See those little toes? See those nails? They need clipping! You know those Doggy Nail grinders? I bought one....Everything was going well until I tried to slip one of Buddy's nails into the groove of the grinder...ALL hell broke loose...He screamed at me! LOUD!! I NEVER even got the nail itself up TO the grinder thingy! Gheeez! He jumped off the couch and ran into the living room...me, in hot pursuit. Let me tell you, IF looks could kill...so I gave up. I refuse to put either one of us through this. I've had forty years of nail clipping under my belt...I'm done! His Vet is going to get the pleasure of doing this along with a donation of one idiotic Nail Grinder! I SHOULD know better than believe, much less BUY something I saw on TV. I will be sitting out in the waiting room while Buddy gives the Vet the dirty looks...
Hope you all are having a good day....I can't believe it's almost the weekend again!
Ouch!!! I wouldn't attempt ours, think I'd get more than dirty looks!!!
CJ xx
p.s. I've just added one of your blog posts to my Blog Promotions page, hope that's okay.
CJ xx
Ahhhh, Thank you sweet friend...Hope all's well over there! Enjoy what's left of your day!
I know where you are coming from. Penny won't even let me look at her nails.!! She is good as gold at the groomers when they do it, but not ME!
Ha! I know exactly what you're talking about. I don't dare touch Otis and Riley's nails. We have a wonderful groomer they seem to love. I wonder why she can do it and I can't??
Haha...my dog just sees the clippers and she runs to hide!
If you won't do dogs, maybe could could try clipping sweet little kitties who wouldn't hurt a fly.
I've been curious about those grinders, they make them look so easy....Not!
Our girl would run and hide too. Our groomed takes care of her nails.
Happy weekend!
well, sorry you both had to go through this, but I gotta tell ya, those paws, nails included, are adorable. have a great weekend Donna!
what a stressful situation for both of you. I've always hated clipping dogs nails and usually wait far too long to do it. As a matter of fact I was thinking Duke's need done. Maybe I should call the vet too...lol
Poor Buddy got scared! Our pooch hated for his nails to be done. We had to both hold him down and he was so strong! The groomers never would do them.
Oh, Pedro wouldn't let us do his, either. Doc Freeman does his !! I sit and wait !! :) *HUGS*
I can totally relate to this Donna!! Neither of the girlz will let me even LOOK at their nails!! Honestly, it is easier to just have the vet or the groomer do it! I will be quite happy waiting for them in the waiting room...just like you!!
lol I have wondered about those things. Now I know. Guess I'll stick to my clippers. The ones I don't use often enough. Have a great weekend!!!
omg! Iwill never ever try this.
Thanks everyone! It's Good to know I'm Not alone in this!!Hahaa...
Hope you all have a Wonderful weekend!!
Yikes! I don't know who to feel the most sorry for- you, Buddy, or the vet!
I was wondering if those things worked... thanks for answering that question for me, Miss Donna- I'll take that as a big fat NO!
(At poor Buddy's expense! *hehe*)
Sounds like fun!!
I was trying not to laugh as I was reading your post, but...I had a visual and, well....LOLOL
It's never fun to clip a dog's (or cat's) nails, that's for sure. I have a sister-in-law who swears by those electric trimmer gizmos, but we know better than to try it on our animals. We use the old-fashioned, hand-held trimmer. However, nail trimming as always an adventure for both the animal AND the pet owner!
Sounds like a good idea to let the vet handle it in the future!!!
Brrrrrrrrrrrr... I was always afraid to clip kitty nails, when we had kitties.
Heck, I was afraid to trim my babies nails, when we had babies!
Me - Wimp - Yup!
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