Thursday, July 30, 2009

Playing Around

Samantha and William
Crystal (top) and Samantha (bottom)
Good Morning! I just love this sepia look on photographs...The kids went to a park last weekend and got a lot of shots so I grabbed some and played around with them.
It's also RAINING...Finally!! A Wonderful Long Drenching rain and it's still going! Thanks for all your prayers guys! It Worked!
Well it's been a rather depressing week, politically speaking, but I Know it's all going to work out in the end, so have faith!
As you can tell, I have absolutely Nothing new to add I suppose I'll get to work and clean my office...YUCK!!!Hahaaa....Have a Wonderful day or night!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

HR 3200 Health Care Idiots Plan

Over on my RANT blog, I put a link to the 1018 page bill that's causing a lot of upset...The Health Care Plan....Have You read it? Well, here's a link to "Isn't it Rich" blog...He's gotten to page 494 so far and written exactly what they mean in short snippets! Please Read them! One of my PERSONAL favorites, among Many, is on page 354..."Government will restrict enrollment of SPECIAL NEEDS individuals...." One of my sisters has Cerebral Palsey...What do we do with HER??!! Throw her into a GOVERNMENT INSTITUTION??? I'm REALLY pissed!!! Or how about the one on page 58? "Every person will be issued a personal Health Card"....OR page 22, you business owners..."MANDATES audits of ALL Employers that SELF-insure!!....GEZZUS!!
Page 102? Those eligible for MEDICARE will AUTOMATICALLY be enrolled; you have NO CHOICE!!!
I'm Really trying to read through this Horror....If you're against this thing, contact your Congressmen, Senators and State reps!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Happy 10th Birthday William!!

Roses are Red...Violets are Blue...You'll never realize, how Much we Love You!! Megatrons and Decepticons, I can't keep them all straight but In these you've been, since you were eight...The years are now flying and we're all really trying to keep up with our man in the Moon...As you grow older, always remember, we'll never love again like we love You!
Happy Birthday Sugar Britches!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Packs A Punch!

See the guy sitting at the table with the striped purple shirt? He Was Not happy that I took this picture!Hahaa...He'll get Over it!
Can you guess what this is? Looks like a cell phone but it packs quite a punch!
This will lay you out for about 22 minutes...Since the FEDS passed a bill last week that prevents you from carrying a concealed across state lines, I made a little purchase...LOL. $65.00 and worth Every penny. It even has a light on it for those dark places we sometimes find ourselves in. The man who sold it to me said he couldn't keep up with his inventory! Grandpas and Dads were buying them left and right for their wives, daughters and granddaughters...I took his business card if any of you are interested. He'll ship it to you. OR, you may have a store near you that sells them. Worth checking it out ladies! It now lives in my purse...waiting! Poor Hubby! We went to the gun show this morning and he didn't buy a Thing!!! Up and down the aisles we went; him throwing money at ME for a change!Hahahaa...Oh well, time for a great big hot coffee! Y'all have a wonderful weekend!!

Friday, July 24, 2009


Hi everyone! It's FRIDAY! I'm SO ready for it! 'Gonna drink coffee...try to sleep till 6am...Hahaa...and Maybe go see Harry Potter. Also, don't forget The Brenda Photo Challenge slated for August 1st!! Have a great day!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Christmas??? Don't You Dare Throw That!!!

I Saw That!!LOL....I'm just the messenger! Only 155 days until Christmas Guys!!! Lets see...that's almost five months from now! With the economy the way it IS right now, who knows What it will be by then?!! So if you see something you want to get for a child or Old Aunt need to start now. I think we're going to go somewhere with Hubby's family instead of buying gifts...but we still have our kids and grandbabies to do for. Just starting to get my thinking cap on...This year Should be interesting!Hahaaa...Happy day to you all!!....and STOP all that Bah Humbugging out there!!!Hahahaa..

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Yesterday, I went to Barnes & Noble and bought this special edition of Prevention Magazine...It's a book. Now IF you were ME...and you were looking at this, doesn't it say...Eat To Boost Energy....EAT LOTS OF CHOCOLATE???? LOLHAhahaha...WHAT??!!!LOL...Oh Well, it doesn't BUT I was hoping! I've decided to follow Cindra's advice to GOMB...(get off my butt). Walk...When I worked in nursing, I remember I would have to walk in the office all day from patients room to room BUT I also had to do morning rounds for the Dr. I worked for, at the hospital. There was this Long hall in the basement that led to the basement of the hospital from our tower of Dr. offices...Had to be at least a mile coming and going; had to be fast so I could be back at the office to see the first patient of the day (OB-GYN). I miss that exercise. I was slim and toned and felt good! This book has a wonderful schedule to Walk Off Weight, and I'm going to get with it! I'm TIRED of not feeling good...GADS! I Now Need Prayer!!HAhaaaa...Happy day folks!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy & Two Years Blogging!

Happy Birthday Daddy!! We've been missing you but I know you and Mom are out there sharing that Tutti Fruitti ice cream with Aunt Cooter and Uncle Elmer; riding the high roads and having the greatest of adventures! I love you all and will see you later...And don't eat All the ice cream...please!!!Hahahaa ((((LOVE)))).

It's Also my two year Blogaversary! Wow! Time really flies! Thanks to all of my old and new friends!! I Treasure each and every one of you!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Heavy Sprinkles...

Well, it's better than Nothing!!LOL...We're actually getting some sporadic light showers here! Feels wonderful! Won't last long but I'm SO grateful for what we are getting.
This is a crepe myrtle that sits beside the bank where we do our banking. I love these this time of year. They're drought hardy plants.
We stayed home this past weekend and I caught up on laundry and cleaning while the grandbabies were here. Crystal and Tim went out to dinner. Well, hope you're all doing well...Guess I'll get in the kitchen and warm up the roast Hubby made yesterday. Happy night or day everyone!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Walter Cronkite

Walter Cronkite has passed at the ripe old age of 92...We heard about it last night while watching The Ghost Whisperer. Now here was a True journalist! They don't make 'em like him anymore, do they...True, he was a Democrat...but I truly did Not see him as one. He was fair and balanced in the truest form of the word. I believe that is the sign of a great reporter when you can make your audience unaware of your political views and still get the story across.
I grew up with Walter. He told me about JFK being shot...How Jackie just stood beside Lyndon Johnson...her mind and soul, numb from what had just transpired, in her pink, blood soaked suit...He took me to Viet Nam and showed me Jane Fonda sitting on a viet cong jeep, spouting mercurial words of hate against our beloved soldiers and country, who by the way, were fighting to see to it that she HAD the privilege to Do so and that others, in a war torn nation, Also had that same right...He took me to the Moon and showed me the endless possibilities of man's visions for our future, and I believed him. He had integrity. I will truly miss him.
Walter Cronkite

Friday, July 17, 2009


Is that what those are? Clouds? GoodNess! Do you know how long it's been since we've seen those things?Hahaa...A LONG time! Will we GET any rain out of them? Who knows. It's just cooler and of That, I'm glad!
Well, It's Friday again. I've got a few new magazines to look over (computer) for hints and tips. I love those things! No plans...again. May take Grandson to see Star Trek; no firm plans as of yet. Hope you all have a great day and Stay out of trouble!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Twenty pounds...That's ALL I want to loose!! It's time again to go for it! This is the only problem I have as I grow older...up and down! There Must be a better way! How do YOU handle this problem?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Happy Sunday!

First of all, I'd like to say Thank You Lynn (Musings from the Texas Hill Country) for hosting the Shadows theme for all of us this past Saturday on the Brenda Photo Challenge Blog!! It was Great fun Lynn, and we really appreciate you helping us out with the theme!! Everyone's pictures were wonderful! As Soon as our Next host, Judy (The Road to Here), decides on her Theme and Date, I'll get it posted on The Brenda Photo Challenge Blog! Don't forget to go Back to the Brenda Photo Blog and catch our late posters!

Right now, you're saying..."What IS this stuff?".....It's APRICOT Preserves!!! I ordered it for a good cause, from Joni at Morning Coffee!! OH MY WORD PEOPLE!! You know how some preserves can be...well...Super Sickeningly SWEET?? NOT THIS! OMWord! It is Wonderful! I'm afraid I'm going to Have to order MORE Joni!!Hahaa...I'm Serious! You can Also get it HOT and pour it over vanilla ice cream!!!...WHAT!! Not ME! I didn't do was Hubby...that... did... that...Hahahaa
Make sure to look for the July/August edition!
Also, I wanted to give a SHOUT OUT to Trisha of Once Upon a Time!!! Trisha is a writer! I've been a reader of her blog since I started blogging several years ago... She submitted a short story to a new publication called New Love Stories...and they published it!! How wonderful is That?!!! The story, Phantom Rose, is Beautifully written! Trisha KNOWS how to write and write well...I could "see", "hear", and "smell" everything she described and when That happens for Me, it's a wonderful story! And the story itself??? Oh No you don't!Hahahaa...(HINT: A Pirate and....Hahaaa) Get to your bookstore right now and grab a copy! I found mine at Books A Million but it's also at Borders and Maybe at Barnes & Nobel. Way to go Trisha!!
Well, guess I'll get this posted...I now need to do a post on my Rant blog...SO, Have a Wonderful day or night and be safe!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Brenda Photo Challenge (7-11-09)

Just WHO is going in for a CHOCOLATE BROWNIE??? Sneaky Shadow!!Hahahaa...Whudden ME!!
And here's something you don't see everyday...A Cuptowel Shadow!! Well, maybe you do...
And a Front Door shadow...I cheated on this one...I took it last year!
Well, these were my offerings...Just want to thank LYNN from Musings from the Texas Hill Country for hosting this round for us! I had fun with it.... Pop on over to The Brenda Photo Challenge Blog to see all the other entries!! I'm on My way! Happy Saturday everyone!

Friday, July 10, 2009


For once, it seems like it took Forever for Friday to come rolling around! We don't have anything pressing to do this weekend but it just seemed to be a Long week! We've got grass to mow...(Jenn???HAhaa...); just outside things to do before it gets too hot to work...which is usually about 9am! You've got to get up early!
Don't forget tomorrows Brenda Photo Challenge! It should be lots of fun! Can't wait to see your photos!! Happy night to you all!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy Wednesday!

Our Baby, Samantha got braces this morning! Oh My! Next time I "turn around", she'll be twenty...Happy Wednesday everyone!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Another Website Link...

William loves Dolphins...
Sami loves Spots and lots of 'em!Hahaa...
Crystal's favorite animal...the Wolf.
I'm always on the look out for new fun photo sites! Here's the link to ...Just sign up, create a user name and password and you're good to go...Just make sure you mark your finished products, Unpublished...Unless you Want them left for the public to see.
Lazy Tuesday!! I have no energy today. We had some rain through here the other day but now it's heating up again. Oh well...It's better than being cold! So, guess I'll get back to snurfing (yes, Snurfing...LOL) the WEB for cool ideas...Happy day to you all!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Don't Forget!

Don't forget to go to The Brenda Photo Challenge Blog and sign up for the NEXT Challenge hosted by Lynn from Musings from the Texas Hill Country! It's THIS Saturday the 11th, and the theme is Shadows!! Oh, Go On!! You can do it!! Takes TWO seconds to find a Shadow!!! And NO WAY did I take the above photo...I like to read about vampires BUT I Do Not want them visiting!!Hahaaa....Anyone can sign up to play along! All you need is a camera!! Now get out there and get 'ta snapping! Happy night everyone!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Breakfast and a Door-Stop?

Sunday morning pancakes...
PANERA BREAD UPDATE: Remember this loaf?Hahaa...well I think It's ready to turn into Something useful! Any ideas on what I could do with it?...WHAT? I Heard that!!Hahaha.. Could it be a doorstop? Nope, not heavy enough...Dip it in some of that plastic stuff?? I don't know...Any Artsy ideas anyone?? I've kept it This long, I'd hate to just throw it away! On well, I'll leave y'all to ponder the ideas.. Have a wonderful and safe Sunday!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Birthday America!

Here's to our Freedom, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness America! Hope you all have a wonderful and safe day! Now get out there and start those grills!!Hahaa...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Lookin' Good!

Don't tell me you never ate anything in a boat before....HAhaaa....It's HOT here again! I'm afraid this looks pretty good to me....LOL...WHAT? I mean the water!!! Anyway! It's hot, hot and More hot, here....Takes the zip out of your Do-da! We don't have any plans for the 4th. Guess I'll steam clean the carpet...I've already done all the laundry...SO, here's hoping your weekend is a fun and Happy one!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Almost Wordless Wednesday...LOL

Do you like to read Very old diaries? I've been reading a book entitled Julie & Julia by Julia Powel...In it, she describes a man by the name of Samuel Pepys (pronounced peeps) who kept his personal journals from 1660 to 1669...and then just stopped because of his fear of going blind...It has tons of...well, lets just say it is very interesting as well as boring. I found the link to these journals online if you want to peruse them...Just click on the volume you wish to read...Happy Wednesday!
Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.