Thursday, November 28, 2024

Miss Kitty...Thanksgiving.

Good morning friends...just checking in to say we lost our Miss Kitty yesterday.  Turns out, after several Vet visits, she was 7 years old...there-abouts and a very sick kitty.  Leukemia, Feline aids, and FIP which basically, destroys the nervous system.  Vomiting...fever...listlessness...for the last 4 days...not eating or drinking.  We've had her a little over a year...time to become deeply entrenched in loving her and caring for her.  She had gotten where she'd come into the house at night and other odd times of the day.  We loved the progress she was making.  And we loved her...Yesterday was a day spent bawling like crazy...Larry had gone to town when the doctor called with the results of her blood panel...and after explaining everything to me, I made the decision to help her over the Rainbow Bridge.  I know God sent her to us last year, knowing what her journey was going to be, had she not had us to help her.  And we did, gladly. She would have been out in the cold food...and in pain...dying alone.
 Driving home, with her in my arms, I said to Larry, "It's so much harder to lose them, when you get older!!  I thought it might be a bit easier..."  
Larry then said the truth of it..."They become our children...they're not just our pets...", and as he said it, tears were just silently rolling down our cheeks...
It was a hard day.... but we know she's with our other babies on the Other Side and Miss Kitty is now proudly, sitting on the lap of Jesus...We'll see you again, sweet Girl...

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Waiting...Tree, Fireplace and Food.

Good morning, Friends...

Well, I finally got our tree up.   I'm not as fast as I used to be but it's up.  The white flocked tree we had for the last several years had a blowout...of  The bottom two tiers of branches light's wouldn't come on.  We tried everything but, no good.  Larry said he was glad because that meant we would be buying another, off we went to find T-37 at Walmart...several Walmart's!   It's a super popular tree, apparently.  They have tons of any other tree you might want but not T-37.  It has 15 different modes of lights...and for only $187 it could be yours.  7 1/2ft.  Well...I must admit, it is a pretty tree.  1200 lights on it...I remember one year, I bought a tree and hand wrapped each branch with Silvestri lights...over 1500.  Took me two months!  Oh, but it was beautiful.

This is the bright white lights's pretty bright!  Sunglasses kinda

Here's another mode...different colors...we really like this one...twinkling lights.

Remember last week I said Larry had to repair the space heater?  Well, he did but also bought me this cute little fireplace heater!  It really makes the room feel warm and cozy.  It really does heat the room too!  You can shut off the heater and have just the lighted fireplace...nice. 

As so far as food for the week goes, I made air fryer chicken with sweet potatoes...

We went out for our weekly restaurant fare, to a cafe up the road for steak fingers (me) and cheeseburger (Larry).  Both were really good.

After my eye appointment, I couldn't see straight cook so we went to George's for breakfast...good stuff.

This was Sloane at Halloween...I don't remember the name of the character, but she was too cute...

I also made chocolate chip pecan cookies...

Well, the week seemed to pass really fast!  Mostly uneventful, which is always a good thing!  I hope you all are doing well and are safe.  32 more shopping days until Christmas!  It'll be here before we know it!  So, until next week, and yes...we will be celebrating Thanksgiving on Friday, the 29th, with the family.  If you really know me, you know Christmas is my favorite holiday...Later friends!

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Christmas Planning...William, Larry, Waiting.

Good morning, Friends...Well, Christmas is getting closer...38 days, as of today!  There's so much to do...We'll be having a fish fry for Thanksgiving...we're a little tired of the traditional turkey...and the kids will have had their fill of it on the we are cooking on the 29th.  Fish just sounded good.

Here's William and Cailin at Will's Staff Sergeant Promotion ceremony... He's only just turned 25.  We are SO proud of him!



Here's Larry putting together the Christmas tree stand cover that he made for me.  I'll be using this instead of a skirt.

Here's our Sloane enjoying visiting with her Lolli (our Crystal).

And here's a roast Larry made yesterday...It was so tender (Instant Pot for 2 hours) that it just fell apart.  So good on a cool day...72 degrees.

Here's Paula Deen's seasoning mix.

House Seasoning
1 C salt
1/4 C black pepper
1/4 C garlic powder
Rub on any meat then cook

I use it on everything...Found the recipe, as you can see, in 2003...and have used this container ever since.

Waiting for the tree...

And Larry had to take out our old heater to do some repairs on it.

It looks just like this one we have in the playroom.  We use gas space heaters a lot, in extremely cold weather, to cut on the electric bill.  Works well for us.

Well, guess I'd best get in there and get busy cleaning.  I'm also trying to clean out the curio cabinets of things the kids probably don't want.  I'll just be keeping my china sets...some things from my Mom and her Mom...and my books, what's left of them.  I did a purge on books a few weeks back.  I also took an old rocker to Salvation Army.  I did ask the girls first if they wanted it but no was the off it went.  Now I have room for my Christmas tree again.
Well, I suppose that's it for me this week.  I have two doctor appointments next week...oh how fun.  Hopefully the eye doctor will cut this green wrist band off!  But he threatened me that HE was the only one allowed to remove it...oh alright
Hope you all are doing well and staying until next time...

Monday, November 11, 2024

Parenting...Pie, Chicken and Comments.

Well, good morning, Friends...Just so you'll know, I've had to revert comments to monitor.  On my last post, some of you may have seen comments left by two individuals names Anonymous and Peaches.  They were sickening, nasty and vile.  As a Conservative, I've learned to take some abuse from the Far left, (Not Democrats) and at first, I was going to leave their comments up for all to see so that maybe more people would understand the sickness and depravity that has taken them over.  Sadly, or at least I thoughtfully decided they will never change as the comments I decided to monitor them...I also lost 3 followers because of my stance in politics.  It's sad that people can't have a say without being punished for their beliefs.  So be it...I'll live.

Anyway...on to happier news!!

We are going to be great Grandparents once again!! That makes two impending births in this coming year!  Sami in June and our Sara in March!  We are over the Moon happy!

Sami and Everett...and Sloane, big sister!

Little Stitch...I'm thinking, Girl...

Tylar and Sara...

We all enjoyed this many years ago!

Our SIL Tim order this pie somewhere...and fell in love with it.  It's an Apple Crumble Caramel Pie.  Well, it's sold at a bakery about an hour from us.  I decided to make my copycat version of it.  Oh, my goodness!  It's delicious and so easy to make.  I just took a Marie Calendars, ready-made apple pie, homemade some crumble mixture...sprinkled it thickly on top of the pie, baked it...and when it had cooled, I squeezed a store-bought caramel sauce on top.  I should have made my own!  You couldn't really taste the caramel.  But the pie was really good anyway.  I'll be making it again for Thanksgiving with my homemade sauce.

Isn't this beautiful?  The powers that be, have done a rendition from the Shroud, of what they believe Christ may have looked me, it's beautiful but I believe he had blue eyes and reddish hair...long story.  If you research the area that he lived in, you'll find the peoples were of this fair coloring...anyway, it's thought provoking.

It was time for fried chicken...

This is a sad, dividing plan...hopefully it's not true...

Larry brought me one of those Pecan Pie cookies and Libby was a bit upset that he didn't bring her one! lol... (yes, I gave her a nibble).

A surprise visit from William's new girlfriend, Cailin. Our daughter Crystal and Tim said they really like her...which is great news.

And finally, what's a post without our Sloane in it?  And Happy Veterans Day to all those that served and are serving!  Thank you all for your service!! 

Well, I suppose that's about it for this week.  Hope you all enjoy a beautiful day...and are staying healthy or at least are healing.
So, until next time...


Thursday, November 7, 2024

Thank You Lord God in Heaven...Let Freedom Ring!

 Good morning, Friends...It's been a trying week!  These last four years have been trying but this last week has been almost unbearable.  I'm sure you have felt it, as well...I don't know how younger families have been making it! Food...utilities...fuel...daycare...lack of jobs...businesses million Illegals being welcomed at our borders in massive amounts while Americans are shunned, in amounts never before seen in these United States!  The plan to turn America into a third world country has almost succeeded... Sorry Obama...No New World Order, today!  I pray President Trump goes after George Soros first!
We vote Conservative because of our children...grandchildren and greatgrands!  It's a God, Country and Freedom thing!

I am vehement in my attitude because we have a beautiful family...full of babies that deserve to live free!

And yes, we celebrate the coming four years!  No shame here...


I love my air fryer!

We both have doctor visits this month...

Air fryer good!

We went to breakfast at Cracker Barrel yesterday to celebrate President Trumps victory!

Made some Fancy Oatmeal Cookies

This cookie recipe was given to me by our next-door neighbor, Evelyn.  She worked for Southwestern Bell (now AT&T) for years.  A co-worker gave the recipe to her...The shortening in the cookie makes for a crisp cookie!  We Loved these!

Granddaughter Sam sent me this recipe for Pecan Pie Cookies...Dang!  SO GOOD! 

We will finally enjoy an FDA (food & drug administrator) who actually knows what he's...doing!  Getting all the poison out of our food!


President Trump did NOT call Puerto Ricans garbage!!!   He was referring to the mass amounts of floating garbage that is taking over the shores of Porto Rico!!!  The people have begged the United States for help in cleaning it no avail and BIDEN KNOWS IT!

This was a last-ditch attempt to get votes for Harris...didn't work!  When Biden called President supporters "garbage"...that did it!  He thought we were stupid...and laughed at 51% of Americans,whom he called garbage...who's laughing now!


President Trump is a New Yorker, plain and simple!  If you get offended by his way of sorry!  New Yorkers have their own way of talking to each other, I know!  I was born in Connecticut and have family from the Bronx, to Queens to New Jersey!  They may sound gruff but most have huge hearts!  Stop believing all the gossip and do some honest research on him!  If he says he's going to do something, he'll do it...and not in 5 years either...He doesn't suffer politicians!
Okay...Now we wait to see what happens between now and Jan 20, 2025...

Now, if I have offended anyone...just get over it or move on.  I will be going back to very little political chatter now, at least until Inauguration Day.  This is my personal feelings about life.  Who I vote for shouldn't offend anyone because I have a God Given right to express myself (Our beloved 1st Amendment) just as you do, without fear of retaliation.  Friendship is a that I have offered to you.  If my views leave you upset or troubled, then...keep going.  I'm tired of all the butt-hurt feelings Far Leftist Liberals are throwing at us Conservatives. (Don't confuse them with old time Democrats...of which my family used to be, and Catholic, to boot!) 
I love you all and shouldn't have to feel the need to explain...but, I do it anyway...because I value you.
So... I'll
either see you next time or I won't.  God's Speed.

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.