Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Birthdays...Buns, Bugs and Baby

Good morning, Friends...
It's been a crazy week.  The kids were all going to go on a ski trip to Telluride, Colorado beginning today.  Well...Sloane has fever again so the trip has been cancelled.  The doctors have run every test they can think of for her symptoms...nothing.  I'm thinking there's a low grade infection in her ear. They say there is redness in her right ear... :O( 
But they won't prescribe anything...she has medicated ear drops that should take care of it...!!!  Well it hasn't yet!
Send prayer I don't over-step my boundaries and call that da#n doctor's office! 
UPDATE: 2/22 - It Was Her Ear!

Anyhow...It's our SIL's birthday on the 26th.  I made a Strawberry Mousse cake, thinking they'd be here this afternoon to drop off their dog, Bo, so Larry and I could take care of him while everyone's on the ski trip...not happening...and a mousse cake doesn't keep over about four or so days...I doubled the recipe and made for us and one for Tim...Now, they're not coming...Gotta' think of someone to give Tim's to...Guess our friend, Henry, will be the lucky winner.

I made hamburger buns to go with the pulled pork I made.  Worked out great...I used my bread machine for the kneading...then shaped the dough into buns.

They turned out really good!

Can someone tell me what the heck this is?  Found it on the internet.  Never seen anything like it around here.  Alien?

It's also Samantha's birthday on the 23rd.  She wanted a Lambeth cake.  They seem to be the upcoming thing these days.  So I did my best to decorate the strawberry cake.  It was work I must say and not something I would look forward to doing again in my small kitchen.  But you do for your babies, if you can.  She loved it.

I also made a spinach, tomato and cheese quiche for breakfast on Tuesday...seriously good!

Okay!  Tell me what's creepy about the above photo!!  There are two things...Do you see them??

We picked Sloane up from daycare because of her fever...breaks your heart when they are sick!

It was 79F  (about 26C) here yesterday.  After about noon, Sloane was feeling a lot better, no fever.  But this morning our daughter Crystal, called to tell us she had fever and the ski trip was cancelled.
I got to open the was so nice and Sloane really enjoyed herself.  (It was warm or I'd never have opened the windows).

Well, guess I'll go get breakfast going.  Hope you all are staying well, warm or cool, wherever you are.

So, until next time...

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Valentine's Day...

Hope you all enjoyed Valentines Day.  We did.  I gave Larry a card with some cash...because there's literally not much else he asks for or needs.  Cash for lunch out is always nice.  But this year, he surprised me with a fun gift.  He knows how much I love fried chicken was off to the Brookshires to buy some! Lolol...We both had a great laugh.  But it was also a great lunch of which we both enjoyed.
A sweet card and fried chicken...what's left?! Lol

I made sure to carry the high carb theme forward with a breakfast of French Toast.  Loaded with butter, powdered sugar and lemon juice...Yum!

Seriously good!

Larry also made my favorite lima beans!  

And what's a post without our favorite Valentine, Sloane?!

Well, this is a short post (I heard that!! Lol)
I hope your Valentine's Day was as fun as ours was.  
Have a super day and until next time...

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Love...Food, Sewing and a Hunt.


Good morning, Friends...
 Another week, come and gone.  Valentine's Day is almost upon us.  Any plans?  I'll probably make Larry some cookies...or something...not sure yet.  Update...I made Chocolate Chip Walnut & Caramel cookies...this morning! lol
My eye is healing nicely...although, they say things should continue to heal over the next few months.  I was told not to get new glasses (if I thought I still needed them...which I, at this point, don't think I'll need), for at least three months. 
 The eye is still healing, and glasses are too expensive to not be accurate in the prescription.

Remember on my last post I showed you the before photo of Larry's latest project?  Well, he finished it.  I think it turned out so very pretty.

I made an Instant Pot Spaghetti recipe...and it turned out so yummy!  Click Here for recipe.
Larry had made up a huge pot of spaghetti sauce about a month ago and we froze it in pint size plastic baggies.  So instead of a store-bought jar of sauce, I just grabbed a bag from the freezer.  But use store bought sauce like Preggo or Ragu if you don't have fresh made.
I also like to mix in Ranch Buttermilk salad dressing at the table (Larry doesn't like it).  The kids showed me this trick years ago and I love it.  Try a little on your plate next time you make spaghetti!  Doesn't have to be ranch buttermilk...Ranch will do.  

I made a small quilting sandwich so I could practice free motion quilting...LOL...omword!  It's going to take a lot of practice for me to free motion on my first quilt!  SO...I'll just do a straight or wavy line of quilting...

Finally got the top, batting and backing together!  Had to lay it out on our king bed.  Since doing it on the totally out of the question, the bed had to do.  It worked.  I then spray basted and pinned it together.

This is the backing...I had to sew it together since it wasn't wide enough for my quilt.

Our great-granddaughter Sloane and Mom, Samantha, spending fun time together.

Shopping with Mommy and her grandmother, Lolli...and yes, they bought the doll for her...Once you hug's yours...lolol

I was hungry for a pork roast...

Larry carried me to lunch in McGregor, Texas, at a place called The Coffee Shop Cafe.
We had to take our taxes to our CPA so we just ate lunch out.
$25 for the buffet, for two...with drinks and dessert!  Nice! 
That price for two people, these days, is getting harder and harder to find.  The dessert was lemon cake and vanilla ice cream.

Lolol...could you imagine?

I was working on finishing up on our tax packet when I heard a snuffling behind me.  Turning around, I saw Libby hunting for something under her bed!  I lifted it up but saw nothing.  She backed up, gave me a side-eyed look and marched back into the playroom, looking for Larry.  I never did find what she was looking for...

Sam thought it might help if she told me how the daycare put Sloane down for a never got that nap...lolol...too busy playing.

We got to keep Sloane Friday.  We always love keeping fun!  She keeps us hopping! lol
Here, Samantha (our granddaughter) is trying to teach Larry how to use Venmo.  It's a payment app.  When he sells a wood project, it would just make life easier for him.

I found a recipe for dressing that sounded good, so I made it.  It was super moist...

I baked it for 45 minutes in a 350* F oven.  Check it to see how done you want it to be.  The recipe wasn't a big help in that area. But I must say, it was really good.

Here's the cookies I just made...Larry loves them...soft insides and crispy outside edges...

Of course, I made breakfast before I let him eat cookies! lol 

This is a card from my sweet friend, Ann!  The mail was late last night but Larry found it in the box, this morning!  I love the little designs she creates for the cards...Thank you so much Miz Ann!  I Love getting mail!!

Well, I suppose that's about all for me.  I hope you all are doing well and staying warm or cool wherever you are. 
Until next time...

Saturday, February 3, 2024

A Diaper...Stuff, Cake and Quilts...

Good Morning, Friends...Hope you all are doing well and are having a wonderful weekend!


Had a sweet visit from our girls last night.  Mom Samantha,  Sloaneygirl and...

Grandma Lolli...

Sloane loves to read...

As we age, life tends to speak to you...sometimes, loudly.  I've had this "feeling" several times throughout my married life. accumulates faster than you can say pie.   
The living room shelves are full...things from my Mother, grandmother...great grandmother.  Books, figurines, two punchbowls, dishes, and on and on.   

Until last evening when the girls came for a visit, I thought I was going to have to put a lot of my "stuff" up for sale or donation.  If anything were to happen to me or Larry, daughter Crystal would have a daunting job ahead of her just to clear the house out.  Furniture is one thing but...the "stuff" hidden in closets...cupboards and the storage shed would be so hard for her and her hubby Tim, to deal with from almost three hours away.  
Last night, talking to Crystal (daughter) and Samantha, (granddaughter), we somehow got on the subject of "stuff".  I was thrilled to find out that Samantha's taste has transformed from minimalism to traditionalism.  I'm over the moon!  Traditional has always been my form of expression where our home was concerned.  I love antiques.  The rocker in the above photo was my Dad's when he was five.  Now I know these things won't just be donated or hauled to the dump.  Sam was over the moon knowing she was welcomed to take what she wanted.  I also let the girls go through my they both agreed on what pieces they wanted, beforehand.  Macabre?  No, I don't think so...What they each wanted and their reasons behind it were truly heartwarming.  Like Larry's and my wedding bands from when we were first married.  Simple gold bands that had seen better days since that sunshiny September day in 1972.  Crystal had always said she wanted them... I told her to take them with her last night...It was a special moment between us.
   I love our babies...and I know how much they love us.   
I also know, doing a deep clearing of "stuff" isn't for everyone.  It's a hard thing sometimes, to do.  But for whatever reason, I'm finding it to be uplifting and freeing.  All I do when trying to decide on whether to throw, donate, keep for us or keep for the children, is remember how so very much easier it will be for Crystal, when the time comes...and it will.   I'm a pragmatist.

I made a lemon refreshing!

Then I got busy finishing up on my quilt top.  You know, if you've started any project, how hard it is to get back in the mood to start on it again after an interruption, like my surgery.  But I forced myself to get back to it! lol

Do Not look too closely at all the mistakes...I'm just happy I've gotten this far! lol  I think I was too ambitious for my first project!  Next time instead of a twin, I'll practice on a baby blanket or placemats! 

This will be the backing...

Larry was also putzing around with this cute cutting board idea on his newest laser.  I'm already using it.

Then he brought this project into the house!  It'll be so pretty when it's done!

Okay friends...Lol...What does this meme say to you??  Leave your answer in the comments...

Well, I need to get back to some more of that decluttering of "stuff".  I hope you have a fun weekend and are warm or cool wherever you may be!
So, until next time...

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.