Monday, August 26, 2024

Feral Love...Shopping, Hot Pad and Buddy

Good morning, Friends... The above photo is AI of course, but it looks just like our Miss Kitty.  We have really been working with her, trying to acclimatize her to living with us, inside the house, before Old Man Winter shows up.  And it looks like he may be showing up earlier than usual, this year.  By next Tuesday (not tomorrow), temps will drop from 100F to 87...daytime.  Night times will be in the low 70's!  Not normal for central Texas!  I think I need to get out into the flowerbeds...tomato pots, etc., and winterize things.  Is Winter creeping up on you? 


Miss Kitty and Daddy sharing some time watching Midsomer Murders...I think she may have some British all do since we had ancestors there. With Irish, Austrian, Black German, Cherokee and Italian thrown into the mix.  What a combo! lol


The girlz came by and picked me up to go shopping on Saturday.  We ran errands to Aldis (the market), then stopping in to pick up an order for sandwiches to carry back to the house to eat with Gampa (Larry).

Then Sam layed Sloane down for a two hour nap!  Little girl was tired!


I had to make Larry a hot pad for his 3-D machine.  Looks awful!  It's my first attempt at making hot pads...Now I know what Not to Do!  I've got two more cut out and ready to stitch...One of them is bound to turn out! lol... I haven't sewn anything since I was in my 20's...I'm now 73 with bad eyes...


Larry's favorite breakfast sandwich...egg with mustard on toasted French bread.

Did I tell y'all to Never buy these crackers?  All cracker and you cannot taste anything that resembles peanut butter!  Awful!


I was petting Buddy the other morning when my hand felt a large lump under his throat!  Long worrying story later, it was an abscess from a  tooth!  A vet visit that morning, and $250 later, ( Thank goodness for pet insurance) he's on the road to recovery.  He's a picky eater and the only thing he'll take his antibiotic in, is vanilla ice cream...hummm...I think he's pretty smart,

Well, that's about it for me this week...

Hope you all are safe and happy...and well!

So until next time...

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Two...Birthdays, Hot and Needles.

Good morning, Friends...Well, maybe things will start slowing down for us.  It's been a busy Summer, of sorts.  Birthdays, family visits, work around the house...the hated word...organizing.  It seems that no matter how many things I clean and organize...I look around and there's more!

Two years old...goodness...

Gampa (Larry) made her a step stool for bathroom or kitchen chores.  Mommy Sam wants to teach her to skills in the kitchen as well as hand washing by herself...under supervision of course.
She loved it. Now she can help Mommy make cookies...etc.

Mommy Sam texted me letting me know I needed to watch the above video Sloane made for my birthday...needless to say my heart is smiling!

We gave her educational toys and books to but, when I saw the blinged  out back-pack, I knew she'd love it...She wore it the rest of the night, before bedtime...:O)

It was a really hot day here...even the pups got into the pool!  Fans were roaring while company shared tall tales and just enjoyed the get together. Had to have been 40 people, easy.  Larry and I finally gave up the ghost, after about 4 hours was limited and we didn't know a lot of the folks coming in... People were still arriving as we were leaving...It was going on 7 pm and we were just pooped.  They hadn't opened presents yet...just snacking and visiting. The young carried on! lolol...

Taking a break from swimming...

So... back to regular programming....I made air fryer fried crunchy!

For breakfast one morning, air fryer toast with eggs and bacon.

Larry grilled steaks for tender!

Enjoyed the leftovers the next day for lunch!

This kielbasa sausage was okay...Larry likes it and cooked it so, I kept my lips zipped and smiled a lot... lolol

Need a guide for what needle, for your machine?

Truth! lolol

Well Friends... I'm off to do some more work on my quilt...I've been so bad in getting it finished!  Maybe soon...
Well, that's another week in the bag of life.  I hope you all are doing well and are safe and happy.  
So, until next time...


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

William...Salmon, Lucy, and Crones.

Good morning, Friends...
We got the good news that our grandson, William, passed his Staff Sergeant exam!  He's been promoted.  We are so proud of him!  Such a hard worker...He loves Arkansas, and he loves his job...we are so happy for him!!

Salmon done in the air fryer...goodness!!  I just made a simple gravy
of soy sauce and honey...added some garlic powder and poppy seeds, then cooked.

My next project was making, Lunchroom Pizza...Don't mind the oven...It's too hot here to turn on the cleaning cycle....I'll do it when it's a bit cooler...anyway, I mixed the dough then put it in this Pyrex bowl to proof...Lolol...something told me to check on it a half hour glad I did!  I felt like Lucille Ball in the skit with the bread!  It was huge!  Anyway, I got it punched down and placed on the 13 x 18 sheet kept growing!  The recipe said to use 2 Tablespoons of yeast...I'll be cutting that back! lol

As you can tell, there's a lot of dough. But it was good...brought back a few memories of enjoying pizza as a kid in school.  The lunchroom ladies sure are missed!  Today's lunchroom just isn't the same...
There was too much to eat so I cut the rest of the pie up and froze it.

Two pieces was more than enough!  I only made it through one and a half! lol  

The 9th of August was my birthday...I'm an old Crone...Larry took me to my favorite seafood place, Tejun's.  Love their food...and the Christian atmosphere.  Christian music playing...none of that horrible riprapp garbage, filling up the place!  The corn was slathered in a butter sauce, (TIP ) thickened with a tiny bit of cornstarch.  That's why it stays on the cob so well.
I'm surprisingly alright with turning 73...It gets easier as the years go by...unbelievable, as that might seem.

Photos of Sloane for her 2nd birthday...She'll turn 2 on the 15th of August...We are both Leo's.  Momma Sam is throwing her party on Saturday the 17th so everyone can come. I can't believe it's already been two years!

This is SO her! Lolol

A birthday bouquet from our grandson Tylar and wife Sara, who are stationed in Hungary (Air Force).  I call them our

We really miss them, but they are due for some time off and will be here sometime in September! Can't wait...

Miss Kitty has now learned how to use the doggy door!!  She lets herself in and out whenever she pleases.  I'm so grateful that she hopefully won't be staying outside when Winter arrives.

This spooked me out!  There weren't any cars parked on the road...and none of the neighbors have lights on their mailboxes...That orb looking light was underneath our pecan tree!

I bought 6 pounds of potatoes yesterday, then came home, sliced them all up...cooked until almost tender...then let cool off on a large cookie sheet then bagged them up with my vacuum food sealer.  It's for the big jobs.
Also bought clear storage trays for the freezer.  I have GOT to get that thing organized before Winter!

Thank you, Ann! This arrived on my birthday!  I'm so lucky to have such sweet blogging friends!!

Well, I guess that's about it for me...Hope you all are safe and happy wherever you are.  Have a wonderful week!
  So, until next time...

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Sweet...The Girlz, Cooking and Washing.

Good morning, Friends!  It's been a busy week.  Deliveries, eye appointments...Going with the girls to eat lunch...babysitting a new washing machine...watching an ambulance take a neighbor to the hospital...(long story)...he couldn't ahhh...go to the restroom...doesn't take his medications...we think he's having some dementia issues.  I feel so sorry for his youngest daughter living 3 hours away.  Every time he sneezes, he thinks he has to call her to come back home to take care of him...sad.  He hates that she married and moved away...personally, I think he knows what he's doing...anything to get her sad!

The girls (Daughter Crystal, granddaughter Sam and great granddaughter Sloane and I, the old went out to eat at our favorite sandwich joint, Schmaltz's.  Wonderful lunch and lots of love from my SloaneyGirl! 

Crystal holding her granddaughter, Sloane for an after-lunch nap.

My grandbaby Samantha resting...

Samantha's newest commercial photo...I love her so much!

Oh, my word, this pork roast was wonderful!  Added red potatoes, bell pepper and sweet onions along with some butter.

We were craving Chicken & Dumplings...They were really good!

I made Key Lime Pie yogurt...always wonderful.

Had to purchase a new washing machine.  I will NEVER own a front loader machine again!  My fancy front-loader Bosch (10 yrs old) needed a new Mother Board...No Way $$$ .... I'd had enough trying to use the mechanical "go-around" to wash clothes!  It won't spin... Ridiculous...Larry thought it was just fine and that it might be "crippled" but, it still worked... :oo
He sang a different song yesterday when I told him since he was fine jumping through hoops while trying to get the wash done...I believed it was time for him to take over the washing duty! 
He couldn't get me in the truck to Lowes, fast enough. 
My new washer will be

When it would snap up the ERROR message, I'd have to do A through F... 

Our feral cat, Miss Kitty relaxing with us for just a little while before meowing to go back outside.   We really hope we can get her trained to use the dog door, coming into the house, before Winter!  That's Buddy sitting in the chair...observing her.  Both dog babies (Buddy & Libby the pug) and Miss Kitty get along just fine!

Larry bought a new toy...a 3-D Printer... I have no idea why...but if that's what makes him get up in the morning, good enough.  He's 76...77 in October.  He needs to keep busy and have fun while doing it.  He goes in on the 16th of September for a check-up on his bladder cancer.  Keep him in your prayers please.

This is his first's a pattern that came with the machine. I asked if he could make toys for Sloane, and he says he can.  Special project patterns cost, and those prices vary.  Doesn't everything?

Well, I suppose that's all for now.  
I hope you all are happy and safe in your until next time....


Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.