Sunday, January 12, 2025

Flu...Fires, and Food

Good morning, friends...oh my goodness!  It's been a long while since I've been able to post.  Larry and I both have had a good case of the flu.  I took a covid test but, it was negative.  I think that was a good thing though... Started out with a headache and really lethargic...then, waking up with a sore throat...some low-grade fever and then finally, a cough.  Averaged being sick...about two weeks.  We both are now better but with a lingering cough.  But nothing like it was.  I think we're going to make it.

Praying for those poor people in California!  Texas is helping as are other states and I believe Canada is, as well... I hope those Angels can put those fires out soon!  16 are now dead...heartbreaking!!  I also pray that there's a thorough investigation into where all the funds have gone to and why!  DEI before funding the Fire Departments and Police???  I don't think so...
190,000 people displaced now, and that number is steadily growing.
God help them...

I hope this is true!

We went out to eat breakfast sometime before we became ill.  The price was really reasonable, as you can see in the next photo.

I had made a 10" hot pad...was cruising along crocheting the edges...the last row simply slipped off the loom...and I tried everything to get the loops back on to the frame!!!  So, I hooked together what I could and will worry about redoing it later...I was heartsick!  So much work!  Larry gave me a good idea though...I'll try looping a rubber band onto the ends so it can't pull off the frame.  We'll see if it works...soon...I'm not ready to pull it all out yet...sigh.

Someone explain how this is fair.  This is a photo of some women from the 1970's... then now.  I know our bodies are preparing for "the final event"
I'm still fighting it...although, since I've been ill, I put back on at least 5 pounds!  Need to get back to my walking!

And what's a post without Sloane?  Her cousin Arlis is all boy! lol

Well, I made this one a little shorter.  I've got things to catch up on and sitting in front of the computer won't get it done.
Praying you all are well and safe!  So, until next time...



I'm glad to hear that you're both starting to feel better, though that flu sounds like it was rough! It's great that the COVID test came back negative, but I can imagine how exhausting that two-week recovery must've been. Hopefully, that lingering cough clears up soon. Thanks for the update! I just shared a new post; let me know what you think. Have a lovely weekend ahead.

Sooze said...

Sorry to read you've both been ill with the flu - people often say they've got the flu when it's just a cold, real flu is really debilitating! Keep warm and well, bless you both x

Linda said...

Keeping in prayer...and yes, sickness is going around. I am glad to know you are feeling better. Have a beautiful day my friend.

Red Rose Alley said...

Donna, thank you for your prayers for the fires, it is devastating. I feel so saddened for the people down south, no homes, evacuations, and deaths. I love the angel picture. So sorry you and Larry have been sick. Those coughs can last a long time afterwards. A cute picture of Sloane and her cousin. And a delightful picture of the friends now and then. I will pass that on to my best friends, who I've known for 50 years. You did a nice job on the hot pad. Too bad that happened to you while crocheting, but it still looks very nice. And your breakfast looks delicious. Take care, and feel better.


Shug said...

Sure hoping that you both are feeling much better....the flu symptoms can sometimes linger for a good while after the fever stops. take care! That Sloan is certainly a cutie and her little cousin is a cutie as well. I haven't had breakfast YET this morning, I think I'll grab something off of your post. All of this food looks so yummy. Have a Blessed Sunday.

Jennyff said...

I was wondering where you were. Sorry to hear about the flu, it seems to last quite a while so take it easy and hopefully normal life will be restored soon.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Donna, so glad you are back and feeling better. I have said many times how precious Sloane is, and now we see an adorable boy cousin. I only had boys, so I know them, and always wished for a girl. while you were sick we spent those two weeks with Beau sick and ended up in ER to the tune of 1500.00 which made ME sick and then day before yesterday a 225.00 vet visit for infected ear.. Dogs cost as much or maybe more than we do and also he is my child and stress of him being sick was bad... thank you for your suggestion on my blog this morning and i have learned a lot while researching it

Bill said...

Glad to hear you both a feeling and getting better. It's tough to be sick especially in the winter. I haven't been sick but I fell down a few weeks ago and still feeling pain in the right leg. It's feeling better and I am thankful for that. Take care!

Mari said...

I'm sorry you've both been so sick! Thankful things are looking better though.
The fake rhino horns would be a great use for that technology.
I used to make those hot pads and I remember how hard it was to get them off the loom and finish them.
Guess what? I got the air fryer you have and that you recommended to me. We are loving it!

Polyester Princess said...

I'm so sorry to hear you and Larry had flu, and I'm not surprised it completely wiped you out. Last time I had flu - and first time too as I don't think I ever had flu before - was in December 2022, and it took about a month to be completely back to "normal".
I can't get over how cute Sloane is looking with that dress and matching socks and bow! So sweet! xxx

DeniseinVA said...

So sorry you were hard down with the flu, and very relieved you are both feeling better now. I hope it won’t be long before the cough disappears but I know it takes a while. These things can be exhausting. Very cute photo of Sloane and her cousin Arlo. Feel better soon!

Prims By The Water said...

Glad you are feeling better. No fun being sick. Yes wonder where all of the funds went in California. The governor should be held accountable but yet he is blaming the local leaders. He is suppose to be in charge of his state I thought. So very sad because it would be preventable if they just did controlled burns yearly. Janice

Far Side of Fifty said...

Sorry to hear that you have been sick, hope you be kind to yourself to recover completely!

Linda said...

I'm so sorry y'all have been sick! Glad it was AFTER Christmas and not before. It takes time to recover when you've been sick that and prayers...

Margaret D said...

Sorry to read you have had the flu, and pleased you are both on the mend and I sure hope your cough doesn't hang around too long.
Good looking food and I wouldn't be happy if I my craft didn't go right either.
Two little one are looking lovely, bless them.
Take care. Love your AI's.

Ann said...

Glad to hear you and Larry are feeling better. I read the other day that the hospitals are getting lots of cases of some kind of virus.
Too bad about your pot holder. It looks really nice.
Once again you made me hungry. I wish we had an iHop nearby. Those are good prices.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Hope you are both on the mend now, Donna. Please look after yourselves and take things slowly.
I love the colours of your hot pad. So annoying when things go astray when your nearly at the finish line. I can feel your frustration.
Praying for all those in California who have lost homes , businesses , family and friends in the fires.
Wishing you a healthy and happy week x

Debbie Nolan said...

Donna I am sorry to read about you and Larry. Dick and I are both down with the ugly stuff. I am much better today but still not over it. I coughed this morning so hard I broke blood vessels in my stomach...hope not a hernia :)!! Sloane is looking like she keeps growing taller. Well take care dear one and will pray for the two of you to get well and of course California. Another heartbreaking disaster. That picture is too cute...hope like you I have not changed that much in appearance. Hugs!

Sandra Cox said...

So sorry to hear you've been sick, but relieved that you are back on the road to recovery. Take special care.

maureenlthompson said...

I'm sorry to hear you have both been poorly. It's good that you are on the mend now. Our youngest son and his family live in LA. They have not been affected so far other than very poor air quality.

photowannabe said...

Awww, your precious Sloane is growing up to be such a beautiful young lady and her cousin isn't bad either... (:0)
So sorry you have have the ugly flu. It sure seems to be going around and we had our share of it too. Dave is finally over his cough.
Interesting about the biotech rhino horns. I really hope that will undercut the poachers.
I won't even get into our California DEI officials..its quite unbelievable... My poor state seems doomed.
BUT God....

Alex said...

I'm so sorry you've been sick! That is never fun. Your hot pad looks so cute. I hope it works out for you and that you don't need to redo it. Thanks so much for sharing!

Dianna said...

I am so sorry that you and Larry had the flu. It seemed to be rampant in our area over the holidays. Glad you are doing better now. The pancakes look yummy.

Wanda said...

Being sick is not glad you and Larry are feeling better. As always I look forward to seeing your food....drooling again. Thanks for the prayers of bloggers for the fires here in CA. So very sad. In the last election with the exception of San Franscisco and LA the state went RED. But where do the mass of people live SF and LA. But God is in control and I pray to see things change. Great pics of the kids. Adorable.

ashok said...

Flu is everywhere I guess...lovely post as usual. Sloane is growing fast !

Catherine said...

We also have a big flu epidemic here . I hope the fires will stop too bad!
Sloane is growing so fast it’s a nice picture of Sloane and her cousin. Hope you feel better!

Jeanette said...

I'm glad you and Larry are feeling better! I'm praying for the people in California that lost everything. And for the safety of the firefighters. I hope it's a wakeup call for when election time comes around again! Sloane and her cousin are so cute and they look a lot alike! xo

Barwitzki said...

How good that your health is improving... I hope you continue to recover well. There is strength in rest. All the best to you.
Your weaving is so beautiful, I hope you can finish it to a level that you like... the colors are beautiful.
Best wishes from Viola

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

So sorry you've been sick. Glad you are feeling better now. Your weaving is beautiful. All the best to you.


I'm so glad to hear you're both on the mend! It sounds like it was a tough couple of weeks, but it’s great that you’re feeling better now. Hopefully that lingering cough clears up soon, and you can enjoy feeling back to normal again.

You are invited to check out my new post:

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Donna, no need to reply, just checking in and hoping you are both on the mend. Sending hugs.

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I’m so sorry to hear that you were sick, but glad to know that you’re feeling better. That breakfast looks really good. I can’t remember the last time I had breakfast out, or when I had pancakes. My best guess is eight years ago. I think I need to change that.

dori said...

O this loving old couple! Is it me and my dear husband?
Many greetings and blessings to you all from Dori from the Bavarian Forest

dori said...

O dieses liebevolle alte Paar! Bin ich das und mein lieber Mann?
Viele Grüße und Segenswünsche an euch alle von Dori aus dem Bayerischen Wald

The Happy Whisk said...

Very sorry to hear that you and Hubby were sick. That's not fun. I just got over being sick. it's not fun for sure. Those pancakes look good though. Yum.

Lowcarb team member said...

So pleased you are both feeling better.
That is a sweet picture of Sloane with her cousin.

All the best Jan

Jenny the Pirate said...

OH my word, that picture of the four women! It's just not fair! But we're holding our own pretty well. I refuse to let go entirely, hahaha! But I need to get back to my walking too. Again I am so sorry you had the flu. How awful. We have been well except for minor aches and pains that seem worse in winter! Too bad about your loom work ... I know the patience that takes. But you'll put it right and you'll know just the right time to do it! xoxo

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.