Wednesday, December 6, 2023

A Birthday...a Treatment, a Sandwich and Mushy.

Happy Birthday to our sweet angel, Libby, aka, Olivia Pug Princess!  She turned 10 on December 1st !
This little girl is my buddy...stalker...protector...and she has my heart, hook, line and sinker.
I can't think of my life without her... 

Larry started BCG treatments December 1st, as well.  The actual treatment took only about 15 minutes...butttt...the nurse made us stay for two hours.  She said it was so Larry's reaction to treatment could be observed.  Made perfect sense so...he got to kick back in his heated massage chair and watch a little television.  All subsequent visits, he can leave right after treatment.

I haven't gotten to work much on my quilt top lately.  Little Sloane has been out of daycare with fever because of her ears.  Momma Samantha's schedule, this week, calls for me traveling 30 minutes to their house to sit with Sloane.  We don't want any type of fever around Larry while he's receiving his treatments.  Fine by me!  Anytime spent with Soane is a spirit lifting time.  And Samantha appreciated the clean kitchen and folded laundry when she got home.  We "do" for our babies no matter how old they are. 

Finally got Sloane down for a nap...took a while! lol

Finished all 20 blocks...finally!  And no, they're not perfectly aligned.  My first quilt top...getting to know my machine...takes a while and a lot of mistakes. 

Got them all laid out on our bed...this is the back side of the blocks.  I flipped each stack and labeled them.  I did get one row sewn together before I needed to take care of Sloane.
I'll get there...

Managed to get our tree up.  I'm not through decorating it but it'll just have to wait in line...I been busy.  I received a jury summons...had to appear this past Monday...Long story short, I got picked to serve on a jury but my Angel took care of me!  The case was civil and it settled out of court!  Yeah me!  All of us potential jurors heaved a huge sigh of relief and quickly left the building! lol

This is Larry's favorite breakfast sandwich...fried egg on buttered toast with mustard.  

He would eat it every morning if I made it!  I don't... but hey, once a week is fine.  My favorite?  A Bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich...lolol  I rarely make one.

We drove the 50 miles to Corsicana, Texas, to the cemetery my folks are buried in... Larry wanted to go visit the Russell Stover candy company.  We'd never been and after "visiting" with my mom and dad...we stopped in.  It was huge...and chocolate everywhere...and, I forgot to take a photo!  But, here's what we bought...Hope the kids like all the chocolate.

While in Corsicana, we wanted to eat at a place that we knew would be good and not waste our money  The managers must have changed since our last visit because the food was nasty.  

This is me and Larry...Lol

A few fries...uncooked hushpuppies and cold...and don't let the look of the fish fool you.  The fish itself was mushy!  Awful...and that crust?  I seriously don't know what it was.  But it fell apart when you touched it.  The Mac & Cheese were passable but almost tasteless.  Best thing on the plate?  The okra...and only, just.  
Guess another restaurant bites the dust for us.  We have a Cotton Patch here in also used to be good, but we haven't tried it in a long while.

I've never heard of an apple pie made with custard, but I think it might be good?  I'll let you to enlarge photo and print, if you wish.

Well friends...Hope you aren't stressing about Christmas and buying loved one's, things.  It's just "stuff".  A bonus to what the Day stands for.  The Baby Jesus arrived!  How wonderful is that!  What a Gift!
So... until next time...stay safe and be well.