Monday, December 31, 2012
Happy New Year Dear Friends...
May you All be happy, warm and safe tonight. You all have been Such a Huge blessing to me! May we all be together in the New Year....2013...Goodness, time is rolling by. Enjoy your evening!
I have a date with a small glass of Bailey's poured over crushed ice and topped with real whipped cream....Hahaaa.....
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Granddaughter Ruth Ann...
Granddaughter Samantha...
Grandson William...
Son in Law Tim...
Daughter Crystal...
Need a closer view? Click on pictures...
Wow wow and double wow....The last two weeks have gone by in a whirlwind!! Can't remember the last time we had a day all to ourselves without having to buy something, go somewhere, work, cook, decorate, or blow our noses...My favorite holiday of them All is Christmas but I Swear, this year, I don't think I even came Close to getting in the spirit of things! THAT is a NEVER for me! Hubby's Mom went through her surgery just fine and for a few days her dizziness was gone...mission accomplished, or so we thought. The dizziness is back. Now what...Who can find out? Well, not us apparently. The Dr's office isn't answering his phone so I guess we play the waiting game again...
My Aunt Josephine passed away on the 26th...(94). She had a full life and tons of people who love her....She was my last Aunt to cross over...You know, I'm only 61...Where'd Everybody Go????Hahaaa....geeeez.....
Well, guess I'll get busy doing Something...A nice hot coffee would be a great start to things.
Enjoy your day guys!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Merry Christmas to all of you out there in BlogLand! I know I'm putting this up a few days early but I didn't know when I'd be able to get back to do a Christmas post. Hubby's Mom isn't doing well after her surgery last week. She goes in for a CT scan today to see just what may be going on. She had surgery last week to insert a small pump to the brain. They thought she was accumulating excess fluid and hoped a pump may help with her dizziness. She woke up yesterday with the same problems she had had Before surgery...hence, the CT scan today. I Know you've been asked to pray for tons of people lately but if you wouldn't mind...please add Ann to your list.
I love you all and can Never properly express how much you all are appreciated...All year long.
May God bring us Peace and Joy for this new year....
Sunday, December 16, 2012
This is just one of the many gunned down....May God hold them close....Sending prayer and love to all the families and friends in Connecticut.....Our hearts are just broken....
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
Geezzzz.....WHAT a DAY we had yesterday! We've been busy at work and , helping out with Hubby's Mom (was in hospital) and Dad (had flu) all week. Been doing extra cooking for them as well... Last night around 10, Buddy comes running in and jumps up on the bed. NEVER does he do that! And THEN...the SMELL...OMGGGG....!!!! Needless to say, Three baths later HE was huggable again....the HOUSE? OMGGGG..... It's Horrible! The smell has even ruined my flippin' Purse! The attack happened right by our back patio door...I just don't know HOW I'll ever get the stench out! If y'all have ANY good ideas, Please share!!
We're just Sick!Hahahaaa.....NEVER a dull moment around here!
Y'all try to enjoy your weekend...You KNOW what I'll be doing!
Monday, November 26, 2012
A SnowGlobe...
I also came across a new template from one of my FaceBook photographers that I like. She uses CS3 and I still use PSE9 here at work. Trying to figure out the instructions between the two programs made me a Crazy woman! It looked easy but easy wasn't in the details...Hahaaaa...Click photo to enlarge if you're so inclined.
I swore...a Lot and was tempted to purchase CSWhatEver it is this week but...I didn't. I don't think I did too bad a job. I really want to try this out on other photos but since I have cleaned out my photo library on my work're stuck with another shot of Sam!
Well, guess I'll close and get to the market...Have a great and relaxing evening!!
Participating in Wittle People Wednesday....
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Hope you all have a happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!! I'll be checking up on you all so DO BEHAVE and be Safe out there!!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
A Week Already? Geez...
Brother! A whole week has gone by without me paying attention! Now we're headed into the Thanksgiving holidays and it still feels like it should be October...I'm clueless. Hahaaaaa...I've been sitting here for the last ten minutes wondering what might interest you and can't seem to come up with One Thing!! It's just been work and home for us lately...boy, that gets old! But at least we have a home to Go to...those poor people in the NorthEast are Still homeless and it's been Weeks now... Well, guess I'll put an end to your misery and stop here... Hope your Thanksgiving is a warm and safe one!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Brenda's Photo Challenge ...Autumn
Thank you Miz Brenda for this Challenge...I think I'm ready for some cold nights with a good book....Hope you all are having a Great and safe weekend!
To see more, go HERE.
Monday, November 5, 2012
S%*T Southern Girls Say...
OK Now...IF you're offended by a few curse words...Do Not Watch! I'm in my Pre-Election mode so just bare with me!Hahaaa....It's 'gonna be a Long 48 hours! We did a few chores around the house over the weekend, hubby cooked a great pork roast and I did a little laundry. Nothing spectacular. It rained Saturday afternoon and left us with a double rainbow...Oh, and by the way, I heard from my family up North and they all made it through Sandy! Power went off but it's back on now and they are just left with cleaning up! Thanks for all your sweet wishes!!!
Well, guess I'll get back to my nail biting and chain coffee drinking...WHAT???Hahaaa... Sweet night All!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Nothing much happening here...just tapping my foot, waiting for the elections on Tuesday...tap...tap...tap....Don't mind me, I'm just fidgety today.
We had NO trick or treaters last night...Quietsville! Oh well...I didn't expect any anyway....
Still haven't heard from my family in CT. But, I Know they are fine! After all, I asked God to keep His Hand on them and All those on the coastal areas...praying.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Happy Halloween!!
Happy Halloween Every one!! Here's a Halloween prank video that I think is appropriate for this "fun filled" day... Stay warm and stay Safe!! The fun starts about 30 seconds into the tape...
To enlarge the video, just click on the full screen mode in the bottom right hand corner of the video.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
Rachel and Josh...
I Finally got a chance to pick my camera back up! It's been ages.... Believe it or not, it got HOT! I think by the end of the session we were all ready to head for somewhere cooler.
This is Rachel and Josh and they are looking forward to the birth of their first baby, Zoey Grace.
Rachel is the daughter of an old friend of mine so you Know I had to get in on the festivities. I can't believe I held Rachel in my arms as an infant...WHERE is the time Going??? Oh well, we have no choice but to move onward....
Hope you all have a great day!
Monday, October 15, 2012
A Birthday and Company...
Saturday, I challenged my girlfriend to do something we'd NEVER done before...get a pedicure...WHAT??Hahaaa. No, I'd NEVER had a professional pedicure and neither had my friend. I'm a do-it-yourself type of person. But you know what? It Was Nice! Can't say I'll rush out and do it again any time soon but I certainly was surprised.
On Sunday we all celebrated Hubby's 65th birthday...He didn't want a huge Anything so we just packed up and went out to breakfast. I think as you grow older, you lose your taste for those boisterous celebrations. At our age, to just be remembered is enough. Well, that's about it for now. Hope you all are starting off Monday on a Good note! It's almost lunchtime here so I guess I'll go get a sandwich made...Enjoy the day!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
The Next Debate!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
It's That Time!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Wordless Wednesday...
Updated the header...Now it looks normal. Happy night everyone!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
I Give Up...
The amount of time I've spent in this last week trying to get my blog going again is ridiculous! I Knew that my problem would go unresolved when I contacted Blogger but I thought it was worth the try...nothing happened. Then I decided to also contact Google. Things finally started working. I still can't "design" the background the way I want it...I've tried to upload my own picture for the background but it Never switches...nothing happens! I've tried all kinds of different templates...nothing. SO, if this blog design EVER changes in the future, it'll be done by someone who can actually get it Done! I've had it! Blogger has finally defeated me!Hahaaa...It's good enough that I can do a post and upload a photo for a post...geeez.
We got up early yesterday and ran a few errands...had breakfast at the local IHOP and came home. I guess I need to do a bit of laundry today; maybe clean out a few cabinets. I look around the house and wonder where my maid went...Hahaaa. There's always something to clean isn't there?!!
Hope you all have a good Sunday...
Friday, September 21, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
I need a Degree...seriously...
Anyhoooo, hope you're having a bouncing Monday. I'd better give the blog design a rest and come visit you...Have a great one!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
What a Week...

The old Blogger interface will be removed in the coming days.
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Uggggg....Now I'll have to learn all over again how to enlarge photos...Why can't they just let us CHOOSE what WE Want??? Sorry for screaming...I'm in a MOOD!
These elections have had my attention along with the conventions...You DO NOT want me to start here on Blogger about how I feel. My FB and Twitter friends got a pretty good snoot full...Hahaaaa...
I also had Jury duty on Tuesday. No, they did NOT pick me! It was a TWO PRIOR, DWI...ILLEGAL from Argentina...and this was his THIRD ARREST for the SAME DA*N offense!
I was asked by the defense if I could be lenient....Hahahaaaa...."NO Sir! He hasn't learned YET that drinking and driving doesn't WORK???" moron....
Also, when defense asked if any of us belonged to ANY activist type groups (??????) I raised my hand once again, "What type of so called Activist groups are you referring to???"
"Oh, like M.A.D.D......"
Cutting him off at the pass, I replied instantly, "Yes I DO belong to M.A.D.D.!"
Have you contributed money?
Yes, I Have!!
Thank you Number 16! (That was my number)
Well, it's just as well...I would have fought for the MAXIMUM sentence of 20yrs and $10 thousand dollars AND DEPORTATION before he climbs back into a car drunk and kills someone!
BIG SIGH HERE.......So...Hahahaaa....I Sincerely hope your lives are cool and calm and peaceful. I keep waiting for Mine to get there.
Have a great one!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Three Whole Days...

It's Thursday and I am SO glad tomorrow's Friday...I've been so tired this week. I've stayed up late to watch the Republican Convention and staying up late does Not agree with me. It's not that I'm old or anything...I'm just not 30 anymore. I've been getting up between 4 and 5am and going to bed by 8pm for so long, I'm use to it. And yes it's true...we don't have much fun...Hahaaa...Oh well. At least we get a three day weekend. We might drive around looking for more good barbecue...maybe.
The grankids started back to school Tuesday. Sam is a Senior, Will is in 7th and Ruthie is in 9th. I cannot believe these kids are so old...Hahaaa....Me? I'm still 18!
Hope you all have a great evening. I think it's coffee that keeps me so young...Guess I'll go grab a cup...
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Saturday Breakfast...

Well, I guess I'll go make some more coffee and settle in for a good Star Trek movie. Enjoy your day Guys! (Click photos to enlarge)
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
I Swear! I Got Nuthin'!

It's been raining here...Always glad to get the rain! But today it's sunny and 94. I miss the cloud cover!
Well, I've bored you enough. Hope you all are having a good and busier week then I am!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Wordless Wednesday...

Hope you're having a great week!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Wordless Wednesday...sort of...

Hope you're having a Good Wednesday!!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Celebrating and Good Eats...

We haven't been up to much this last week...Crystal and Tim took William and Samantha to Galveston beach in celebration of William's 13th Birthday last Saturday. They had a great time. Sorry about the overload of photos but I figure I haven't blogged in a can take it!Hahaaaa. I'm personally Loving Tim in his girlie man hat...What makes him one of the Good guys is that he loves to have a good time! We love the boy!
Well, guess I'll quit boring you...I know you all are behaving yourselves and looking forward to the weekend...I know I am! Have a great Thursday!