Good morning, friends...Just a short post today. I hope you all enjoyed your Easter holidays. It didn't make any difference to Larry and me because, we are retired, and get time off every day.

An update on our little Candy, the Frug...We gave her to a family friend of my granddaughter, Samantha. I know, I know...just wait... She has a family, two school age daughters and a hubby and they are in love with her. Now you older blog buddies understand our reasons for giving her up...the younger ones, may not yet, get it. We love Miss Candy and tried valiantly to take good and proper care of her. Larry is almost 76 and I'll be 72 this Summer...Getting up and down constantly... taking out...bringing in, to no avail, while still finding poop in the house......chasing a puppy before she finds that hole in the fence that a half pound pup can squeeze through...feeling like you should have kept playing baseball because you can see the advantage of using all those skill sets...never leaving the house because you're afraid she might be crying her eyes out in her crate...hoping you don't run out of Band-Aids for those puppy bites with those needle sharp teeth...ahhh...while trying to dig those sticks out of her mouth, and the supreme amount of jealously between our two older dogs, Libby and Buddy. They absolutely refused to succumb to her charms.
We are sad and feel like old failures...Our reasoning, in the first place, was that should our two older babies...leave us...we'd still have the love of Candy. I know, may sound silly but we love our pets and know we'd not enjoy living in a home without the love of one...hence, Candy. Well, we didn't well and truly account for our ages. When you move on in life, you don't really stop and remember how you feel rolling out of bed in the mornings or the after effects of picking up 25 pound babies...It hits you in places you'd forgotten were there. You think you can still do the things you did, even five years ago...not so.
Libby the Pug, 9 years oldBuddy the Chi-pin, almost 13.
So... Realizing our limitations, I gave her to a young family whom I know, without a doubt, will grow up with her...and love her.
The house is again clean and back to its old routine but this time, we are grateful for the routine. And glad knowing Candy will be much happier where she now is.
Hope you all enjoyed Easter...thanked God for loving us enough to send His most loved thing in His universe...His Son...saving us all, simply, from ourselves.
Until next time...