Wednesday, July 29, 2009

HR 3200 Health Care Idiots Plan

Over on my RANT blog, I put a link to the 1018 page bill that's causing a lot of upset...The Health Care Plan....Have You read it? Well, here's a link to "Isn't it Rich" blog...He's gotten to page 494 so far and written exactly what they mean in short snippets! Please Read them! One of my PERSONAL favorites, among Many, is on page 354..."Government will restrict enrollment of SPECIAL NEEDS individuals...." One of my sisters has Cerebral Palsey...What do we do with HER??!! Throw her into a GOVERNMENT INSTITUTION??? I'm REALLY pissed!!! Or how about the one on page 58? "Every person will be issued a personal Health Card"....OR page 22, you business owners..."MANDATES audits of ALL Employers that SELF-insure!!....GEZZUS!!
Page 102? Those eligible for MEDICARE will AUTOMATICALLY be enrolled; you have NO CHOICE!!!
I'm Really trying to read through this Horror....If you're against this thing, contact your Congressmen, Senators and State reps!


Sally said...

I'm so confused by all of that!! Also, the Making Home Affordable deal that I guess Mr Osama Banawnaw thought up; they sent me a package, I called and couldn't get a straight answer. Why don't they hire people, then TRAIN them to know stuff? aarrgghh Just lock me up.

Okay, I'm done. :)

Donna said...

Sally- That's the IDEA! They don't Want you to know..And Anything you sign, make SURE a lawyer you Trust looks it over!!!hughugs

Cindra said...

I've had people tell me it can't be as bad as some people are saying it is... I just want to scream.... wake up! it is as bad.

Lynn said...

FWIW, I've been writing my congressman and senators. I've called. I get nothing; my congressman voted for it in whatever committee he is in. Our elected officials are not representing us.

I'm thinking that perhaps we should start writing our governors and state legislatures to see if we can get help from those elected officials to oppose this monstrosity. If these people started balking, invoking the 10th Amendment, and coming out against this horror, perhaps those in DC will be stopped.

I am also trying to find out if there are any meetings planned over the August recess by the congressman or senators.

Jeanette said...

Yeah, when pigs fly!

Unknown said...

What are the odds that this will pass? Ooo, stupid question. It's an insane plan, so it just might. said...

The whole thing is an atrocity! Unreal!!