Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What a Week We're Having!!!

Can you believe this week? Flu, storms, Obama can't remember what to say without his teleprompter...Hahaaaa...sorry! That should be on my RANT blog! I lost my mind for a moment...
Well, it's been storming off and on all week...I can't gripe though. We really need the rain...just not tornadoes. Crystal was off today. Sami was sick with...something. Upset stomach, headache...no fever. Not the WRONGLY labeled "swine flu". It has Nothing to do with pigs...Read this:

"According to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), North American Flu is a more accurate description of the virus that has affected people in North America," said AMI President J. Patrick Boyle.
Boyle referenced an OIE press release issued today which read, "The virus has not been isolated in animals to date. Therefore, it is not justified to name this disease swine influenza. In the past, many human influenza epidemics with animal origin have been named using their geographic name, e.g. Spanish influenza or Asiatic influenza, thus it would be logical to call this disease 'North-American influenza'

Corn prices are dropping, pork prices are dropping....Idiots!! That means job losses....OKOKOK...I'm through....for now!
Ya'll have a wonderful night and stay happy! Take all the bad news with a teaspoon full of sugar...