We live 45 minutes from the reservation...I'm SO sick of death being dedicated "In The Name of Allah"....which he was said to have screamed out as he was shooting...There's so many WHY's...but my biggest one is WHY, if he'd wanted out of being deployed, didn't he claim "Conscientious Objector" status??? Needless deaths.....
It must be unnerving to have that happen so close. Hugs.
i hadn't heard he pulled the 'allah' card too.
it's a good thing he was a US citizen. or i would be unstoppable in my rant.
that is another thing i have never understood. if you are gonna be in the us military-- by gummit-- become a us citizen!
but-- he was born here-- so i can't say nuthin bout that.
i'm enraged. and saddened. and i just don't know what else to say.
i can't wait to hear what he has to say-- unfortunately-- he probably won't say one word. in fact-- i bet money-- he finds a way to kill himself before he has to say a thing.
i have a headache.
have a good day--
i know. but try.
So very, very sad. :(
I totally agree....so, so sad.
TMI on the comment you left me LOL
Ah, but PrezBO says not to jump to conclusions until we have the facts (unlike what he did a couple of months ago)! The whole things just sickens me. The guy planned it out apparently, giving away his furniture that very morning. It is one twisted religion to kill innocent people in the name of God. My heart goes out to all of the families there.
Such a tragedy!
A very, very senseless tragedy. I can't even talk about it.
I was up at 4 am this morning watching this. It's just sickening and so very, very tragic.
So very horrible. And I agree with you totally. Those poor people and their families.
War always wreaks pain and havoc. I have no idea why this man has done what he has done. People have for so long visited unspeakable terror and pain in the name of the Divine ~ however one speaks the Name. It is so sad. Violence is a tradgedy. My heart and prayers go to the families damaged by this act of violence.
So many Why's that will probably never be answered. This was indeed a tragedy of senseless proportion.
I'm sure Allah is horrified to see such horrific acts being committed in his name. Committing acts such as this in the name of any god (and Christianity has it's share as well) is wrong by all standards.
Senseless acts of violence - at least he is alive, so he'll be held responsible
alah is not the God we worship, always bear that in mind.
The fanatic followers of this "religion" are devious and cunning in their ways. This will not be the last time a follower of mohammed serving in the armed forces will turn against fellow soldiers.
My condolences to all the victims and I hope the eyes are opened to see the danger of islam.
I agree with Rob C. Islam is dangerous. Were you aware that this shooter was on President Barack Obama's Homeland Security Transition Team???!!?! No wonder Obama would like the congressional investigation delayed. To give him time to cover up this dirty little secret! It is abominable what this man has done to weaken our military, our economy, take away freedoms, and dampen the morale of our troops. Terribly sad. We're still praying for the families of those who were killed or hurt.
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