Good morning friends...Sorry that it's been a while since my last post but it's been another busy time for us. Larry's Dad is in the hospital for pneumonia...he's 99. We thought at Christmas he didn't look or act like he usually does. It takes pneumonia a few weeks to get started and a while longer to get rolling. Larry went for his usual Monday visit with him...took him to the doctor's office then after 14 hours in the ER...Larry slipped into bed, exhausted but feeling confident about his Dad's condition. I've been several times to the hospital but Gerald just hasn't really felt good enough for visits. Today, Larry left early so he could catch the doctor...we've tried several times to catch him know what I mean! So, Larry left this morning at 7am to try to catch him...we'll see. Larry's brother has also been helping out which is a good thing.
I'd run out of bread for our morning toast so I made a loaf. I love my bread machine! I let it do all the kneading and rising then just before it starts to bake it...I turn it out on my counter, knead it a little more then grease my bread pan...stick it in the warmed oven and let it rise a bit...then baked. Turns out great.
I made chicken thighs again with fried corn...
Another gadget alert...warning...lolol...This is a Mason jar vacuum sealer that I found on Amazon. I LOVE it! You might like one, as well!
And here's another fun gadget I bought! I LOVE this keyboard...not so much, the mouse! It goes to sleep mode and takes too long to wake it up...and I do not like that feature. Can't figure out how to change that...if you even can. But the keyboard reminds me of the old-time
This is Larry's Dad, Gerald. Please pray a little prayer for him...
Hope you all are keeping safe, happy and warm or cool, where ever you are.
So, until next time...
That's tough for you all.
I did lift Gerald up to God for healing just now and for strength for all of you.. that disease is hard on anyone but someone his age is even harder. My doctor said RSV and Pneumonia are rampant just now, and bad for me because I am 80. hubby is 88. we did go get the RSV yesterday, she said both of these are virus . I did not know that about pneumonia. your bread sounds devine
Intersting. I expected that Gerald would be on oxygen. I will pray for him even today. And for your husband and brother has they take care of their dad. What a privilege. Here's to a good weekend ahead!
Lifting Gerald up to the Lord in prayer. Praying for relief and strength for you and Larry. Getting old is hard enough on its own...
Interesting gadgets you got there. Yummm, your bread looks so delicious.
I'm sorry to hear about Larry's Dad. Praying for him!
I think you're my pusher! I got the air fryer, then the canner. Now I want the vacuum sealer. But I wanted one before you showed it so I can't blame this one on you. :)
Hope Gerald improves and gets out of the hospital. XXXXX
Hope and pray for Larry’s father.
You always find new gadgets I like the pink board.
Sorry for all you are going through. I haven't been visiting blogs recently and needed to get caught up. Will be praying for Larry's father. The photo of the soldier's face is stunning and so sad what war does to one. Your bread looks sooooo good. Pass the butter!!
Praying things can get back to normal for you!! Love and Hugs.
So sorry to hear of Gerald's illness. Sending you hugs and best wishes for all the family. The bread looks mouth watering.
I love Amazon. How Amazon continues to offer free delivery and rapid, next day delivery beats me. Their range of goods available is so extensive.
My thoughts are with Larry's father, Gerald, Donna...My best wishes go out to you all...many sincere, warm .hugs from me to you.
Homemade bread is always the best. War is so devastating and I hate the thought of anyone having to fight in one. Sending a prayer for Larry's father to get better. Keep us posted. Janice
Sorry to hear about Larry's dad. Sending prayers for his recovery.
Love that pink keyboard. The mason jar vacuum sealer is pretty cool too.
Praying. Sending my love.
Prayers for Larry's dad. Pneumonia is bad and even worse in the elderly. Prayers for a quick and total healing. Goodness ....that bread looks so good and I will take my slice with a little butter and honey please. Seems like every other day, I receive an order from Amazon, but his gadget just might be another package coming in. LOL. So...banana peelings are good for roses? glad to learn this. Happy Friday...hope you all get some rest as I know how tiring it can be with having to be at the hospital for any length of time.
Sorry you are going through a stressful time, sending good thoughts for Larry’s father and all of you. x
Praying for healing for Larry's dad. I love the pink keyboard! That war picture is frightening and sad. XO
I'm so sorry to read that Larry's dad is in hospital with pneumonia. I will keep him in my thoughts and burn a candle when we're in Bruges next week.
Loving the way you use your bread machine ... might try this myself. And how cute is that keyboard! xxx
Prayers for Gerald, hope he gets better soon.
I am so sorry to read about Gerald.
Saying a prayer for him and keeping you all in my thoughts.
All the best Jan
Hi Donna. Prayers for Larry's dad. That fresh-made bread looks so good. I hope that everything improves and that you have a good weekend! See you again soon!
Sending good thoughts and wishes to him that he's not in pain. The bread looks good. I use a stand mixer and I too love that it does all the kneading. I start to dough by hand, then let Stan the mixer (that's his name, Stan), do all the kneading. Very, very nice.
That's not good getting pneumonia at such an age. Speedy recovery - wet or dry pneumonia?
Love the keyboard, it looks very interesting.
Yu bread looks good and rather easy with a bread maker. I've often thought of buying a bread maker but we two don't eat enough bread. We only have bread for breakfast in the way of toast, and sometimes my husband doesn't even have it.
99 years is quite an accomplishment! Sure hope he gets better soon, sometimes it takes the elderly a long time to recover, prayers for God's will:)
Prayers said and sent for Larry's dad. Love the new keyboard! I love a good clickety clackety keyboard that makes you feel like you are speed typing! :)
I hope Gerald is on the mend and back to normal. 99. Wow.
I love homemade bread.
Have a grand weekend.
Well, that first coffee and pink roses, two of my favorite things. : ) I'm so sorry Larry's dad is sick and in the hospital. I do hope he recovers from pneumonia. Your bread looks great. I think I can have bread and butter alone for a meal.
Interesting thing about the banana peel and potassium and the tomato plant. The pink keyboard is cool and looks so Valentiney. I've had mine forever, I need a new one soon. Saying a prayer for Gerald right now.
Happy Valentine's Day Donna.
I am sold on banana water! That’s what I was pouring on my avocado tree before it started blossoming.
Keeping your father-in-law in prayer my friend.
I'm so sorry to hear about Larry's dad. I will pray.
Your bread looks delicious!
Just praying for you all as a family at this time and for the medical staff who are caring for Gerald.
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