Wednesday, May 3, 2023

My Turn...Us, and of Course, food....

Good morning, friends!
I swear, it's been a week.  I finally was able to complete the dreaded colonoscopy yesterday.  Since my sister's cancer diagnosis four months ago, I made an appointment and had to wait until May 2nd.  Uneventful and no polyps found!
 Yea Me!  
Larry was a took 30 minutes to get into the procedure (when I asked how many procedures a day they do, the nurse said 12 to 15 a day!)  and they put an IV into your arm...It's like you are in the lucid state but I don't remember a thing.  Next thing I knew, we were headed home!  Didn't remember a thing! 
What was I hungry for?  Fried chicken gizzards! Lolol...I'm, Larry stopped at Bushes Fried Chicken drive-thru and ordered me some.  I was so hungry!  And salt tasted wonderful.  Then off to bed for a three hour nap.
All week prior to the colonoscopy I'd been nervous...No one wants to do it but, you need to do it!  It wasn't as bad as I'd made myself believe.  I thought of a million reasons why I couldn't do it right now...childish reasons. 
I'm happy it's over.  New rules here in Texas though!  You need to start getting them at age 45 instead of 50.  Insurance will pay.  Instance being...the woman in the bed next to me had a huge polyp removed...just one but it was huge. ( I wasn't intentionally listening in!  You couldn't help overhearing the conversation).  The Dr even brought it to her bedside and showed it to her! I couldn't see it but needless to say, with all the gasping and awwwing going on, it must have been a big one!  The doctor said a few more months and it probably would have become cancerous!  The patient said she was SO glad she came in early!

My ever-trustful sidekick, Larry...

My view...

My yummy meal afterwards!

Larry getting the pergola set up to plant!  I was so excited!

Libby inspecting!

Just about finished!

And...UP it goes!!

Yea!!!  It's up and planted!  Ready for me to get my plants in the ground...

Me at age long ago!

Larry at age handsome.

Larry at age 72 on a trip we took to New York State in our motorhome.

Larry at at 50.

We hadn't been married all that long...1972
We were crazy about each other...We knew "of" each other in high school, but he was graduating, and I was in the 9th grade.  It would be a while before we'd meet again.  Vietnam interrupted us.  But we eventually met up again...dated...then married September of '72.
Just a little more about us...

Larry asked for salmon patties...hey, I got a pergola!
  I made the patties! lolol

Salmon patties with yellow squash casserole.

Yellow squash casserole...yum! 

A helpful chart...

Yes, you knew I'd sneak in a photo of our sweet great-gran, Sloane! lol
Big girl!  8 months 

Tartar sauce anyone?  This is a good one!
SO, that's about all I have for today, until next time...


Linda said...

Congrats on the good report from the colonoscopy, the fun food afterward, the pergola and all the energy you had following. I tried making salmon patties once~~it was a total failure and I haven't tried again since then. I should give it one more chance, I need to search for a good recipe. Have a great day. Linda

Sandra Cox said...

Wow. Look at you. Beautiful then. Beautiful now.
Good on you for getting your colonoscopy.

Wanda said...

So nice to have that colonostopy behind you! I have one scheduleld for September. My father had color cancer and I have had a journey with breast cancer, so don't take any chances. They did remove 2 small pallops 3 years ago.

You food looks so good, and goodness, I have not had fried chicken livers and gizzers since living at home so many years ago. I didn't know you could get them at a "fast food".

You are so beautiful and your dearest so handsome....then and now!!

photowannabe said...

I'm so glad you had the procedure done and the outcome is good. Its so important . Not fun for sure but Good anyway.
I have to admit that your choice of food after the colonoscopy isn't one that would EVER NEVER be in my brain..
Love the pergola and its a masterpiece by your Honey. He definitely is a craftsman.
What lovely photos of you two, too. Very handsome and you are beautiful.

DeniseinVA said...

Good for you! It’s not a pleasant procedure but a very important part of our health and we should all get it done. I remember being very hungry afterwards but I can’t remember what I had now. I have never seen fried chicken gizzards on the menu’s around here. Maybe we’re a little too far north. I remember my mother-in-law eating hers she saved up from the chcikens and loved them. I’m glad you enjoyed them and you certainly deserved a treat. Larry did an amazing job on that pergola. It’s going to look gorgeous covered in flowers. His reward was that scrumptious looking meal. Thank you for the tips on how to whittle a meal down to half and the recipe for tartar sauce. It’s one of my favorites to go with fish. Those old photos show what a beautiful couple you were and still are I might add. Sloane is adorable, and I always enjoy seeing photos of her. Have a great day Donna and thank you for visiting my blog. Always appreciate your sweet comments.

Ann said...

Glad to hear all went well with the colonoscopy.
You got chicken gizzards AND a pergola? you're one spoiled
Love all the old photos of you two.

Red Rose Alley said...

First, I am so sorry to hear of the woman with the big polyp, and so happy to hear it was removed and that she is Ok. I'm glad that your appt. went well too. I love fried chicken, but fried gizzards I can do without haha. The pergola Larry made is beautiful. I was wondering what it would look like, now I can see it standing. What a beauty you were at 28! And a nice photo of both of you at 50. My brother-in-law had to go to Vietnam, and he was one of the only ones in his group who made it home. Was a terrible time for my mother-in-law, who prayed every day. I'm not much of a fish person, but the salmon patties look delicious. And I love that BIG BLUE BOW on Sloane's head! Well, gotta run, mail just came that I was expecting.

Happy May Donna!


Catherine said...

You are a beautiful couple!
The pergola is such a good work now you can put plants ready to climb on it.

Bill said...

Love those old photos, it's amazing how fast time flies. Glad to hear that you had a good report from your colonoscopy. Have a wonderful day.

Granny Marigold said...

Both of you looked great then and still do now. The pergola is lovely; Just wait until it gets covered with blooms!!!
So glad your colonoscopy is done and all went well.

Jeanette said...

Glad to hear the good news on your colonoscopy! I'm always starving after a colonoscopy too but mostly really want a cup of coffee!! That is a nice pergola Larry built for you! And of course, love the pictue of that little doll baby! XO

Mevely317 said...

Great pictures, AND big congratulations on acing that colonoscopy! I've been doing the at home 'box' for a few years now, but figure I'll have to step up to the plate one of these days.
I hope your sister's latest scan came back all dark and no scary "Christmas tree lights" showing.

Mari said...

Hooray for getting the colonoscopy done. I really need to get mine scheduled!
I love the pics of you and Larry, a good looking pair in every one.
The pergola is gorgeous!

Terri D said...

Congrats on the clean colonoscopy!! Mine was a good one too. I lost both my mom and my younger brother to colon cancer so I get one every five years and have since 1999. Gotta keep after it, for sure! Sloane is adorable and so are those photos of you two "kids"!! Thanks for sharing!!

Polyester Princess said...

Well done you! But you got a pergola as a reward :-)
Loved to see the trip down memory lane photos of you and Larry, and of course you had to sneak in a photo of cutie pie Sloane. I would have been most disappointed if you hadn't :-) xxx

Lowcarb team member said...

So pleased your colonoscopy went well.
Lovely to see the old photographs of you both AND
so pleased you sneaked one of Sloane in, she is such a cutie.

All the best Jan

Margaret D said...

That's so pleasing the results were good, couldn't as for anything better than that. I'm happy for you.
We are all different but I wouldn't eat that chicken like We hardly ever have KFC.
Lovely photos of you both when younger, enjoyed seeing them. I don't really have any as I didn't have a camera until I was about 30 or 35 then I was more into taking flowers and maybe some scenery but always worked long hours.
Your photos are lovely to see - that pergola does look good and will certainly do the job.

Lin said...

So glad you made the appt for the colonoscopy and all went well. I can't for the life of me figure out why everyone freaks out about them--they are a breeze! And mammograms...we all hate them, AND they hurt...but these are so important.

Sheesh! You all are some LOOKERS! Wow! I can see why your family is full of beauties with those genes. :)

The pergola is amazing! Larry is certainly very skilled!

Anonymous said...

50? You look closer to 20.

Linda said...

Congrats on the good report...I have been putting it off...since I had a emergency hysterectomy (tmi) and the very fact I had a hard time waking up...I know excuses...anyways, such lovely photos. smiles Hope your having a beautiful Saturday.

Sally said...

Oh, Donna! So glad the colonoscopy was clear! A wonderful thing and now I'm reminded how many years have passed since I had one. Thanks for the reminder!

Beautiful pergola! Larry did a great job!

And, the salmon patties, goodness gracious. I haven't had that since Mom passed. That's going on my list, and yes with tartar sauce.

Sloane is growing like a weed and oh so cute. :)
