Monday, May 20, 2024

Lessons...Learning, Libations and Love.

         Good morning, Friends...Just a little catch-up for the week.

It was fast and furious.  I went down to my daughter and SIL's house last Wednesday to baby-sit their dogs while they left to go to Arkansas to spend a few days with their son, William. (Air Force).  Larry stayed home to sit with our babies...I returned home yesterday around 10:30am (Sunday).

While I was babysitting, a really bad storm popped up...80 mile an hour winds...3 active tornadoes north of Magnolia, where me and the babies were.  I didn't know about the tornadoes just north of us...(3) (thank goodness because ignorance can be bliss) and anyway, seriously, what could I have done about it?  So...we just huddled together on the sofa...power went off...and I found I wasn't a bit scared.  You know that feeling you have come over you that says, "It'll be okay, either way"?  Well that was me...Ca serra, serra (what will be, will be).. The worst was over except the rain, in about 20 minutes.  The photo below is a news source photo of a house here in Magnolia.  NOT my kid's house.  86-110 wind speed is classified tornadic winds.  Ours was 80 so that tells you how windy it was.  Now, just waited for the power to come back on...A day and a half later, it did...The power company did a great job of restoring power in our area!  Seeing that millions were without power (and still are) in the Houston and surrounding areas...

Thank you Jesus!  And SIL Tim...He got a friend to come to the house the next day and start the generator for us.  At least I could plug in the refrigerator and make a cup of hot coffee...Godsend!

What I wasn't happy about was one of their neighbors knocking on my door right after (maybe 10 minutes) the power was restored, to announce to me that "The power Is On!"...huh??  I hadn't noticed because I had turned off all electric things to help the grid when power restarted.

The generator is loud but the whole street was filled with generator noise...and the old neighbor wanted me to shut ours, Now...short and sweet...and making an aggravated face...

I didn't even bother opening the front door as I responded through the glass panel, "yes, Okay...give me a minute!"  I would have Never done that to a neighbor!   I wanted to ask if he was the Generator Police...but was too pissed.  Never even asked if I was alright...guess he's never heard of treat others like you'd want to be treated...


Poor Toby...I think he was a little scared...

Toby, right before the storm...big baby.

Sweet William and Kira,  whom Crystal and Tim went to Arkansas to visit.

I was so happy just to have a hot cuppa coffee again!

And it's no post without our sweet Sloane in it!

This is how it felt to me, driving the 2 hours to Magnolia...been awhile!  Not a long trip...just long enough to blow the cobwebs out of my brain.

Larry's at it again...This turned out so cute!  Already has orders for more.

The Far Side

Well, I suppose that's all from my side of the world.  Hope you all are safe from the weather!
Sorry about not reading your blogs...It's been quite the week...
So, until next time...


Mari said...

Oh my! That was quite a storm. I'm so glad you were ok.
The pic of Toby before the storm is so cute! And of course, Sloan is always cute!

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

After a bit of a faff this end trying to reach you, all is good after hubby sorted things out. Larry you are so talented. I love 5 o'clock. Actually it's 3 o'clock here but I'm not worried.
Glad you were all ok after the storm and electricity was restored fairly quickly. Just a shame about the neighbour being annoying.
Have a good week whatever you are doing.

Jeanette said...

Oh wow! I'm glad you weren't scared. It reminds me of the storm we had last year although I don't think we had 80 mph winds! Glad you ok and pffftttt to that neighbor! That spice chart is good to have. I make my own Italian seasoning and seasoned salt! XO

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Donna! So glad that you and your family were safe in all the stormy weather. I love the plaque Larry made. So fun. Have a good week. See you again soon!

photowannabe said...

Donna, so glad you are safe and your kids home was safe too.
Crazy neighbor..I don't blame you for being "just a little annoyed".
Generators are a necessity in Tornado alley I would think.
Ahhh..a nice cuppa hot coffee soothes anything.
Larry does amazing work.. the 5 o'clock somewhere wooden plaque is fantastic. He's a true craftsman.
Stay safe

DeniseinVA said...

That was quite a week Donna! It’s a lovely family network that you have, as in this case babysitting those sweet dogs. The storm was a doozy! Tornadoes are scary things, even to hear about. The power people I find are often unsung heroes, and sweet of Tim to get in touch with the neighbor. As the for the one knocking on your door, I guess there’s always one in the neighborhood. Toby sure is a cutie-pie! Those photos of him are adorable as is the one of William and Kira. And talking about sweeties, I am always happy to see photos of the ever so sweet Sloane. The one of the dove’s nest made me laugh, as did the neanderthals. Larry sure is a talented guy, I love his latest work of art. Thank you for all the spice mixes. No problem on visiting my blog, I’ve had a real hard time catching up too lately. Life takes first and foremost. Thanks for another great post!

Linda said...

I'm so glad you had peace through the storm! And your coffee!
Larry did GOOD on that sign! He is so creative - and so are you!

dori said...

O Donna! How brave! Your faith made your heart able to trust on Jesus. But your nerves were attacked after such a long time without coffee, so the crazy neighbour was not a good feeling :)
I'm very afraid of tornados. In former times we did not have any tornados in Germany. But now we also expect tornados. Some towns had in the last days heavy rain in th middle of Germany with big problems. New thunderstorms will come next days. I hope, my ranch will be safe. Many greetings and blessings to you and to your whole family includig ALL your babies - from Dori from the Bavarian Forest.

dori said...

O Donna! Wie mutig! Dein Glaube hat dein Herz dazu befähigt, auf Jesus zu vertrauen. Aber die Nerven waren nach so einer langen Zeit ohne Kaffee angegriffen, da war der verrückte Nachbar kein gutes Gefühl :)
Ich habe große Angst vor Tornados. Früher gab es in Deutschland keine Tornados. Aber jetzt erwarten wir auch Tornados. In einigen Städten kam es in den letzten Tagen zu starken Regenfällen in der Mitte Deutschlands, die große Probleme mit sich brachten. In den nächsten Tagen wird es neue Gewitter geben. Ich hoffe, dass meine Ranch in Sicherheit ist. Viele Grüße und Segenswünsche an Dich und Deine ganze Familie inklusive ALLER Deiner Babys – von Dori aus dem Bayerischen Wald.

Henny Penny said...

So glad you were okay through the storm, and not afraid. Gave me chills to read about it. I am so very afraid of storms...even a small thunderstorm. I have horrors of being alone in one. The dog is adorable. Neighbors!!

Granny Marigold said...

That must have been quite the storm! I'm glad you were okay (except for losing power). That old fellow sure was rude :(

Margaret D said...

You certainly were not in the best place when the storm came through.
Trees are a hazard in storms.
Love Larry's creation.

Ann said...

Wow, those winds made quite a mess. I'm glad it didn't do any damage where you were at. That was pretty rude of the neighbor. I think I would have left the generator on just a little longer

A Joyful Chaos said...

Glad you are all okay after that storm.

Some neighbors can be interesting, can't they?!

Polyester Princess said...

I'm glad to hear you weren't scared Donna. I know I would have been!
I bet you were glad of that cup of coffee, but what a rude neighbour. Some people ... xxx

Red Rose Alley said...

Sounds like the storm was pretty bad in certain parts of the state. Glad to hear that your daughter's house had no damage from it. My neighbor has a generator, and you're right, they're loud! Toby looks huge in that picture where he's sitting straight up. The bird nest photo is so funny. That's why I try to get out every day haha. I bet that first cup of hot coffee felt like a sigh of relief.

Have a blessed week, Donna.


Sandra Cox said...

Yikes. Sorry you had to deal with bad weather but sounds like you handled it. That dude was too rude.

Lowcarb team member said...

Goodness! That was quite a storm!
So pleased you were okay.

Always a pleasure to see sweet Sloane.

Take care, my good wishes.

All the best Jan

Jennifer said...

So glad all ended well with that story of a storm. Minus the neighbor. And so glad you and Toby had each other. He looks incredibly unimpressed! Hooray for generators that allow us to still have coffee!!:)

Lin said...

Oh my! That was a scary storm! I'm glad you are okay. As for the neighbor....what a jerk. Gotta wonder about people like that.

Sandra Cox said...

Toby looks like a sweetie:)

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Is it just me, or does it seem as though we’re having a lot more storms this year than we have in the past? I don’t mind the rain, because it’s good for getting my deck garden started, but having been hit by a tornado in the past, I can’t say that I am a fan of high winds. I downloaded that spice chart. That’s going to be very handy. Thanks for that. Have a great memorial day weekend

Linda said...

Oh wow on that storm damage etc. Wishing you a beautiful Sunday, my friend.

Sandra Cox said...

Are you still okay? Things sound pretty crazy there.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Wow that was a dramatic event and I'm so glad you're okay. I'm like you: Just so I can have my cup of coffee, hahaha! xoxo