Monday, May 27, 2024

Heros...Gravy, Germans and Cows...

Memorial Day...USA
God  Bless us all...a Day of Remembrance.
The above photo is of a Vietnam Veteran.  My Larry fought there from 1968 to 1969.  Useless war!  Over 58,000 of our young men and women perished so the government could become rich.  Gotta' have a war, you know!  Run those guns...Anyway, I still can't forget or forgive the peaceniks for mistreating the Heroes that returned from there.  Let's just say, Jane isn't welcomed here!

Good morning, Friends.  Just another week of, not much happening.  Although...that's probably a good thing.  Tornadoes have been busting out all over Texas lately.  And you're not really given much warning.  We just try to stay prepared.  Generator, battery powered lamps, kerosene lamps...matches...candles, etc.  It's been raining here an awful lot.  Really unusual for Texas!  We are the red hot state...not the tropical state.   You want fair winds, go to Florida.

 I made eggrolls the other day.  They were so good!  We love Chinese food but it is getting really high at restaurants...dollar wise.  I'll be trying to find a good recipe for Korean fried chicken, as well.

Also made biscuits and gravy...
Larry's new project.  I love it!  

I found this chart to be really interesting!  Maybe it can help you, as well.  I started taking magnesium several months ago and feel so much better.

 Our grandson Tylar (R) with a crewmate at the base in Hungary.  We really miss him and Sara.  It's been almost 4 years since we've seen them. :o(

I got an order for a German Chocolate Cake from my granddaughter Samantha's friend, Chandice.  She was wanting to surprise her hubby for his birthday.   She said, "the gooier the better"! lol


You know Sloane has to be in my post

I made Apple Pie Ice Cream...NO, not the above photo but, see the Ice Cream??  That!  That's what I on my cooking blog if you want it.

Well...I suppose that's about it for me.
I pray you all are doing well and staying safe in this crazy weather.
So... until next time... 

Monday, May 20, 2024

Lessons...Learning, Libations and Love.

         Good morning, Friends...Just a little catch-up for the week.

It was fast and furious.  I went down to my daughter and SIL's house last Wednesday to baby-sit their dogs while they left to go to Arkansas to spend a few days with their son, William. (Air Force).  Larry stayed home to sit with our babies...I returned home yesterday around 10:30am (Sunday).

While I was babysitting, a really bad storm popped up...80 mile an hour winds...3 active tornadoes north of Magnolia, where me and the babies were.  I didn't know about the tornadoes just north of us...(3) (thank goodness because ignorance can be bliss) and anyway, seriously, what could I have done about it?  So...we just huddled together on the sofa...power went off...and I found I wasn't a bit scared.  You know that feeling you have come over you that says, "It'll be okay, either way"?  Well that was me...Ca serra, serra (what will be, will be).. The worst was over except the rain, in about 20 minutes.  The photo below is a news source photo of a house here in Magnolia.  NOT my kid's house.  86-110 wind speed is classified tornadic winds.  Ours was 80 so that tells you how windy it was.  Now, just waited for the power to come back on...A day and a half later, it did...The power company did a great job of restoring power in our area!  Seeing that millions were without power (and still are) in the Houston and surrounding areas...

Thank you Jesus!  And SIL Tim...He got a friend to come to the house the next day and start the generator for us.  At least I could plug in the refrigerator and make a cup of hot coffee...Godsend!

What I wasn't happy about was one of their neighbors knocking on my door right after (maybe 10 minutes) the power was restored, to announce to me that "The power Is On!"...huh??  I hadn't noticed because I had turned off all electric things to help the grid when power restarted.

The generator is loud but the whole street was filled with generator noise...and the old neighbor wanted me to shut ours, Now...short and sweet...and making an aggravated face...

I didn't even bother opening the front door as I responded through the glass panel, "yes, Okay...give me a minute!"  I would have Never done that to a neighbor!   I wanted to ask if he was the Generator Police...but was too pissed.  Never even asked if I was alright...guess he's never heard of treat others like you'd want to be treated...


Poor Toby...I think he was a little scared...

Toby, right before the storm...big baby.

Sweet William and Kira,  whom Crystal and Tim went to Arkansas to visit.

I was so happy just to have a hot cuppa coffee again!

And it's no post without our sweet Sloane in it!

This is how it felt to me, driving the 2 hours to Magnolia...been awhile!  Not a long trip...just long enough to blow the cobwebs out of my brain.

Larry's at it again...This turned out so cute!  Already has orders for more.

The Far Side

Well, I suppose that's all from my side of the world.  Hope you all are safe from the weather!
Sorry about not reading your blogs...It's been quite the week...
So, until next time...

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Mother's Day...Lemons, Liver and Bananas.

Good Morning, Friends...Hope all you Moms enjoyed a sweet and special Day?!
I did... Ann sent a beautiful card to me!  It's so delicate...and the embossing just sent it over the top!
Thank you, Ann, for all the fun and enjoyment I get from your beautiful artwork!

Larry made me this beautiful MOM placard!  It has six layers...and he painted it.  It's amazing.

My daughter, Crystal, mailed me this giant card of flowers...SO pretty and bright!  It actually looks real...

Our granddaughter, Samantha...had a new photo shoot for her company.  I love our Babygirl.  She's such a good mommy to our sweet Sloane!

Okay...Heads Up!  You need to try this room fragrance!!!  I saw it on a YouTube short...I LOVE IT!  And I'm hard to please...You know that smell when you walk into a fancy store like Williams & Sonoma?  Lemons, rosemary and vanilla!  Yumm!!

Just add 2 sprigs of rosemary
2 Tablespoons of vanilla
Add a whole sliced lemon
2 cups of water
Stew slowly on the range top or a small crockpot.
It's fabulous...It makes your whole house smell wonderful. 

I had some bananas that needed to be turned into something special, so I made Larry a banana nut cake.

I've been asked about people who were born before 1947 and what name they've been given...They are "The Silent Generation".  I don't know how they came up with that one.

Then, I made Liver & Onions for the first time in years!  It was so good...

I love this painting of Christ!  He fights for us constantly.  I can only imagine how sad and tired He must be, taking care of all of us!  But He loves us so much...
I love Him. a reminder...Check your SPAM folder on Comments!  I know I have left comments on various blogs, but they never show up.
I, myself, have found 3 or 4 each time I check mine...What is going on with that??

Well, I suppose I'll see you again next week.  Hope you all are safe from all the flooding taking place!  We've had lots of rain with flooded roadways but nothing compared to some states!
Be safe...turn around and don't drown!
Until next time...


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Miss Kitty...Boobs, Baggy and Books.

Good morning. Friends... Hope you all are doing well and are happy.
Again, not much going on here with the old folks.  We are getting closer to being able to make good friends with our little feral cat, Miss Kitty.  She's letting me pet her and Larry got to actually pick her up.  He started feeding her early on so she's just getting to know me.  We had ugly thunderstorms last night again...I worry that she's in a safe place. Since we started feeding her about two months ago, she's been putting on some weight...finally.  She was skin and bones.

Miss Kitty

Had to go in for my the report, on my app, later that day even though the tech said I wouldn't get it for about three days....  All good news.  Will see me next year.  I had an aunt that had breast cancer so, they just want to keep checking me.  It's okay by me.

Wings in the oven by Larry...we love them.

Larry went to Home Depot and came back with me another present...Love this silly thing!
Holds my plastic bags open, no matter the size.

Ever used rice paper?  I used them in the skillet for the outer covering for our omelets.  They fry up crispy.  It's a different take on the recipe.  I think though, I'll stick with eggrolls. 

I made a quick lunch for us on Thursday.  Baked potatoes, fully loaded.  So good.

Our babies came for a long visit!  Daughter Crystal, Samantha and Sloane.  Sam had to work but Crystal and Sloane stayed...played and visited.

Mommy styling Sloane's hair for a hot date with Daddy.  They were heading to a family reunion fish-fry.

Earlier in the day, I pulled out the "Intelligent" hi-chair for Sloane to sit on. This 1947 dictionary has 2006 pages of words and another 500 pages of laws, populations as of 1947...etc.  Makes for a huge book.  The thing about it is, My sister and I sat on it...Our children sat on it...Our grandchildren and now our great grandchild sat on it.  It's got a history with our line.  

Oh yes...I see this happening on a daily basis.

So...I think I just need to start planning for Christmas 2024...lolol
Well, that's about it for me.  Hope all is going well in your world.
So until next time...


Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.