Monday, May 27, 2024

Heros...Gravy, Germans and Cows...

Memorial Day...USA
God  Bless us all...a Day of Remembrance.
The above photo is of a Vietnam Veteran.  My Larry fought there from 1968 to 1969.  Useless war!  Over 58,000 of our young men and women perished so the government could become rich.  Gotta' have a war, you know!  Run those guns...Anyway, I still can't forget or forgive the peaceniks for mistreating the Heroes that returned from there.  Let's just say, Jane isn't welcomed here!

Good morning, Friends.  Just another week of, not much happening.  Although...that's probably a good thing.  Tornadoes have been busting out all over Texas lately.  And you're not really given much warning.  We just try to stay prepared.  Generator, battery powered lamps, kerosene lamps...matches...candles, etc.  It's been raining here an awful lot.  Really unusual for Texas!  We are the red hot state...not the tropical state.   You want fair winds, go to Florida.

 I made eggrolls the other day.  They were so good!  We love Chinese food but it is getting really high at restaurants...dollar wise.  I'll be trying to find a good recipe for Korean fried chicken, as well.

Also made biscuits and gravy...
Larry's new project.  I love it!  

I found this chart to be really interesting!  Maybe it can help you, as well.  I started taking magnesium several months ago and feel so much better.

 Our grandson Tylar (R) with a crewmate at the base in Hungary.  We really miss him and Sara.  It's been almost 4 years since we've seen them. :o(

I got an order for a German Chocolate Cake from my granddaughter Samantha's friend, Chandice.  She was wanting to surprise her hubby for his birthday.   She said, "the gooier the better"! lol


You know Sloane has to be in my post

I made Apple Pie Ice Cream...NO, not the above photo but, see the Ice Cream??  That!  That's what I on my cooking blog if you want it.

Well...I suppose that's about it for me.
I pray you all are doing well and staying safe in this crazy weather.
So... until next time... 