Sunday, September 24, 2023

Cookies, Cake, Pie and Sublimation?

Good morning, friends!
Sorry to have been gone for so long!  It's been a busy week.  I kept Sloane for three days instead of our usual one, on Mondays.  Her ears again, and teething.  She had good moments and bad.  It's hard to watch someone you love, hurt.  But all my granny tricks worked and by the end of each day, she went home happier than when she arrived.

She is loving her chair...I placed it between me and Gampa's chairs, in the living room.  Taking care of her baby like Gamma takes care of I said how much we love her? lol

Finally, a happy face...

I believe this was Tuesday that we went into town to do a few errands.  We stopped at the local Collin Street Bakery for a coffee and turnovers.
We were sitting at our table when I started to look out a window to my left, and  saw this rack with cookies just sitting the open air...just sitting there...:O[
I can't imagine why...I thought about going up to ask but, lost the will.  Every day we see something, somewhere, that says, "We don't care".   When are people going to start caring again?  I'm tired...

It doesn't take long for those baked items to go stale...or some fly sees a tasty treat...
What would you have done?

Well, as if we didn't have enough hobbies to conquer...we bought a new printer just for Sublimation.  What the heck is that, you ask...Click Here to see what it's all about.  This looks fun since whatever you print on things, it won't peel up.

These are two t-shirts I did for our Sloane.  Not by sublimation but by the basic vinyl cutting on my Cricut  smart cutting machine.  Fun projects.
I'm still in the process of setting up the new printer and learning how to do things.

Black sparkly vinyl and solid orange.

And here's my old trusty sidekick, in all things mayhem.  Needed an extra place to store all my crafting bits and bobs.  A six tier metal rack worked perfectly.
Just realize, I haven't gotten the supplies sorted!  It's needing baskets and labels, but I'll get there.

I decided to make a new recipe for banana nut pound cake that I saw on Pinterest...turned out horrible!  Hockey-pucks!!  I could have done some real damage if I wanted to throw them!  Oh the trash they went (boy, that hurt...wasted flour, sugar and nuts...uggg).  

This is my old "tried and true" recipe for banana nut poundcake.  Wonderful.  Never fails me.  Should have baked these in the first place but nothing ventured, etc.

I also baked a coconut pie maybe last weekend? Really good! 

I received, by mail...(I Love getting "real" mail!) this Oh So Pretty card from blogger mate, Ann.  I'm a little prejudice about her and her talents (baker...crafter...candlestick, well she did a time or two, make a candle)  since I've been following her for years.  Can't say enough good things about her...So!  Thank you Ann!  I'll be getting you one back, shortly!  How fun!
Check out her August 21st post about her cards. Maybe you'd like to join in on the fun?!!

Well, I've bent your ear long enough.  Hope you're having a sweet and peaceful until next time...may God keep His hand on us all...


Linda said...

I just love that cabinet that is behind your husband, smiles. And Sloane is just so cute, my friend. Have a great day friend.

photowannabe said...

Precious Sloane.. That photo of her in her special chair..perfection.
So sorry her ears are still giving her trouble. Grandma fix seems to have worked though.
Love your shelf. Kind of looks like mine in our tiny laundry room (but far more neater) Seems there is never enough places for "Stuff"
Your banana pound cake looks delish..sorry about your first attempt.
Lots of goodies you make. I just can't have them in the house..the pounds just pile on!!

Bill said...

Sloane enjoying her new chair, how nice and cute. That banana pound cake sounds and looks delicious. If I saw the rack of cookies sitting outside, I would have just told the people in the bakery. Have a nice new week, Donna.

Polyester Princess said...

I am glad to hear your granny tricks worked, Donna, and that they put a smile on Sloane's face by the the end of the day!
I'm loving the t-shirts and the new craft supply rack assembled by your trusty sidekick :-)
Such a shame the new recipe was horrible ... what a waste.
Re. the cookies, I'm not sure what I would have done. But you're right, standards have definitely been slipping lately :-( xxx

Granny Marigold said...

In regards to your Banana poundcake...I don't understand why we try new recipes when we know very well that our old ones turn out just fine. I do that too and almost always end up disappointed.
I'm impressed with your orderly craft supplies on your new shelves. Isn't it fun to get it all sorted? You'll have lots of fun with your new "toy".

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Sorry to hear Sloane is still having trouble wth her ears and those pesky teeth coming through. She is a lucky girl to have you and the rest of her loving family to get her through this time. Lots of love to Sloane.
Great job done on the metal racks.
The 'tried and tested' Banana Nut Poundcakes look delicious. Shame about the first lot.
Have a great week.
B x

Sandra Cox said...

Those t shirts are too cute:)

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Those T-shirts are just darling! You have been a busy girl, with creating, baking, and family matters. I hope that the upcoming week is a good one for you.

dori said...

You are such a good and sweet Gran dgrandma! What a big blessing, that you can say, tha sweet Sloane is after theday with you ad your dear husband (best friend) more happy and more smiling than a the beginnig of her coming to you! BLESSING BLESSING BLESSING!

dori said...

Du bist so eine gute und süße Oma! Was für ein großer Segen, dass du sagen kannst, dass die süße Sloane nach dem Tag mit dir und deinem lieben Mann (bester Freund) glücklicher und lächelnder ist als am Anfang, als sie zu euch gekommen ist! Segen, Segen, Segen!

Mari said...

Oh sweet Sloane! I can see she is going to love that chair!
I'm intrigued by the sublimation. What fun! I'm going to have to look into that more.

Margaret D said...

Love the T-shirts, they do look great.
Children bounce back after not feeling well as you know but like you I don't like to see them not well.

Catherine said...

Love the picture of Sloane in her new chair, it looks very confortable ! I also have been baking plum crumble this weekend. I sometimes try recipes from the net which are terrible, so I come back to my old recipes.
The new shelves are very useful I have some myself.
I hope your sister is getting better and better
Have a nice week and I hope Sloane is much better this coming week.

Ann said...

Aww, Sloane is just so adorable. Those shirts you made her are really cute. I've done a couple things like that but it's not my favorite to work with. I've considered the sublimation printer but I'm too cheap to buy one since I don't know if I would use it that much. I mainly prefer to work with paper. Oh and I have made a candle or two in my
Glad you liked your card and thanks so much for the praise.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oooooh baby Sloane is so deliciously darling! I hope she feels all better now. I have wanted to order a Deluxe Fruitcake from the Collin Street Bakery for the last several Christmases, but I never do it. I'm afraid I'd have to eat it all myself and I WOULD because I love fruitcake! I just get me one little Claxton and call it a day. I had my consciousness raised to the Collin Street Bakery by a TV show I watched several years ago about cheerleading competitions, hahaa! I can't remember what one had to do with the other except the cheerleaders may have been from Corsicana. As to the rack of forgotten cookies, I would not have done anything but then like you, I am so sick and tired of no one caring much about anything to do with quality anymore. When you think of who will be in charge of this world when we are long gone and our grands are our age, it is enough to make you cringe. Lord help. xoxo

Lin said...

Oh, poor Sloane! That is a such a hard stage and it's hard to comfort them when their teeth hurt. I'm glad that you can take care of her on those rough days so that she has extra time to be held and just loved.

That Ann is so AWESOME and skilled! She makes all sorts of beautiful things, doesn't she? Nice that you got one of her cards!

Wanda said...

Oh Donna. What fun to read your post today. When you are gone for a while you are so missed. That darling Sloane in her chair with her doll. Melt my heart. And seeing you dearest sitting on the floor putting something together is beyond my thinking...I will explain ~~ Even when my dearest was 100% healthy he is not a "fixer" guy. In fact our deacons always said "Don't give Pastor Don tools!!" He can whip up a heart touching sermon and teach a powerful Bilbe study....but don't give him tools!! So hats off to your hubby!! I'm so impressed. (PS God gave us a son who can fix anything!! Yeah)
I gues tried and true is the best policy. I haven't had coconut pie in ages and yours looks so good!
Always a joy to come and spend time with you.!! Hugs.

DeniseinVA said...

Awww, Sloane is such a precious baby and so hard to see the wee ones sick. Hope she’s feeling better by now. Grandma’s know how to make things better don’t they ? :) Coffee and that turnover looks really good right now. Ewww on flies on cookies, I guess they will be throwing those away, what a shame. Thanks for the chuckle, at first I said oh no, not again and then I saw the red shoes and laughed out loud. And now I know what sublimation is, thank you for that too. Those cri-cut shirt designs are great! Way to go Larry! Your new rack is going to get a lot of use. Sorry about your hockey pucks. Had those too and tried and true recipes seem always to be the best. All your baking looks so yummy. Ann makes such pretty cards and how lovely to get one in the mail. I love her blog too. Another great post Donna, thank you always and for stopping by mine.

Jennifer said...

Coconut pie looks delish...and so reminds me of my dad! He loved to bake a coconut pie:) Sure hope Sloane's ear will stop hurting. Poor thing - but she does look happy!:)

Gattina said...

Little Sloane looks so cute sitting in her chair !

Debbie Nolan said...

Donna your cabinet is wonderful. You must have real treasures stored there. Sorry Baby Sloane was having such a hard time. Looks like you worked Grammy magic and got her better and smiling. Your banana pound muffins look fabulous. Sometimes those old and tried recipes are the best. I too have sampled certain recipes on pinterest and been vastly disappointed. The card Ann made you is so adorable. Will certainly stop over and visit her. Well have a great end of the week. Hugs!

Belinda said...

We have multiple shelves like that and just love them. They are so great in helping to get things organized.

diane b said...

You sure are a busy one. Looking after Sloane and baking and everything else.

Lee said...

A full, interesting, colourful post! Now I'm hungry! :)

Beautiful Sloane...what a little treasure she is.

Not a good idea those cookies etc. out for flies and goodness knows what else to play around with!!!

Take good care.