Monday, November 16, 2009

Sarah and Oprah...

Well, today's the day to watch THE interview...I no longer watch Oprah, but today, I'll make an exception. Oprah will get a HUGE bump in ratings, which she really needs...So many people are gradually understanding the difference between power, and power, with heart. When I learned about the school being built in Africa and Not here in America where there are SO many young, bright and equally deserving girls, I quit...SO many celebs make their money here in the USA and then carry it off to Somewhere else... Oh well, get the picture.
Well, guess I'll get busy on this Monday...I'm Still cleaning things out here at the office and I feel like I'm getting NoWhere with it!!Hahaa...Have a Wonderful Monday everybody!!


Sally said...

Well, to show you how dumb I am, I thought that show had already aired. But, I didn't realize Oprah needed better ratings probably 'cause I quit watching years ago, and I totally agree about the celebs tossing out their $$$ in other countries when there is so much need here.

Hope you have a good day, I'm off to see the girls again for a couple of days. :)

Donna said...

Sally- Not yet! It's Today! I'm with you!
You have a Blast Girl!!!hughugs

SquirrelQueen said...

I can't remember the last time I watched daytime tv so Oprah is not high on my list.

RobC said...

Charity begins at home they say. :-)
My TV broke around 6 months ago... not missing it at all!

Caroline said...

And you know what really bugs me here..... I can't pick up an Australian souviner with out it saying "Made in China" I mean really -I even saw an Australian Flag with that tag. What is wrong with us!!
On a lighter note I really LOVE your new look Blog.

JunieRose2005 said...


NOT an Oprah fan fact, haven't watched her in years!

Oh well...I should have watched the show today but I didn't. I'm sure it will be available on Youtube and I can catch up! :)

I have been busy today with doing bills- etc- that stuff I really hate to do!!


Donna said...

Judy- I mostly watch news channels...never reality shows...happy night sweetie!hughugs

Rob- What a luxury!! No TV!!hughugs

Caroline- Isn't that the Truth?!! And now that China practically Owns us!!!GEEZ!!
Thanks!! Wasn't hard to do with all the free templates!hughugs

Junie- I Almost missed it myself!!Hahaa...but she was GOOD!!!hughugs

Ann said...

This is the first I've heard of the show. I pretty much stay away from tv.

Brenda said...

No Oprah watching here. I watch Rachel Ray occasionally though. :-)
Don't work too hard!!!!!!!!

jazzi said...

No interest in Oprah, and absolutely no interest in Palin, either. So it was okay that I was at work!

bichonpawz said...

I watched it and thought she did a good job. I'm from the other end of the a fair amount of my favorite shows. Oprah used to be an almost everyday so much. I turn it on and if she has someone interesting on...I'll watch! Love your new blog look!! I'm thankful for my blog!

mary from michigan said...

I used to be a fan of Oprah, I was even a guest on her show several years ago. She was becoming too liberal for me, but when she invited Barack Obama to her show and wouldn't invite Palin, I stopped watching. I watched the Palin interview to make a statement, although I am a Palin fan! I thought Oprah asking Palin over and over again if she'd be inviting Levi Johnson over for Thanksgiving Dinner was contemptable! Would Oprah invite a low life to her multi-million $$ digs who had treated her the same way? Oprah's out of touch now and it's sad. She used to be inspiring!