Good morning, friends!
Goodness! Another week has flown by!!
I had to venture down state to my daughter Crystal and hubby Tim's house, in Magnolia (love the name of the town!) to babysit their three fur babies. I apologize for not commenting on your's been a week!
They were heading to Arkansas with their son and his girlfriend, Alyssa and dog, Wesley. Will is in the Airforce and has gotten informed he's moving to Little Rock AF Base, which is in Jacksonville, AR... I'm not positive on all the locations yet. I just need the new address. I was told they'd be gone until Sunday...but...they came back in the next day, late. Business concluded, apartment rented, they just wanted to get back. Will and Alyssa still need to drive home to Tucson, AZ, which is a 14 hr trip from Magnolia.
Leaving today or tomorrow.
I left the next morning that they returned, to head back home to Larry and my fur babies. It was so good to see our grandson Will...he's now 24!! Hard to imagine!
I made the trip home safe and sound in about three hours. Larry stayed behind to keep our babies. I got unpacked then we ate lunch... and I rested.
This is Bo. He has to take medicine for seizures morning and night. He did great while I was there.
This is Toby...the ham...the 'lil old man. I swear he's part human! He was a bit upset with me because Bo was sitting next to me instead of him! Sat on his bed (one of many!) just staring at me...lolol
I finally coaxed him onto the sofa after Bo left. But he was still stand-offish.
Finally decided to forgive me...lolol
He's just a little (big) love!
Here's Tim, Wesley the dog, Alyssa and William working out the apartment agreement.
It has a very nice pool...and after Tim (dad) called the local police station to verify location and neighborhood statistics on crime in the area, the deal was struck. Will and Alyssa had been victims of a robbery at their third-floor apartment last month. They were asleep in their bedroom but thank God, the bedroom door was also locked so they didn't bother trying to get in. Will woke Alyssa and told her someone was in the apartment and to be quiet while he investigated. Glock in hand, they made off with what they had time to steal. The police said they had too many cases right now to investigate but as soon as they were able, they'd check it out...(WHAT???)...'s Tucson, Arizona and there's a border crisis going on. I get it. You know they'll never catch them.
SO... onward to a new state, a new apartment (supposedly a great reputation). Will needs to report to his new duty station by the week before Thanksgiving. His mom and dad (Crystal & Tim) will be going there for Thanksgiving to meet Alyssa's parents...hummm...:O) we love her!
And I must post about Sloane's adventure to the pumpkin patch!
So, until next time...