Ok, Ok!! I KNOW you're saying to yourselves..."What in the World is she going ON about?" Well, I'll tell you! For WEEKS now, I've been trying to figure out HOW people get their signatures onto their photos by using PhotoShop! There's been tons of book throwing, Internet searching...hiding my books under my desk at work...Hahaaa...begging Pros for information.
Donna of Cottage Days took pity and, without knowing it, corrected my question Language! I'd been doing a search for name signing on photos...wrong! I was Suppose to be asking how to use Signature Brushes! Who Knew??? That opened up a whole new world for me on the Internet! She was also very patient while offering up different links to peruse. I can't thank you enough Miz Donna...It's a painful process...all this "learning". But There It IS!! My Name, On My Photo!! It may not be perfect or exactly how I want it but I'm progressing! Finally!
Y'all have a wonderful day!
Very nice! I am so stupid when it comes to learning new things on my computer it's not even funny!
Jeanette, me TOOO!Hahaaa...but I'm like an old mule...gotta keep at it.
Most excellent!!
Thanks Brenda!!
Ah, the good old learning curve.
I have to say it looks VERY professional, lol.
Nice work.
Goodnight, have a great week.
Ac...!! And you should KNOW, because OF you...I bought PS8...LOLOLOL...I'm such a sap...
Dick, Coming from a Pro, Thanks!!!
Happy sleep to you!
Wow, how nice! Thanks for the tip!
Hahaha, you DID it! Silly girl, if you had asked me sooner, I could have helped you sooner! Now you know how to make a custom brush and use it! Hey, you know how to easily change the size of your brush before you stamp it? Right? Just a little test here. Ok, in case you don't know - use the bracket keys on your keyboard. The left bracket makes the brush smaller, and the right one makes it bigger. Now that you are learning about brushes, you could be a mad woman, brushing everything in sight, LOL!
I was delighted to help you, my dear. And plum tickled that you were successful and blushing about your praise.
Donna, You're very welcome! If you need help, I'm paying it Forward!!Hahaa
Miz Donna! Hahahaa...In PS8, there's a size slider built in! YEA!!! And you're Right! I'm stamping Everything in Site!!Hahaaa...Now I'm just trying to figure out what I want my signature to BE!!Hahaaa!
Thank you again sweetie!!!
I add Signatures and other things using Photo program Picasa
It took me forever to find out how to do it too.
But Love now having the know how
So cool. Good for you! :)
I noticed your signature right off. Now that you know how to do it you should have no problem making it look exactly how you want it. I think it looks great.
I'm glad to help you, girlfriend! I like that paying it forward idea, so I know that you'll help someone else out when the time comes! Yeah, I know you have a slider thingie, but sometimes the brackets are faster, because you can hover the brush where you want it and then not have to move you mouse back to the slider. The bracket adjustments can be done with your other hand while your mouse hand is busy.
I've been wanting to do that too, and never knew how.
I made one using Microsoft Picture It.. several years ago.
I use it once in awhile -- but quite often forget.
Well done! It looks very good. Next time, ask--silly. I think I could have led you through it as I had to search and learn myself. Ha, ha.
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