Monday, February 27, 2023

Celebrating Birthdays and my Week

 Good morning! Had a couple of birthdays to celebrate over the weekend.  Our Son In Love, married to our daughter, Crystal, mom to our granddaughter, Samantha...who is mom to baby that?

Anyway...They enjoyed their special days, together, with Sloanes grandparents, Lolli & Pops, Sam's mom and Dad.

They don't live close so Larry and I had to forgo the celebration in person but there were photos sent to us.

Tim loves anything chocolate and Sam loves strawberry.

I made Banana Pudding cookies for Sam to carry with her to her Mom and Dad's home...

Our Sloaney Girl.  I kept her Friday for a few hours before Sam had to leave town and head to her folks house.  She ate 3/4ths of that jar of carrots!  And another 1/4th of blueberries and pears...Big girl!  I haven't given her anything she didn't like, so far.

Here's Larry, Great-Gampa, having a deep conversation with

Nap time 

Here's a photo of my sister Ruth Ann, in her early 30's.  

Ruth Ann just about five years ago...perfect time to get that colonoscopy...and didn't.

Made toast for Saturday's breakfast.  I experimented by adding poblano chilis and cheddar cheese...Larry loved it!! 

Also made chili with homemade bread for Sunday's lunch.

This is our Libby (pug).  She's my constant companion.  She's now nine years old... and has my heart.  We've had other furrbabies over the years and also have, now, a Chihuahua, something pup we love, as well, named Buddy (12).   He's adorable but not very cuddly.  I think he's a man's man type of dog.  He's chose Larry as his Alpha.  I once sprayed him with after bath puppy sweet smelling spray and since then, if I'm anywhere near him with a spray bottle, I get the stink-eye...lolol...but he's our sweetie boy.

Well, I hope you have a sweet and peaceful week.  Ruth Ann begins her second chemo treatment this morning.  She's doing well, no ill effects showing up yet.  She's driving herself to the center...says she feels up to it now.  Sister Laura said she wants to visit with the doctor a bit and I'm not going because our Sloane can't attend daycare today because of will fill me in on the visit she has with the doctor, later today so, until next time, 

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Nutrition = Enchiladas?

Good morning, friends.  Hope you are doing sickness or troubles.  I know that may not be the case but know that God's Got This, and there's nothing He can't handle. 
 This is the way Ruth Ann, Laura and I, need to look at things.  Ruth Ann and I had another little argument yesterday...The insurance is giving her the run-around about going into a rehab for strength building and nutrition...I told her enchiladas didn't qualify as a nutritious meal...I think that started her when I asked her if she'd been using her treadmill for strength building in her legs, she blew up.  Yes, I'm a nurse...but no, I've never worked in phycology and very little in geriatrics.  I was in OB/GYN for years. I don't want her to get upset but then again, maybe a little "charge" once in a while might help motivate her?  I don't know...If any of you have any ideas, they'd be much appreciated.  I also know that it's hard to give advice when you're not in a situation so don't worry about it...we'll get things worked out.

Ruth Ann in younger days...helping now ex hubby work on his Porche.

This is how Laura, Ruth Ann and me, feel these

I made time to bake some banana bread.  Turned out really good...served hot with butter.


Sam took our Sloane to her cousin's One Year birthday party the other day...Lolol...Sloane is at that "aware and reactive" stage.  Arlis (baby cousin) tried pinching she reacted by trying to grab his arm, rather aggressively, letting him know she wasn't putting up with any rough play. Lol...good girl!

Lordy, she has us wrapped around her little finger.

I was cleaning out my closet over the weekend when I came across my mother's, now vintage Squash Blossom jewelry.  A choker, necklace...rings.  She passed away in ''d think I'd have already stowed things away...  All are now safely put away into our floor safe.  

This is my grandfather...(mom's Dad)  He was 1/2 Cherokee Indian.  As a little girl, I remember him and my great grandmother coming for a visit.  Full blooded Cherokee...beautiful black braids and some of the native dress on.  Funny how a five year old can remember these things... 

Here's a good rice pudding recipe, if you are so inclined...

And our lovely Samantha and hubby, Everett.  Excellent parents of our SloaneyGirl.  
Hope you enjoy a beautiful day...until next time...

Friday, February 17, 2023

A Big Difference…

There has been a difference in my sister’s attitude lately, which is great!  She’s gone from feeling desolate to feeling hopeful.  You can see it in her photo.  And no, she doesn’t mind the photos.  She says maybe her story will help someone else.  The look on her face in the first shot just grabbed my heart…We think she’s beginning to come around to the fact that it’s going to be a long battle and she needs to get on board...and the Zoloft has helped, as well.

She just had a birthday on Wednesday…76th.
For her special day, she wanted to eat burritos…so, I carried her to a little place she likes to order from, to take home.  I ordered four burritos with a small bag of chips and a small cup of salsa.  Two for her and two for me and my husband, Larry.  Hers were potato, egg, bacon and avocado.  Mine were potato, bacon, cheese, and egg…The man handed me the small bag with all that I had ordered.  He says, “that’ll be $48.65…😳😳😳 Then, after I picked my chin up off the floorboard…I said, “HOW MUCH???”
Long story short, I apologized for being rude, but the amount shocked me.  Then he also apologized for having gone up on his prices.  I gave my sister a stunned look, shifted the car into drive and, holding onto the bag of gold…off we went.
I’ve not been shocked like that in years.  Almost $50 for BURRITOS?
I’m still upset…Ruth Ann was bewildered.  Just a few weeks ago she’d ordered burritos and it was about $15…. for two, with salsa and chips.
Can you say recession?  And gouging??

Much better!

I made bread…

Our little SloaneyGirl turned 6months old on Wednesday, as well. 💗🎀💗

We enjoyed sweet potatoes for lunch…

This is a yummy recipe for tomato sauce!  We add cooked hamburger meat.

I made a cherry cobbler…

SO good served hot with cream!

Any takers?? Lolol

Big Hugs,
Donna 🌷

Sunday, February 12, 2023

A Slow Sunday…🎀

Good afternoon…just checking in.  My sister begins her chemo treatments tomorrow morning.  She’ll be staying 4 to 5 hours…Chair #1.
Not sure what the chair numbering is all about because the day of orientation, Samantha needed a babysitter for baby Sloane…I couldn’t say no.  It’s like Spring when she comes…warm and comforting.

Samantha, Sloane’s mom working her magic.

Our Miss Sloane

I’ve started the Carnivore way of eating…again.  I’d started several months ago but 
with the way things started happening in my life, I had to stop.  The call of carbs was just too strong.
The above photo is fried pork roast, shredded.  Delicious with salt. 

This is fried hamburger patties…Gouda cheese slices on top with heavy cream gravy.
Just wow…

These are bacon, cheese and onion scones.  
Now you understand why I needed to start the Carnivore way of eating…😂

There’s a volunteer company in town that builds ramps for the elderly.  They built one for my sister.
I think, when she saw it, it drove home the fact that she’s not that young girl any longer.  That sometimes, with aging, comes big life choices.  
You can't fight Father Time.

Grilled steak and buttered garlic shrimp…

Must be a sign…a reminder perhaps?

Bought our little Sloane a walker.  She had a bouncer, but it became a bit boring.  She looked at me the last time I kept her, and I believe her eyes were telling me she needed wheels…cross my heart! Lolol…I ain’t changing my story…
May the miles she travels be safe and blessed ones and may God hold her in the palm of His hand.

Hope you all are enjoying your weekend.  Be safe, hug your loved ones, a lot.

A Big Hug,

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Getting To Know Me a Little More...

Good morning, friends!  It's still busy around here but thought I'd do an update.
We'd bought Ruth Ann (sister) a dishwasher.  Her old one hadn't worked in probably 25 years.  She needed, adding to her money, we pitched in and got the purchase done through Best Buy.  Lordy, what a trip that was.  They now have to order your purchases...shipping containers are just sitting on the Pacific and Atlantic Coast... We had to wait 36 days for it and, getting the installation done was itself, a nightmare. But it's now in... thank You, Lord! 

This is our oldest grandson, Tylar and his sweet bride, Sara.  It's her birthday Feb the 8th, they are stationed in Hungary...he's in the Air Force.

This is grandson number Two, William.  Air Force, stationed in Tucson, Arizona.  God, how we miss the boys.

This is our granddaughter, Samantha, Baby Sloane's mom...she's a stylist and does quite well for herself!  

My Larry and I helped run the family business, (we are now retired, Larry's brother is now at the helm) a plumbing company, well known in our area...reputation, built on service.  I was working as an LVN but was needed at the family business I went after 15 years of nursing.  Pipes, you know, are basically the same whether they are in the body or the ground.  
We have tried to educate the public on what to call water heaters when say, I'm possibly needing a Water heater...not, a Hot water Heater!  That's redundant!  A water heater heats the water...thus, hot isn't needed in the description.  I was guilty of this being a newlywed...but was quickly schooled.  I don't know of a plumber anywhere that doesn't laugh about this.  
How do you say it? 

Our greatgran, Sloane

Our daughter, Crystal (Lolli) and her granddaughter, Sloane, yesterday.

Larry roasted coffee beans for us because we were nearly out...Fabulous flavor. 

My sister Ruth Ann (76 this month) last Monday at the IHop...the day she felt great...and myself 71). 
She spent the next few days "stoved up" in her shoulder and hand pulling herself up into the truck that's as tall as a Dooley (2 tires on each side of the rear.)  She's better now thank goodness because tomorrow, Monday, she gets her chemo port installed on her upper chest.

Our "sister" Laura, 55 (laughing with another customer who had just told a joke) ...married to Ruth's Ex...a huge help in our lives and no, there's no animosity between them...they both know the guy has issues....but she's  
So giving...kind.

Well, this post was more or less a "get to know me" a little more, for my new friends.
Hope you all have a sweet week ahead!  Stay warm or cool wherever you are.

A Big Hug,
Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.