Good morning friends...just checking in to say we lost our Miss Kitty yesterday. Turns out, after several Vet visits, she was 7 years old...there-abouts and a very sick kitty. Leukemia, Feline aids, and FIP which basically, destroys the nervous system. Vomiting...fever...listlessness...for the last 4 days...not eating or drinking. We've had her a little over a year...time to become deeply entrenched in loving her and caring for her. She had gotten where she'd come into the house at night and other odd times of the day. We loved the progress she was making. And we loved her...Yesterday was a day spent bawling like crazy...Larry had gone to town when the doctor called with the results of her blood panel...and after explaining everything to me, I made the decision to help her over the Rainbow Bridge. I know God sent her to us last year, knowing what her journey was going to be, had she not had us to help her. And we did, gladly. She would have been out in the cold Winter...no food...and in pain...dying alone.
Driving home, with her in my arms, I said to Larry, "It's so much harder to lose them, when you get older!! I thought it might be a bit easier..."
Larry then said the truth of it..."They become our children...they're not just our pets...", and as he said it, tears were just silently rolling down our cheeks...
It was a hard day.... but we know she's with our other babies on the Other Side and Miss Kitty is now proudly, sitting on the lap of Jesus...We'll see you again, sweet Girl...