Can you believe it's almost 2010? My Word, where has the time gone? We certainly had a Wonderful Christmas this year...Crystal and Tim's engagement came as a big surprise but we were certainly happy about it! Now they're trying to iron out the details. Looks like the deed will be done on March 27th and then they'll be leaving on a cruise to the Yucatan that following Monday. Now the task is "The" clothing....LOL...I guess she'll find just the Right one...hopefully!
Nothing else really Big has happened. I do believe that's a good thing though. We have a short work week again and that's Always appreciated! Here's hoping all is well with you All and that Your Christmas's or Boxing Days were Wonderful and Happy ones! I also found a new pancake
recipe that is Out of this World good...If you have a late breakfast, this is the one to make! Happy night y'all!
PS- For those of you that are interested, I've posted a new
May all your dreams come true and may you be blessed with all the best things in life! Happy New Year 2010! XO
Here's to short work weeks! Gotta love 'em - wish we had more of them!!!LOL
Have a Happy New Year!
Nina- Thanks for popping over and leaving such sweet wishes!! Happy New Year to you to!!hughugs
Janice- I DO like those short work weeks!!Hahaa...Happy night to you sweetie!!hughugs
March 27th...as in three months from now? Good for them!
I hope you have a wonderful 2010!
Thanks Jenn!! I guess so...last I heard!
You toooo!!hughugs
HNY to you.
Happy New Year to you,and congratulations to Crystal & Tim.
We've just arrived home from Glenelg where we saw a fireworks display at midnight. Hey it is already 2010 here! Your turn will come. LOL!
Happy New Year, Donna, to you and all those wonderful beings you're surrounded by. I love you all!
Happy New Year!! I hope 2010 brings GREAT things to you and your loved ones!
Happy new year Donna! Great news about the recent question being popped, and your excitement about it is infectious..I'm looking forward to hearing all about it over the next few months!
May the new year bring everything you desire, and then some :)
Happy New Year! I'm going to try your pancake recipe with the thinner batter. I always think they're way too thick... if I make them thinner, will that make me thinner... lol! Well, I can dream can't I?
Nita Jo
Happy New Year, Donna! Best wishes for you and all your family.
It sounds like you have a head start on possitive things this year. My Crystal had a short engagement too and found the dress with no problem. No worries.
Happy New Year..
what a way to bring in the new year-- short work week, and wedding plans :))
i hope you and yours have a really happy and safe and blessed in every way 2010
and cheers to you n me too--
i aint skeered of you ya know
hugs and happy saturday to ya
Lots of love and best wishes to you, Donna, extended to your lovely family.
CJ xx
Hi Donna
Happy New Year to you and your dear ones. I hope you will have a wonderful 2010.
Happy New Year, to you and yours!
I know I'm late but hope you had a happy new year
Happy New Year Donna! I hope it's the best for you!
Donna, I am so happy to hear about Crystal. Please tell her congratulations. Love you, Nita
And a very Happy New year to you Donna! I hope all your dreams come true this year.
hugs and kisses,
Happy New Year, Donna!!
Happy New Year to you & yours sending lotsa hugs from down under!!
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