Thursday, July 6, 2023

Oatmeal...The Birds...Big Red Ice Cream...

 Good morning, friends!

We enjoyed a peaceful Independence Day...cooked, walked and rested.  Watched television a bit.  I ran to Walmart but, other than that...nothing.  We didn't even hear any fireworks!  I think that we are now living in the "oldie's" part of town...We have lived here 48 years so I believe we now young have bought homes elsewhere...

Rolled Oats for breakfast...make it...cut it up then wrap in waxed paper, pop into a Ziploc bag then freeze it. Thaw and heat in the microwave when you want oatmeal for breakfast.  I love to prep meals for future use.

Recipe called for adding cinnamon and brown sugar with pecan bits.  I also added a few raisins.  Heats back up just fine.

I made rice and tomatoes this week...easy...just tomatoes, rice and butter!

If you have mosquitoes, ants or other pest like wasp or scorpions, etc., you need this!  It's a heat pen that kills the venom of the bite!  We LOVE it!  Get bit...apply more itch!
Get it on Amazon.  It's called, Bite Away.  We bought several for the kids, as well.

Well ladies...I think it's mostly the truth...Lol

I made Big Red Ice Cream on Tuesday.  I've been making this for years!
From the South?  Then you know!! lol

My sweet Libby never leaves my side!  She's asleep in this

I love how our beloved and departed Kiki turned out (18yrs old)!  I know she's always around me...Larry surprised me with this one...

Larry smoked a Tri-Tip...Tender and Delicious!

You know, no post of mine would be complete without something about our greatgran Sloane! lol
This was her first Lemon Oreo!  She thoroughly enjoyed it as much as she did the Chocolate Oreo last week!  She had a lunch prior to the cookie of Chicken and applesauce...with green beans.  
She's such a joy to us old folks...

I made this pie...So Delicious!!!
Go to my cooking blog for the whole and easy experience!

Lime Cracker Pie Recipe

See what Larry made me?  Chickens! Lol...I love them! 

He also made me a hummingbird and flower!  I'm really trying to get my potting station fixed up.  It's still a work in progress, but it'll get there.

I pray you are all having a peaceful week...and are well, or at least getting there. It's still early morning here so I best get outside and do some watering.
Until next time...


Lin said...

Your food always looks so amazing! I'm going to have to enjoy it here, vicariously....big time health change (diet) starts Monday. Ugh. I have to get one of those bug bite pens!

Benita James said...

That rolled Oats looks so tasty.

The Style Fanatic

Jeanette said...

I have to get one of those pens, especially since were going on vacation next week! Your food looks delicious! All the cool stuff Larry is making for you! I live the kitty silhouette! Little Sloane is such a cutie!

Bill said...

The Bite Away thingy must be very popular. I always get bites when the bugs see me. Pouring rain here all day and cool. The oats sound and look good, I always have porridge with fruit for breakfast almost everyday. Enjoy your day.

Sandra Cox said...

Lots of fun as always. I especially love the cutting of Kiki. Looks like she's looking through the fence, doesn't it? Well done, Larry. And if she lived to 18 you done good:)

Ann said...

That pen sure sounds interesting. I've never seen those before.
Sloane sure is a cutie pie.
Larry is on a roll with the creations. Love that cat on the fence and your chickens are adorable.

Terra said...

I like the art work of the black kitty peeking out at the fence corner. Your recipes all look delicious. You have an ice cream maker, wow, that would be fun.

Wanda said...

I have to agree with your other commentors, you food is amazing. And your photos are so great they have me drooling.

We enjoyed the holiday at our granddaughter's home. This is the first time they have hosted a family holiday. It was wonderful and all I was required to bring was my dearest and myself. The baton has been passed. So I just enjoyed ice tea and loving on all the kids, grandkids and greats!!

Mari said...

Larry's done good! I like the chickens and the cat! Of course Sloane is always so cute - that big grin is so sweet!
The Cracker Lime Pie is scrumptious!
I'm going to check out the bite relief thing. Mosquitoes can be bad here.
Your oats look so good!

Margaret D said...

I laughed when I saw your comment on the little still laughing.
The food looks tasty and what a great gadget for stings and bites. Fortunately I hardly ever get bitten by a mozzie, they don't like me at all, just a very brave one might do it though.

Linda said...

I’ll have to check into that Bite Away pen. I don’t think “big red ice cream” is a thing in Virginia. I never heard of it.

Larry is very talented!

photowannabe said...

All the cut-outs are amazing. Love your Kitty peeking out from the fence.
The baby birds cracked me up..I think you are right the closed mouth is definitely a male..haha
That Bite Away sounds interesting. I may need to get one as we are being told that this year is going to be a hum dinger as far as mosquitoes are concerned.
Ahhh Sloane!!!
Thanks for giving me that beautiful smile this morning. Love the drool down the chin and her little toes. Makes me want to nibble on them.

Polyester Princess said...

Isn't that photo of Sloane absolutely delightful? She clearly loves her food, just like my step-grandson Cas!
I'll be looking into that Bite-Away pen, although I'd much rather not be bitten. Particularly by a scorpion, which we do not have here, thankfully :-)
How fabulous is that cut-out of Kiki peeking out from the fence, and I'm loving the birds and the flower and hummingbird as well.
Had to check out your recipe to find out what red ice-cream was ... xxx

Catherine said...

I love all your cooking looks so good ( I will have a look at your cooking blog) Larry’s creations are amazing!
I will have a look at the pen, this is very useful in Summer.
Here it is very hot 33 degrees C today, to hot for me!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, I wish I had that Bite Away this morning. I was watering outside early, and got bit by mosquitos. That Lime Cracker Pie looks good. Sounds refreshing in the Summer. My son would love that tri-tip - he loves a good steak. I like the hummingbird and flower Larry made. That bird quote is so true, isn't it? I love pecans and raisins in my oatmeal. It adds a little something. Hello Sloane! You sure are in a good mood today. ; ) A sweet post, Donna. Have a relaxing weekend. I hear Texas gets hot in the Summer. Stay cool.


Linda said...

OHHHHHHHHHHHH I love rice and tomatoes, ok, every food you posted here, grin. Have a beautiful day, Donna.

DeniseinVA said...

Well, the neighbors with whom we share our back yard, had two hours of very noisy, very loud fireworks. But they did stop at ten o’clock and we enjoyed them up to a point but not probably our neighbors’ dogs. We saw them through our trees and they have never looked more decorative :) A great idea on the breakfast oatmeal prep. The rice and tomatoes look good also, and the ice cream recipe. In fact, I will bookmark this post for all those yummy recipes you have shared today. Thank you!!! The heat pen sounds like a great idea. LOVED the 4 females and 1 male, I am still chuckling. Sweet Libby indeed and you have a sweet hubby to give you such a gift, an adorable reminder of Kiki. I like everything he has made in fact. Sloane is adorable as always. She looks so happy to be with you. A continued great weekend for you all.

dori said...

If all ols folks are like you Iwould prefer to live in a town full of old folks!

Best greetings to laughing Sloane! She is so nice!

Larry made very good shaddows of animals. I like his work very much!

Have a lot of wonderful days -

Best wishes from Dori from the Bavarian Forest!

Greetings to your sleeping dog!

dori said...

Wenn alle alten Leute so sind wie ihr, würde ich lieber in einer Stadt voller alter Leute leben!

Beste Grüße an die lachende Sloane! Sie ist so nett!

Larry hat sehr gute Tierschattenbilder gemacht. Ich mag seine Arbeit sehr!

Habt noch viele wunderschöne Tage -

Liebe Grüße von Dori aus dem Bayerischen Wald!

Grüße an deinen schlafenden Hund!

Lee said...

Hi, Donna...I've been very slack responding in blogs of apologies.

It's always such a joy to see photos of lovely Sloane.

Take good care...all of you. :)

Granny Annie said...

I thought you were taking some kind of pregnancy test. LOL I need one of those pens for all my mosquito bites. This post was amazing a full of great stuff...especially Sloane.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Donna. The food all looks and sounds great. I eat oatmeal almost every morning breakfast, so I may give that oatmeal tip a try. The "bite away" sounds interesting. I may have to look into getting one of those. Darling picture of Sloane. I know she brings you a lot of joy. I love the silhouettes your husband makes for you. He is so talented! I hope the coming week is a good one for you! See you again soon!

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I’m intrigued by the Oats that you make ahead of time. I don’t eat enough oatmeal, in fact, I don’t eat any at all because I don’t want the hassle in the morning. I like the idea of making some ahead of time to use later. Perhaps you would be willing to share your recipe or process for this.

Sandra Cox said...

Good info on the heat pen.You always find the neatest stuff.

ashok said...

Oat meal looks healthy..lovely post

Food Blogger said...

Thanks about the pen. I need it, living in a tropical country with mozzies!

Great photos about your amazing food.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh girl that lime cracker pie! I'm so glad you made it! Now you have to try the Lemon Icebox Pie I talked about in my most recent post. Love Larry's silhouettes! They are so sweet and witty! xoxo

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.