Tuesday, August 13, 2024

William...Salmon, Lucy, and Crones.

Good morning, Friends...
We got the good news that our grandson, William, passed his Staff Sergeant exam!  He's been promoted.  We are so proud of him!  Such a hard worker...He loves Arkansas, and he loves his job...we are so happy for him!!

Salmon done in the air fryer...goodness!!  I just made a simple gravy
of soy sauce and honey...added some garlic powder and poppy seeds, then cooked.

My next project was making, Lunchroom Pizza...Don't mind the oven...It's too hot here to turn on the cleaning cycle....I'll do it when it's a bit cooler...anyway, I mixed the dough then put it in this Pyrex bowl to proof...Lolol...something told me to check on it a half hour early...so glad I did!  I felt like Lucille Ball in the skit with the bread!  It was huge!  Anyway, I got it punched down and placed on the 13 x 18 sheet pan...it kept growing!  The recipe said to use 2 Tablespoons of yeast...I'll be cutting that back! lol

As you can tell, there's a lot of dough. But it was good...brought back a few memories of enjoying pizza as a kid in school.  The lunchroom ladies sure are missed!  Today's lunchroom just isn't the same...
There was too much to eat so I cut the rest of the pie up and froze it.

Two pieces was more than enough!  I only made it through one and a half! lol  

The 9th of August was my birthday...I'm an old Crone...Larry took me to my favorite seafood place, Tejun's.  Love their food...and the Christian atmosphere.  Christian music playing...none of that horrible riprapp garbage, filling up the place!  The corn was slathered in a butter sauce, (TIP ) thickened with a tiny bit of cornstarch.  That's why it stays on the cob so well.
I'm surprisingly alright with turning 73...It gets easier as the years go by...unbelievable, as that might seem.

Photos of Sloane for her 2nd birthday...She'll turn 2 on the 15th of August...We are both Leo's.  Momma Sam is throwing her party on Saturday the 17th so everyone can come. I can't believe it's already been two years!

This is SO her! Lolol

A birthday bouquet from our grandson Tylar and wife Sara, who are stationed in Hungary (Air Force).  I call them our HungarianBabies...lol

We really miss them, but they are due for some time off and will be here sometime in September! Can't wait...

Miss Kitty has now learned how to use the doggy door!!  She lets herself in and out whenever she pleases.  I'm so grateful that she hopefully won't be staying outside when Winter arrives.

This spooked me out!  There weren't any cars parked on the road...and none of the neighbors have lights on their mailboxes...That orb looking light was underneath our pecan tree!

I bought 6 pounds of potatoes yesterday, then came home, sliced them all up...cooked until almost tender...then let cool off on a large cookie sheet then bagged them up with my vacuum food sealer.  It's for the big jobs.
Also bought clear storage trays for the freezer.  I have GOT to get that thing organized before Winter!

Thank you, Ann! This arrived on my birthday!  I'm so lucky to have such sweet blogging friends!!

Well, I guess that's about it for me...Hope you all are safe and happy wherever you are.  Have a wonderful week!
  So, until next time...