Thursday, March 4, 2010

"Taken With My Cell Phone Thursday"

"Taken With My Cell Phone Thursdays" is a fun photo op! Creator is Sandy of From The Heart of Texas blog! Easy to do and Another reason to pull out a camera!! Go sign up! Lets all give her a big boost!!
My little pitiful offering is a Dusty...LOL... potted ivy that I got when my Dad passed in 2002...Still managing to keep it going! Have a great day guys!!!


SOUL said...

it's purty :)) oh so purty :))
hope you have a real good day

Anonymous said...

That's a gorgeous plant, it looks really healthy. I wish I could keep plants looking that good!

CJ xx

Donna said...

Brenda- Thanks girlie! Go to bed!!!Hahaaa.

Crystal- I can "do" ivys...Hahaa
Happy day K!!

Chicken Boys said...

It won't be long before those beautiful blue bonnets that I miss will be popping up. All the Texas folks need to get cameras ready for that gorgeous show!

Donna said...

Randy- You Bet! The "show" was really mild last year though. Hopefully with all the cold weather lately, it'll be gorgeous!
I hope! Happy day sweetie!

Sandy "From the Heart of Texas" said...

It may be dusty but it is a lovely ivy and growing well to and the purple brightens it all up! You know in spite of the rain and snow, every thing in my house is dusty. Guess that means I should dust. Not. LOL Thanks soooo much for joining in on my quirky little photo challenge! If I end up with just a few followers I'll be thrilled! Hugs and have a super weekend as it will soon be Friday. :)


Donna said...

Hey Sandy! Give it time! When I started the Brenda photo challenges in 08, I think there were just 3 of us gals getting together just for the fun of it...Before we knew it, it started to grow...You'll see! I'm letting all I know, know about it!!
Happy weekend to you too!!

Unknown said...

Hey I can even handle this photo challenge! is a pretty little plant!

Ann said...

If you think that's dusty you should come to my house. I'll show you Pretty plant, I would never be able to keep it alive that long. I'm so bad with plants

Anonymous said...

really cute...

The Urban Cowboy said...

Don't think I can post whats on my cell phone...actually the pics aren't that bad, just a bunch of cowboys an cowgirls with too much to drink.

kimberly said...

that is such a great photo from your phone!!!!!i don't have that capability since my grandbaby dumped mine in my coffe cup!!! :-)

Donna said...

Hey, you did great with that pic! Would you believe that I don't have a camera phone? Can't do web browsing either. Yep, living in the stone ages! LOL.

The one with the View said...

Welcome to the Photo Challenge Donna!! I love your ivy, so pretty!! And I didn't notice the dust at all--so you're good!! LOL :) Have a great weekend!

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.