten...
Die süße Sloane nach einem langen Arbeitstag!! :)))
Hier in Europa hören die Leute alle Neuigkeiten über die USA und die Zukunft...
Aber natürlich bekommen wir nicht alle Neuigkeiten...
Wir müssen vorsichtig sein, weil neue Krankheiten von Orten kommen, an denen viele Menschen ihre Zeit verbringen.
Larry ist ein besonderer Künstler!!
Viele Grüße und Segenswünsche an euch alle von Dori aus dem Bayerischen Wald

Olivia Kate Cooke said...

So many beautiful outfits!
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DeniseinVA said...

First of all, what a sleepy sweet little girl Sloane is, and a great photo of your grandson also. You share the most delicious food and I thank you as I get great ideas. You will never bore me with all these food photos, keep them coming please :) Larry is amazing and the bike and basket planter is a work of art. The cicada has a different color than the ones we get. Such a pretty blue and green combination. That’s a good reminder about the hand cleansing. I am pretty diligent, but I still got so sick which I find baffling. I am always going around disinfecting things around the house too. I look for the antiseptic wipes near the carts but not every store has them, and this seems a great way to go. I have hand sanitizer always ready but I would like to try this. You have had another busy week and thank you so much for sharing your photos and ponderings.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh I love the food pictures, Donna! Just love them. My mother never made breakfast for me so there didn't need to be any announcement of cessation of those activities, hahaha! My sister and I fended for ourselves from a very early age because Mama was either asleep or at work at most mealtimes. She was a wonderful cook and I have many lovely memories of her chicken and dumplings (you reminded me!) and fried cube steak with rice and gravy, and other fabulous meals -- when we weren't out of pocket and eating pinto beans, hahaha! Or sardines out of the can, or (GROSS) canned hominy! Ugh. I too still cook every day for TG and me. Wouldn't dream of changing that although I do sometimes go "light" ... as in, last night on our third or fourth rainy, cool-ish day, he had tomato-rice soup (I use Progresso tomato basil soup and make the rice to add to it; TG LOVES it) and a gooey homemade grilled cheese sandwich. I wasn't hungry so I just watch him eat, haha! Poor Sloane looks like she partied till she was about to expire! Precious baby ready for a nap. Yes all things political are disgusting as usual but I will say, I have not made the bad choices. All I've done my whole life is work, keep my own nose (and house) clean, rear decent children, vote conservative, and try to be a positive member of the community. I have never felt that I am represented in Washington or even in government on the state or local level. Politicians are the bane of all of our existences and now that the LEFT are driving the car, they're going to drive it right off a cliff and our babies will no longer have an America. It grieves me no end BUT the Lord said "let not your heart be troubled" and we were reminded in church that we are not here to be clutching our pearls over politics or politicians, or even over who is in office, but rather to glorify God and edify the saints, and lead the lost to Him! That's more than enough and as we know, He has been faithful to us and He will be faithful to our beloved children and grandchildren, throughout all generations! Praise His name. xoxo

ashok said...

Your food pics leave me hungry...
Wonderful post