Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Two...Birthdays, Hot and Needles.

Good morning, Friends...Well, maybe things will start slowing down for us.  It's been a busy Summer, of sorts.  Birthdays, family visits, work around the house...the hated word...organizing.  It seems that no matter how many things I clean and organize...I look around and there's more!

Two years old...goodness...

Gampa (Larry) made her a step stool for bathroom or kitchen chores.  Mommy Sam wants to teach her to skills in the kitchen as well as hand washing by herself...under supervision of course.
She loved it. Now she can help Mommy make cookies...etc.

Mommy Sam texted me letting me know I needed to watch the above video Sloane made for my birthday...needless to say my heart is smiling!

We gave her educational toys and books to but, when I saw the blinged  out back-pack, I knew she'd love it...She wore it the rest of the night, before bedtime...:O)

It was a really hot day here...even the pups got into the pool!  Fans were roaring while company shared tall tales and just enjoyed the get together. Had to have been 40 people, easy.  Larry and I finally gave up the ghost, after about 4 hours in...space was limited and we didn't know a lot of the folks coming in... People were still arriving as we were leaving...It was going on 7 pm and we were just pooped.  They hadn't opened presents yet...just snacking and visiting. The young carried on! lolol...

Taking a break from swimming...

So... back to regular programming....I made air fryer fried chicken...so crunchy!

For breakfast one morning, air fryer toast with eggs and bacon.

Larry grilled steaks for lunch...so tender!

Enjoyed the leftovers the next day for lunch!

This kielbasa sausage was okay...Larry likes it and cooked it so, I kept my lips zipped and smiled a lot... lolol

Need a guide for what needle, for your machine?

Truth! lolol

Well Friends... I'm off to do some more work on my quilt...I've been so bad in getting it finished!  Maybe soon...
Well, that's another week in the bag of life.  I hope you all are doing well and are safe and happy.  
So, until next time...