Sunday, May 30, 2010
A Personal Meaning to This Day...
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Historical Trivia on a Saturday...

There is an old Hotel/Pub in Marble Arch, London ...
....which used to have gallows adjacent.
....which used to have gallows adjacent.
Prisoners were taken to the gallows (after a fair trial of course) to be hung.
The horse drawn dray, carting the prisoner was accompanied by an armed guard, who would stop the dray outside the pub and ask the prisoner if he would like ''ONE LAST DRINK''. If he said YES it was referred to as, ONE FOR THE ROAD.
If he declined, that prisoner was "ON THE WAGON".
So there you go...More history...

And that's the truth... Now, whoever said history was boring!
More email trivia but Interesting to ponder on this Saturday from a plumber's wife...Hahaa...Y'all have a great one!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Three Day Weekend...Nice!
Hope you all have a Great weekend...and stay happy and safe...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Wordless Wednesday...
Monday, May 24, 2010
Little Dog, Corky....
Friday, May 21, 2010
The Brenda Photo Challenge (5-22-10) Flowers

To join in the sight seeing tour of wonderful Flowers, go here.
I Love Those 20 Minute Meals and Rosie...

I received bad news yesterday about a fellow blogger I'd been following for almost three years. Rosie of Rosie Bakes a Peace of Cake, had passed away suddenly...heart attack. I don't know if any of you followed her but thought I'd let you know, just in case. I have Both of her blogs on my blogroll on my cooking on the above link. Rosie (Jules-her real name) had tons of followers but she Always took time to leave me a sweet comment...Godspeed Sweet Jules...and know you are loved....
Have a great day everyone! If I have not told YOU lately...You are my friends...Forever appreciated, and loved. Thank you for being my friend.....
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Lurking and a Reminder...

Y'all have a wonderful evening and stay out of trouble!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Sometimes, It Just Doesn't Pay to Get Up...

I think this is how my week has been going...leaking expenses!Hahaa...I mean it! Every time I turned around it was Something Else. House Insurance (which is expected) New A/C (which was Not). Then yesterday, I get up to a "I feel great, lets conquer the dust bunnies" kind of morning...Out comes the old trusty vacuum cleaner(At least 15yrs old)....won't pick up a blasted Thing! I worked on it for a LONG, frustrating, while but to no avail...I'd had enough...Lets Go To Town Hubby!! We did...and came home with a Dyson. I was hemming and hawing in the store...Should I or Shouldn't I. Hubby finally took the decision and ran with it...the Dyson.
Got it home, I unpacked and snapped it together and was off chasing those pesky dust bunnies in less than 20 minutes after unpacking. I Have to say, it's the BEST Vac I've Ever owned!
The Second thing that REALLY gets my "goat" is receiving graduation invitations from people I have NOT seen in 20 friggin years!!Hahahaa....Just Where have those Parents left their minds?? When I'm standing, envelope in hand...staring at the name...thinking, "WHO?"....It was probably a bad decision to SEND IT!! Of course, those parents think, I suppose, that since I knew THEM, I must also certainly know all their offspring (that said Parents never bothered to see to it that I got to know...)...Are you feeling the love now???Hahahaaa.....
The above invitation is just an advertisement photo but I have already received one too many. I am NOT, what's commonly called here in the South...The Cash Cow. I did my duty by the Graduates I Do know...Like my new Grandson, Tylar! Proud of you Baby Doll....Well Done! That's It! Don't get me wrong now...I'm glad kids manage to graduate these days with all the educational red tape they have to fight! But I only believe in rewarding those graduates That I Personally Know!LOL....geez...enough said.
Well, I know I feel better after this long vent...LOLOL...Hope you all have a Happy day or night where Ever you may be!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Clorox vs Peroxide

I got this from a good friend's email this morning...I'm going to try these!
Clorox vs peroxide VERY interesting and inexpensive. This was written by Becky Ransey of Indiana (a doctor's Wife), and I want to share it with you. She was over recently for coffee and smelled the bleach I was using to clean my toilet and counter tops. This is what she told me. 'I would like to tell you of the benefits of that Plain little ole bottle of 3% peroxide you can get for under $1.00 at any drug store. What does bleach cost?
My husband has been in the medical field for over 36 years, And most doctors don't tell you about peroxide. Have you Ever smelled bleach in a doctor's office? NO!!! Why? because it smells, and it is not healthy! Ask the nurses who work in the doctor's offices, and ask them if they use bleach at home. They are wiser and know better!
Did you also know bleach was invented in the late 40's? It's chlorine, folks! And it was used to kill our Troops. Peroxide was invented during WWI in the 20's. It was used to save and help cleanse the needs of our troops and hospitals. Please think about this:
1. Take one capful (the little white cap that comes with the bottle) and hold in your mouth for 10 minutes daily, then spit it out. (I do it when I bathe.) No more canker sores, and your teeth will be whiter without expensive pastes. Use it instead of mouthwash.
2. Let your toothbrushes soak in a cup of peroxide to keep them free of germs.
3. Clean your counters and table tops with peroxide to kill germs and leave a fresh smell. Simply put a little on your dishrag when you wipe, or spray it on the counters.
4. After rinsing off your wooden cutting board, pour peroxide on it to kill salmonella and other bacteria.
5. I had fungus on my feet for years until I sprayed a 50/50 mixture of peroxide and water on them (especially the toes) every night and let dry.
6. Soak any infections or cuts in 3% peroxide for five to ten minutes several times a day. My husband has seen gangrene that would not heal with any medicine but was healed by soaking in peroxide.
7. Fill a spray bottle with a 50/50 mixture of peroxide and Water and keep it in every bathroom to disinfect without Harming your septic system like bleach or most other Disinfectants will.
8. Tilt your head back and spray into nostrils with your 50/50 mixture whenever you have a cold, plugged sinus. It will bubble and help to kill the bacteria. Hold for a few minutes, and then blow your nose into a tissue.
9. If you have a terrible toothache and cannot get to a dentist right away, put a capful of 3% peroxide into your mouth and hold it for ten minutes several times a day. The pain will lessen greatly.
10. And of course, if you like a natural look to your hair, spray the 50/50 solution on your wet hair after a shower and comb it through. You will not have the peroxide-burnt blonde hair like the hair dye packages but more natural highlights if your hair is a light brown, reddish, or dirty blonde. It also lightens gradually, so it's not a drastic change.
11. Put half a bottle of peroxide in your bath to help get rid of boils, fungus, or other skin infections.
12. You can also add a cup of peroxide instead of bleach to a load of whites in your laundry to whiten them. If there is blood on clothing, pour it directly on the soiled spot. Let it sit for a minute, then rub it and rinse with cold water. Repeat if necessary.
13. I use peroxide to clean my mirrors. There is no smearing, which is why I love it so much for this.
14. Another place it's great is in the bathroom, if someone has been careless & has peed on the floor around the toilet & it's begun to smell of urine. Just put some peroxide in a spray bottle & spray. In the blink of any eye all the smell will be gone & the bacteria eliminated!
I could go on and on. It is a little brown bottle no home should be without! With prices of most necessities rising, I'm glad there's a way to save tons of money in such a simple, healthy manner!
This information really woke me up. I hope you gain something from it, too.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Day One as Promised!

Well, I can't think of anything else that is pressing to talk about tonight...I DO hope all you Mothers out there have a Wonderful Sunday...I'll be planning my menus...Happy night!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Rut Rowwww!!!LOL
"Now honey, Sandwiches are FINE!"he says......"Salads!".....(gives me an encouraging smile...). I just stood there staring at him...You know, The Woman Knows How To Cook stare. I KNOW he was impressed when I asked him how hot I should get his Green Egg grill before I add the and THEIR grills! What IS UP with that? If I get Near it he starts to sweat!!LOL
Oh well, I can DO this! I'll be Cooking for my MAN!!! Guess I'd better get into the freezer and rummage around...It's time for coffee! Y'all have a Great and Happy weekend! If you see something GREEN in the skies above you, pay no attention....
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Where's The Mailman?
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Y'all have a wonderful day!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
The Brenda Photo Challenge (5-1-10) Circles
Well, these are my attempts on such short notice...LOL...MY FAULT! I looked at the calendar wrong and thought it was two weeks in between Challenges...nope! Thank you Donna for seeing that! I Promise that there will be three weeks in between challenges this time as a reward for you playing along with me this time! I'll have the new Challenge posted by Sunday.
Try to have a great day!
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