Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Miss Kitty...Boobs, Baggy and Books.

Good morning. Friends... Hope you all are doing well and are happy.
Again, not much going on here with the old folks.  We are getting closer to being able to make good friends with our little feral cat, Miss Kitty.  She's letting me pet her and Larry got to actually pick her up.  He started feeding her early on so she's just getting to know me.  We had ugly thunderstorms last night again...I worry that she's in a safe place. Since we started feeding her about two months ago, she's been putting on some weight...finally.  She was skin and bones.

Miss Kitty

Had to go in for my mammogram...got the report, on my app, later that day even though the tech said I wouldn't get it for about three days....  All good news.  Will see me next year.  I had an aunt that had breast cancer so, they just want to keep checking me.  It's okay by me.

Wings in the oven by Larry...we love them.

Larry went to Home Depot and came back with me another present...Love this silly thing!
Holds my plastic bags open, no matter the size.

Ever used rice paper?  I used them in the skillet for the outer covering for our omelets.  They fry up crispy.  It's a different take on the recipe.  I think though, I'll stick with eggrolls. 

I made a quick lunch for us on Thursday.  Baked potatoes, fully loaded.  So good.

Our babies came for a long visit!  Daughter Crystal, Samantha and Sloane.  Sam had to work but Crystal and Sloane stayed...played and visited.

Mommy styling Sloane's hair for a hot date with Daddy.  They were heading to a family reunion fish-fry.

Earlier in the day, I pulled out the "Intelligent" hi-chair for Sloane to sit on. This 1947 dictionary has 2006 pages of words and another 500 pages of laws, populations as of 1947...etc.  Makes for a huge book.  The thing about it is, My sister and I sat on it...Our children sat on it...Our grandchildren and now our great grandchild sat on it.  It's got a history with our line.  

Oh yes...I see this happening on a daily basis.

So...I think I just need to start planning for Christmas 2024...lolol
Well, that's about it for me.  Hope all is going well in your world.
So until next time...