Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Too Old...Spinners, Hugs and Anger

Good morning, Friends...Not a whole lot to report from me.  We went out to eat breakfast at a place that's been around for years...well, since 1930.  It used to be called, Harry B's until new owner, George Betros bought it in 1966.  The glass and famous drink were called Big Oranges, but was later shortened to Big O's.  Click on the link below and read, Our Story, if you're interested.  They catered George Bush ranch if that's a big deal.  Don't care for the Bushes much...

I had Avocado toast... 

Okay...I ordered this nifty little cleaning spinner stick from Amazon.  The reason why I ordered it was this...When last trying to get on my knees to assume the cleaning position, I discovered that I no longer had the "will" or energy to clean in this position.  I believe it's called, a reckoning.  I've realized I'm no longer 40...or even 60.  I'm looking down the barrel at 73 in August.  So... I realize I need to clean, smarter.  Bathtubs are the bane of our clean, that is.  So instead of getting on my knees and twisting to and fro, I shall now, spin.  The stick expands and the brushes spin.  Thanks to the inventor.

The spinning cleaning brush, known as the SpinBrush, was invented by John Osher. He developed the SpinBrush, a battery-powered toothbrush, in 1999 and later sold it to Procter & Gamble in 2001 for $475 million.  The SpinBrush is an example of how innovation can transform everyday objects into improved versions that offer more convenience and efficiency.

I just stand and spin...literally!  SO clean and done in minutes.  You can do windows with it, as well...Larry said I could...of which when he uttered those words...The icy stare he got from me in return, made him decide he had something he needed to  Another problem of aging,

And what would a post be without a hug from our Sloane?

A little rant... sorry buttt...I'm so sick and tired of these riots held by outside influences (Soros), you know...He Who Is Never Named! 
The majority of professors at Columbia stand with Palestine!  They fought the police...this is insane!
And it's spreading.  I'm just sick... 

Europe doesn't allow GMO's in their food!  This is also insane!

Well, now that I have been the Debbie-Downer in your world today, I seriously hope you are having a peaceful and safe week!  It's May 1st... Can you believe it?
So... until next time,


Jeanette said...

Love avocado toast! There is a restaurant by me called Jonnys Cafe where they serve the very best avocado toast I've ever had! 100% agree with everything you said in this post! It's disgusting what is going on in college campuses right now! That map sure does put it in perspective doesn't it!

Lin said...

The anti-Christian, anti-Jewish movement is here to stay. It is the goal of Muslims to eliminate Christianity at whatever cost with violence being their chosen method. It is scary to see the beginnings here and our government is either too stupid to see and stop it...or they are with it. We are in for a battle...

I feel like the world has gone crazy. It's very discouraging.

Love the scrubber though! :)

GrammaGrits said...

So agree with you on Israel - things are happening so quickly - come, Lord Jesus!

Could you tell us exactly what your spin scrubber is called on Amazon? I can't find that exact one. Sounds wonderful for the bath tub . . .

Jenny the Pirate said...

You may have your avocado toast and mine too, darling Donna. OK now that that is settled, THANK YOU my friend for buying the spin stick. I have seen those used in Instagram posts and every time I do I think, I need one of those. But I was too lazy/overwhelmed to try and figure out what it was called or how to get one. BEFORE I EVEN FINISHED reading your post, I went over to the 'zon and found it, and ordered it, and it is coming TOMORROW! My two showers and one tub overwhelm me but no more! I'm so excited! YES what is happening with this situation with Israel and its enemies (of which we have traditionally NOT been one, but thanks to Sloppy Joe, that's slowly changing), IS sickening and I try not to think about what the outcome will be. All I can say is, trust in the Lord with all your heart; let not your heart be troubled; and keep your eyes upon the eastern sky. xoxo

Ann said...

That breakfast looks so good.
I think I need one of those spin brushes. That would make cleaning the shower so much easier.
The world is a crazy place any more and like Lin said, it's very discouraging.

Sooze said...

Mmmm, avocado toast....I don't buy avocados often because husband doesn't like them. Which is silly really - nothing stopping me eating them!!

Lowcarb team member said...

Yum! I do enjoy avocado.

That is a lovely hug from Sloane :)

Wishing you a happy new month of May.

All the best Jan

Pam said...

Donna, I love avocado toast! We have it for supper a couple times a month, always topped with a slice or two of bacon and an egg!

Thank you for posting the spin cleaner thing! I will be getting one because I hate cleaning the tub and shower! It is widely known that if I am cleaning either one, a person should vacate the premises because it usually signals I've had a bad day and I'm taking my frustrations out on the tub! LoL

Grace & Peace,

Jennyff said...

I cannot understand how protesting and causing more hate and violence helps the situation. And the protestor asking for food and water as it was her human right needs to take a serious look at her over entitled self. End of rant, have a good week. .

Margaret D said...

Lovely hug from Sloan.
That spin stick looks a handy object to have..yes, hard to bend down on the knees and even harder to rise as we age.

Debbie Nolan said...

Wow Donna - what a wonderful map you shared. Not being always up to date on my geography - that put it in perspective. Who says God is not on Israel's side? One tiny piece of country in the midst of all those enemies. Sloane made me smile. Take care friend and have a lovely start to May. Hugs!

photowannabe said...

I'm right there with you on everything in your post today.
You're not Debbie Downer but right on..amazing map you shared. It really puts it in perspective..
I'm looking into that tub spinner today. I can't do the on your knees scrubbing like I used to. These 80 year old knees just can't do it.
Okay, I'm not going to rant but OUR USA is in for some really bad times because of the evil that's now in authority..end of subject.

Polyester Princess said...

That avocado toast is looking seriously yummy!
I'm intrigued by the spinner. Perhaps acquiring one would make my hubby more inclined to clean. Well, it's worth a try :-)
And aww, isn't Sloane just the cutest? xxx

Tasker Dunham said...

Hi Donna, I've responded to your comment on jabblog's blog.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

I’m catching up on your most recent posts, Donna. Why do I always crave food when I see all your wonderful meals??!!
That Sloane is so cute and I like how you cleared some shelves for her. Your new spinning stick looks like a great tool!
How fun to meet up with a fellow blogger!
Happy weekend to you and let’s pray for strong leadership for our country. Oh how we need it! 🙏🏻

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I’m glad your spinner is working so well for you. I had one of those that I got on Amazon as well, but it sort of ran amok, and I had a hard time holding it in place. What I did get were attachments for my drill, and they work marvelously. I still have to bend over, but boy, does that thing clean.

Sandra Cox said...

That breakfast looks delish.
You know for me, I'm not particularly pro Palestinian but I'm anti-genocide. It wouldn't matter to me what the race is or if the folks were purple, but to see children of Gaza starved to death appalls me.

dori said...

I cannot believe, that you nearly are 73!
Sloane's hug really comes from her heart! So valuable! Lucky video!
Here in Europe we always have full news with war in Israel and Ukraine: So sad.
Funny: the different incrediences of the strawberry cornflakes USA/Europe :)
cleaning the bathroom and also the house is a hard sport - also for me! I prefer cleanig the stables :)
Time is runnuing so fast!
Enjoy a good and beautiful May!
Many greetings and blessings to you and to your family from Dori from the Bavarian Forest

dori said...

Ich kann nicht glauben, dass du fast 73 bist!
Sloanes Umarmung kommt wirklich von Herzen! So wertvoll! Glücksvideo!
Hier in Europa haben wir immer umfassende Neuigkeiten zum Krieg in Israel und der Ukraine: So traurig.
Lustig: die unterschiedlichen Zutaten der Erdbeer-Cornflakes USA/Europa :)
Das Badezimmer und auch das Haus putzen ist ein harter Sport – auch für mich! Ich putze lieber die Ställe :)
Die Zeit vergeht so schnell!
Genießt einen guten und schönen Mai!
Viele Grüße und Segenswünsche an dich und deine Familie wünscht dir Dori aus dem Bayerischen Wald

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Love the spinning cleaning brush. I'm all for anything that makes some of those tasks just a little bit easier.

The Happy Whisk said...

Cleaning smarter at any age sounds good to me. Yes, follow the money when it comes to those companies. They put horrible things in food where they are allowed. And, unless people vote with their dollar, as in, stop buying crap from crap companies, nothing will change. It's disgusting to walk down isles and see so many fake foods.

The Happy Whisk said...

I do leave comments only don't see them. Hope you have a wonderful week. Cheers.

The Happy Whisk said...

Thanks for coming by and letting me know that you freed me from spammer jail! Happy New Week to you Donna!