Thursday, August 1, 2024

God and Country...Cicada, William and Germs.

 Good morning, Friends...Seems another week has flown by!  So many sad things are happening in our country right now... I wanted to watch a video of Trump's rally in Atlanta so I did a Google about biased!!  It gave me Harris rally in Atlanta!!!  All my search engines did this!  I'm just sick... Where has my America gone?  This is not right!  I don't care what side you are on! If you typed in Harris and all that comes up is Trump'd be pissed, as well!
Moving on...I'm just disgusted.

Our Sloane after a full day of swimming and tired!

This is one of the reasons I get angry at the state of our country...We've made an absolute mess of things and Sloane and your babes, will be paying the price for our bad choices! 
Okay...okay...enough.  It's in the hands of God...

This recipe sounds so good!  A very "Fall" sort of meal!  I want to make Chicken and Dumplings today for lunch...We've both been craving it.

I came out the back door yesterday and my arm brushed on this, happening before my very eyes!  Cicadas shed their husk at night...undisturbed. Well, I disturbed this one at the 3am finish line...he is so bright and beautiful at this stage.  By the time I walked back into the house to get the cat food for our feral cat, Miss Kitty...he'd flown away.  It was so special...I don't think he appreciated the flash of my phone

Food wise...I made a meatloaf which was perfect!  The secret ingredient is milk.

Potato soup made out of leftover potatoes from the meatloaf lunch...adding leftover red potatoes to the soup.


A good BLT sandwich for another day's lunch.

Our grandson, William... <3

This sounded interesting!  Create your own soups using this base recipe...feel free to copy it!

I don't mean to bore you with so many food photos...I'm just old school and I tend to cook daily for Larry and myself.  Some women decide to give up cooking when they retire but I never could.  I still believe, you cook for your family whether there's children with you or just you and hubby.  My mom (and I'm not blaming her but...) decided that when I became a Senior in high school, she was done cooking.  I woke up on my first day at school only to be told if I wanted breakfast, I needed to make it myself...needless to say, my eyes still sting over that announcement.  I never got over it.  I suppose that's part and parcel, why I cooked for my family...and still do.  I just wish me, and my mother had been closer...but we weren't...I was the last of her three children.  She wasn't trying to be mean but she, in all fairness, hadn't been raised well.  Oh well..."if wishes were horses, we'd all ride".

Larry was at it again...He made this cute little bike with a basket for my Fall table.

Might I remind you all to keep cleansing your hands after leaving the house to go  Want to look under a microscope at those shopping buggy handles??  
I just pour 70 to 91% rubbing alcohol in my spray bottle or any small bottle I have and keep them in the car and truck.  We use them without fail every time we get back in the vehicle.  Lots of sickness going around right now.

Well...Here's to another week.  I pray you are all well and safe. I can't wait for the cooler temps to get here...and yes, I know it's only the first of August, but a girl can but next time...