Hello y'all! It's been a busy week here in the office...cleaning out files...both in the literal file cabinets And in the computer. September 30th marked the end of our fiscal year so that means Cleaning out...stuff, and getting ready for our new business year on Oct 1st. I've had my new files ready to go into the cabinet since February...Hahaa...(for filing physical invoices). Isn't this Interesting??Hahaa...
Well, I'll have Sami and Will Saturday and Sunday...Crystal and Tim are going out again and think they need privacy...What's with That???LOL...But Hubby and I are looking forward to the babies staying...SO!!! Hope you all have some fun stuff to do as well, this weekend! Also, don't forget to sign up for the
Brenda Photo Challenge!! Your photos are due
Tomorrow morning!!! So, get 'em posted! Love to you all!!
Have fun with the babies this weekend and I'll see you at the photo challenge tomorrow!
Jeanette- You Two!! See you tomorrow!hughugs
Hahaha, Tim must be feeling better these days! wink, wink!
I've got my photo challenge post all loaded up and ready for the morning! I won't be able to check everyone's pics until later on in the day. Got to get a flu shot in the a.m.!
Donna- Are you getting "The" Flu shot??? OhMy!!
Can't wait to see the photos!! Get some rest sweetie!!
Just dropping in to say hi, hope you enjoy the weekend
see? if you woulda visited my page yesterday, it woulda reminded me to visit yours-- and then--- i woulda been reminded of the photo challenge. hmmm.
see how that works???
i hope you and yours have a very happy weekend-
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