Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Strawberries...Cakes, New Life and Old Friends.

Good morning, friends...It's been almost 2 weeks since my last post!  We've been a little busy, as of late.  Goodness!  Almost all good things though.  Sunday, we went to our daughter Crystal and hubby's home, for a family gathering.  All of our kiddo's were in town at the same time!!  Hadn't happened in over 4 years!  Tylar and wife, Sara in from Hungary...William in from Arkansas...we were extremely blessed!  Also, Tylar and Sara had an announcement...!!!

I made a cake from a recipe I found on Patti's, Olla-Podrida blog.  We all loved it!  And I made a Vegan one!  (for our Sara)


Regular cake

I had frosted them both but can't find the photo of the finished cake!!

On Thursday, we went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast...omgoodness, these were wonderful!  They had cheesecake filling tucked away inside of the pancakes!

We had plenty to eat...bar-b-que...mac & cheese...potato salad...ribs and sausage!  It was all sssooooo good!  But the best thing about it was the family all being together...

When Larry and I finally got our hugs out of the way and we all got settled on the sofa, I looked at Sara and said, "Well...Where's my greatgranBaby"?  Just teasing them like I always do...Sara looked at me funny like, and said, who told you??"  Lololol...I swear no one had and if daughter Crystal knew, she said nothing!  I just had been feeling "new baby" for the last day or so...We all had a good laugh, but Larry and I are SO happy about having another GreatGran in the family!!  And it's another Girl!

Expectant parents, Grandson Tylar and Sara.

Everyone was getting in the pool and Larry and I grabbed grandson William for a photo.  Gampa Larry made a funny face because William always hams it up during a camera shoot.

Now this is Caitlin (left) William's new girlfriend.  So pretty and works in some governmental department (forensics).  We don't know too much about her as of yet...and Will wasn't offering much information.  We'll find out more later on though...lol

We also found some time to get together with our old school buddies...A lot of years have passed since elementary and now.  Amazing we're all together, still!  Praying we stay that way!

I know this is probably a silly thing, but it really helps me stay on track with appointments or places I need to be.  I take 2 prescriptions and various supplements so...why not add little signs to those specific days right on my pill box?  I see it every morning...Works for me!
I cut post-it-Notes with my info on it then stick it to the day I need to take notice of...works and I'm not constantly pulling out calendars!

For lunch today I made chicken breast and green beans...

Then I received a JURY SUMMONS in the flippin' mail!  I'm SO sick of these things...It's like the courthouse has me on speed-dial!!  Well...long story short, I've been excused from duty...

I'm going to have to have surgery on my eye...October 9th.  Oh well...I'd rather have surgery than jury duty again!  They can't find enough decent people to uphold the law!  I've done my duty for over 52 years...I don't feel any remorse about missing one time!

And what's a post without Sloane? lolol
She had a blast in the pool. She loves her Pops.

Well, I suppose that's about it for now.  Hope you all have been behaving yourselves!  I'll be over to check up on you so...until next time...