Morning Everyone! Hubby and I have already been to the polls to do our duty! What a day it's going to be...It's a NAIL BITER DAY!LOL....If you've been reading my blog for very long, you Know how I feel about our current...situation... in this country. WHAT??HAhaa...OKOK...WhatEver Your "position" is, as of right now, you still have the right to voice your opinion! Go exercise that right....And I know you're not use to me being an Old Meany?!!...BUT! Realise this...No Vote? No Voice! Translation: Shut up and sit down!
Have a Wonderful Day Y'all!
I VOTED!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!
Can't wait to see the results.
Good Girl Miz Joni!! I'm watching with you!hughugs
I tried, but they won't let me vote. It's a shame really.
Yep. I don't wish any bad luck on anybody or anything but in these times I hope all the money issues are really considered instead of just pulling the crank in the voting booth.
Enjoy your day, Donna!
Ac-Hahaa...You didn't try Hard enough! Take your camera and tell them you're a reporter...LOL
Abraham- Amen to that! The young Must wake up to what's happening...hughugs
Donna- Thanks Sweetheart! Hope you're resting up with the boys!!hughugs
I'm proud of you, sweetie! There's no voting in TN this go-around.
Hey, the ones who don't keep up with the issues and or using logic need to stay home! There were WAY too many people who voted for PrezBO, for example, because they thought it would be "cool" for a black man to be in the White House. How STUPID! How RACIST! That is how we got into this mess with the country now!
So take it from the TN Donna - If someone is not going to use their head and be informed on the actual positions of the candidates, they need to stay the heck home! LOL.
Donna- That's it in a nutshell sweetie! I'm GLUED to the TV!!Hahahaaa...hughugs
Agree with you, Donna. What right does anyone have to complain if they haven't submitted a vote.
CJ xx
feel better?
i'm not sayin another word.. well, i mean on this particular topic. ummm.
happy wednesday!
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