Monday, May 27, 2024

Heros...Gravy, Germans and Cows...

Memorial Day...USA
God  Bless us all...a Day of Remembrance.
The above photo is of a Vietnam Veteran.  My Larry fought there from 1968 to 1969.  Useless war!  Over 58,000 of our young men and women perished so the government could become rich.  Gotta' have a war, you know!  Run those guns...Anyway, I still can't forget or forgive the peaceniks for mistreating the Heroes that returned from there.  Let's just say, Jane isn't welcomed here!

Good morning, Friends.  Just another week of, not much happening.  Although...that's probably a good thing.  Tornadoes have been busting out all over Texas lately.  And you're not really given much warning.  We just try to stay prepared.  Generator, battery powered lamps, kerosene lamps...matches...candles, etc.  It's been raining here an awful lot.  Really unusual for Texas!  We are the red hot state...not the tropical state.   You want fair winds, go to Florida.

 I made eggrolls the other day.  They were so good!  We love Chinese food but it is getting really high at restaurants...dollar wise.  I'll be trying to find a good recipe for Korean fried chicken, as well.

Also made biscuits and gravy...
Larry's new project.  I love it!  

I found this chart to be really interesting!  Maybe it can help you, as well.  I started taking magnesium several months ago and feel so much better.

 Our grandson Tylar (R) with a crewmate at the base in Hungary.  We really miss him and Sara.  It's been almost 4 years since we've seen them. :o(

I got an order for a German Chocolate Cake from my granddaughter Samantha's friend, Chandice.  She was wanting to surprise her hubby for his birthday.   She said, "the gooier the better"! lol


You know Sloane has to be in my post

I made Apple Pie Ice Cream...NO, not the above photo but, see the Ice Cream??  That!  That's what I on my cooking blog if you want it.

Well...I suppose that's about it for me.
I pray you all are doing well and staying safe in this crazy weather.
So... until next time... 


Ann said...

A very nice tribute to our fallen heros. I've always thought it was disgusting how soldiers were treated after the Viet Nam war.
With that chart, it makes you wonder if a lot of things doctors prescribe could just be helped with vitamin supplements instead.
That cake looks so good. I think I gained 10 pounds just looking at it.
Larry sure is good with that machine of his. He should open up his own shop. I bet he would sell a lot.

Linda said...

My dad was spit on when he returned from Vietnam, that is something he refuses to discuss (Vietnam). He was drafted and shot down...long story.

"You want fair winds, go to Florida."--girl you have me laughing. It is so hot and humid here in Central Florida, I can't wait to make the 45 min. drive to the beach Friday. Or as I say, fall off the face of the earth. Once you cross the St. Johns River (the bridge) it sure feels like one is falling off the face of the Earth. smiles

Mari said...

Thank you to Larry and Tyler for their service.
I love Larry's new project. I also like the cow meme! :)
Your food looks good. Chandice's hubby will like that cake!

Polyester Princess said...

Oh my, those egg rolls, that gooey chocolate cake and, above all, the apple pie ice cream. Reading your blog isn't very good for my figure :-)
Loving Larry's latest project, the mosquito trap, and Sloane, of course! xxx

Jeanette said...

Oh my gosh I love that sign that Larry made! It's beautiful! I can personally attest to how B-12 helps with canker sores! I have been taking it for about 2 years and almost never get them and if I do, they are small and short lived! I have been able to enjoy tomatoes, oranges and strawberries once again without suffering the consequences! I also have been using magnesium spray on the bottom of my feet for a month or so before bed and I think it really has helped me sleep better. That sure is a goopy cake but looks delicious! Cutest picture of Sloane yet! Take care, buddy! XO

photowannabe said...

Donna, I love coming to your blog. You always have such interesting and varied things to peruse.
Of course I love seeing Sloane, she's such a cutie pie.
Larry's newest sign is a masterpiece. I love everything about it.
Speaking of Jane..she's not welcome here either.
Thank you Larry and your grandson for their service. I am forever grateful to them and the others who serve and those who gave the ultimate price for our freedom.

Red Rose Alley said...

I didn't hear about the tornadoes in Texas! Be safe, and I hope no damage comes to your home. Those eggrolls look sooooo good. I love Chinese food too, but you're right, prices are high at the restaurants. That's neat that you made your own. And that German chocolate cake looks amazing! Speaking of the pecans on top, I just had pecan pie. It's one of my favs. Larry's project turned out nicely. He really does have a talent with this artwork. And Hello little Sloane. I love your pink stuffed animal. The girls have gotten so many stuffed animals from everyone, they don't know what to do with them all haha.

Happy Memorial Day, Donna. I loved your post today. "This and That" posts are always delightful.


Back2OurSmallCorner said...

That cake looks great and of course- no calories :-)
Larry's new project is stunning. I really like that he used a black background. It shows up the other colours really well.
Sending best wishes for your armed forces Memorial day.

Dianna said...

Hello Donna,

I'm visiting from Jennifer's blog Ashes for Beauty and thought I would give you a visit. You have a lovely blog and I've enjoyed my visit.

We love gravy and biscuits here, too. The German Chocolate cake looks AMAZING! Oh my...makes my mouth water.

Enjoyed the meme about pollution. My husband and I both come from farming backgrounds and he enjoyed the meme as much as I did. Just sayin'.

My heart goes out to your family when it comes to not seeing your grandson Tylar and his wife Sara for almost 4 years. That's hard. Our daughter, son-in-law were missionaries for a number of years and the longest that we ever went without seeing them was 2 years.

Little Sloane is adorable.

Now I want some Apple Pie ice cream! lol

I hope you've had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. And I so agree with you when it comes to the Vietnam War. I lost a very precious young man as a result of it.

DeniseinVA said...

A heartwarming tribute Donna. Awful and so cruel the treatment Vietnam Vets got. As for the rest, it was very enjoyable. So sorry you haven’t seen your grandson in 4 yrs. That is a sweet photo of Sloane. We are awaiting news of a new family member, our nephew and his wife are in the hospital now. Thank you for the yummies and the funnies and the words that give me pause for thought, all of it. Have a great week!

DeniseinVA said...

Meant to mention Larry’s new project too. It’s beautiful!

Visits With Mary said...

Biscuits and gravy, so good! We don't eat them very often because it's so fattening and both of us are trying to lose a little weight. I think I could eat sausage gravy like a bowl of soup! lol Yes, that war was useless, too many lives lost. My brother went several times, we are so thankful he came home. He still has a lot of mental scars, makes my heart sad.

dori said...

Happiness on the memorial day by you! Wonderful!

I love the long hair of sweet Sloane! Great girl!

Many greetings and blessings from Dori to you all!

dori said...

And I am sad about all the lost heroes...

dori said...

Und ich bin traurig über all die verlorenen Helden ...

dori said...

Und ich bin traurig über all die verlorenen Helden ...
Many greetings and blessings to you and to your famil from Dori

Larry is great, Sloane has wonderful long hair!!

Granny Marigold said...

That cake looks absolutely decadent!!! So do the egg rolls.
Love the mosquito trap LOL.
Have a great week.

Debbie Nolan said...

Donna your tribute to our men and women who served and are serving was lovely. God bless them all! You always make my mouth water when I see what you have been cooking. I used to make Chinese rolls but have not since hubby went gluten free. Baby Sloane is growing fast. So good to have photos to mark all the changes they go through as they grow. Well pray you keep safe in Texas. I know your state has been hit hard. Take care - Hugs!

Sandra Cox said...

A thank you to Larry for serving.

photowannabe said...

Thanks for your comments on my latest blog.
Different cultures want different things and this area isn't into fun shots. They only want record shots..I guess its not about the leaders per se.
The team that Steve's with are off to another venue in another area. Hopefully they aren't so stuck in their ways or maybe Steve will be able to just roll with the program with more ease. He will do his very best no matter the circumstances...he always does..praying for those little glimpses of God's sparkle.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Thank you to your husband for his service in Vietnam. My husband was in the service during that time but stateside...he was told to go no where in Uniform. Sad. Such a senseless war. Yup no Jane here either...she will be held responsible someday. :(

ashok said...

Great tribute

Sandra Cox said...

Love Larry's project.

Lowcarb team member said...

A very nice tribute to the fallen heroes.

All the best Jan

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh my goodness Donna, those memes made me laugh so hard ... especially the one about the mosquito!!! You are off the chain, girl. And that cake!!! Whaaaaat? German chocolate is my TG's favorite. I love making the icing for him, from scratch. xoxo

Catherine said...

Always make me laugh! The mosquitoes trap and the cows 😂 !
Larry’s project is beautiful.
Our veteran day this year will be a veteran week because of the 80th D-day anniversary . We just come from the D-day places on the coast this weekend.