Sunday, September 29, 2024

52 Years...Cookies, Boxes and Quesadillas'


Good morning, Friends... I don't think we've really done much of anything this past week.  We did celebrate our 52nd Anniversary though.  September 26th.  Lordy...we were so young!  Me 21, Larry 24. 
 I still remember laying on our sofa in our tiny apartment at The Villa Victoria in Waco, Texas...and asking him, "Where do you think we'll be in 50 years?"
He said, "Still in love..."
It's been a road well-traveled.  We've had our ups and downs, like everyone else but we're still here...still together...and, still in love.

Larry and Tom were best buds having met in the Air Force.

Tom's wife always seemed to be the picture taker! lol

But here she is (Beverly) today...Thank goodness we're all still around.  lol   
Tom is now 80 and Bev is 78.

We went to the Cotton Patch for the anniversary lunch...we never tire of chicken fried steak.

Here's a recipe I want to try!  Have you ever made this?  Looks like a good recipe for Christmas.

Larry made me a potpourri box and

a Tuna can juice drainer!  Two different that fits just inside the can and one that fits in the can and also, you can turn it over and drain liquids off the veggie cans.  He does these things on his 3-D Printer.  They worked like a charm!

I also made some vanilla cookies with pecans...

This is truly the state of affairs in our Congress! 

My favorite photo of our Sloane...too funny.  She wore that box until it broke! lol

This morning, I made least for Larry.  I had a locarb tortilla with cheese and egg.

Well guys, guess I'll stop boring you.  Here's praying you all are safe and well... (we just lost our neighbor of 50 years.  He was 87).  SO... stay well, see your doctors...drink that water... and love those close to you because you never know when our time is up.

So... on that positively, negative note...lolol... until next time...


Linda said...

Happy anniversary!!! You all look wonderful, smiles. My mom used to make those coconut bars. Thanks for the photo of Sloane, she always brightens my day.

Jeanette said...

Happy Anniversary you two! You both look great! Rich and I were 20 and 21 when we got married! That was way way too young but I it's been almost 48 years for us so I guess it worked out! I've made a version of those coconut bars before. They are deadly delicious! Sloan and her "hat" is just too cute! Take care my friend!

Sooze said...

Happy anniversary! Sloane in the cardboard hat made me smile. And the 'which side?' joke made me laugh out loud!

Bill said...

Happy anniversary to you both. Those coconut bars look fantastic, we'll have to try them. Have a good week.

Red Rose Alley said...

Happy Anniversary Donna! 52 years! - that's really special. I love those old treasured photos. And a wonderful photo of you and Larry now. The coconut bar cookies would be a nice gift for Christmas. Those are neat gadgets that Larry made on the printer. Your cookies look so Yummy. I love anything with pecans. I chuckled at the KFC quote, as that was my very first job haha. Good morning, little Sloane. You're just so cute in that picture.

Happy October Donna!

**those were Betty Crocker sugar cookies with Hershey's chocolate frosting on my post. Easy to make. They came out a bit flat, but they were soooo good. My son just made some Parisian crepes that I'll post Monday. They turned out incredible.

Mari said...

Happy Anniversary! We are at 43!
I enjoyed the photos
Larry is a whiz with that 3D printer!

Barwitzki said...

All the best to you both and congratulations on your anniversary. Growing old together is one of the most beautiful gifts :-))
Your cookies look wonderful. I only ever bake cookies around Christmas time, but these ones with pecans make me want them.
The photo of Sloane is amazing!!! Kind regards from Viola