Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Happy 75th Willie on a Wordless Wednesday

A great big Happy Birthday to Willie Nelson...from Texas. You're 75 and getting younger every day.....PS- I've also added some of his tunes to my music box at the very bottom of this page. See one you want to listen to? Just click on it!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Red Update...and Love

Well, here's a little update on Red. He's my sister's horse. She rescued him almost eight or nine months ago from one of her business co-owners. He was near death and after Much worry, work and expense, he's now doing great! He's Not 100% yet, and may never be, but he has been out in the yard...being frisky! Wonderful. He has also gained back most of his body weight as well. A little can of beer in the evenings with his feed has also seemed to help....YES...I said a can of beer...LOL...makes a Lot of animals frisky!!lolol.....Anyway, If you're a bit down or sad today, just take a look at Red and remember, when things are or seem Really bad, they will get better....really. Much love from me...and Red, to you.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Look?

Up and Down...seems to be the trend. Rain this morning along with the cold air. I know we need the rain for later in the Summer when we're all gripping about it being So hot and dry...LOL...Humanity, never satisfied!

It was a very lazy day around here today. I got up, and the Hubby and I ate toast with bacon and coffee. The kids were still sleeping. My son's daughter, Ruthy spent the night, so I had to get going to get her home on time. She's such a sweetie. Sami rode with us (Crystal's daughter). Chit chatted on the way to her house, helped carry in her bag and Sam and I were once again on our way back to our house...I look down at the gas gauge to see the "tank low" light's now Really raining. Luckily, there was a Valero station close by so we were saved a 6 mile walk home. I pull into the station and we just stare at each other......"Well, get out and fill 'er up girlie"!.....I said to Sam.....LOL.....another lead balloon. How many of those are you permitted in a week?? Her "deer-in-headlight" expression sealed the deal....(standing in wind that blows in a direct direction down your shirt WITH cold rain added, makes one grateful...for something...LOL...) So, after filling up the tank (GEEZ...$53.06)...we were finally on our way a rather pleasant day, doing laundry (Crystal) cooking (Hubby) and resting (Me & granbabies)...WHAT???....WELL...I had just had a nasty experience at the gas pumps...I was...vapored???LOL.....Night all.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Fire and Ice

I thought the flowers would have been torn up from the hail and wind.

Hail really started coming down.

Well we certainly had a little storm blow through here last night! Hubby had been home about thirty minutes when the phone ran...It was our "on-call" plumber, Matt. "I've been in a wreck. Someone rear ended me in the van. Two or three cars then ran into the guy the rear ended me..." Hubby's standing at the ready.... "Is he OK"???.....I then hand the phone to him. Yes, he's ok, no injuries. Certainly shook up though. But does he go home??? Not Our Matt!!LOL...He went on to his next call! Kudos for the Matt!lol...So, out into the blowing rain, goes Hubby. Not long after he left it started hailing, but Hubby said that by the time he got to Matt, he didn't even need an umbrella. The rain lasted about thirty minutes, then slowed...then nothing. That was it. So grateful!
Today started off cloudy but has ended up being beautiful. Got some practice in with my Canon on the flowers that I just KNEW the hail would ruin, but didn't. Earlier I'd gone into town and took back a loaf of German rye bread that the .... bakers?...SPIRAL cut instead of using the straight cut on....HOW could they NOT know what they were doing???LOL....Then I bought a tomato plant, cantaloupe, strawberry and watermelon as well, for the garden. I've never grown strawberry. This should be interesting...LOL. Well, guess I'll get my pics loaded so I can finish the roast, rice and gravy that Hubby prepared. I think I'll let him stay...
PS- Oh Yeah, I started another blog for mostly just pictures. The link is on my sidebar under Photography Blogs (Made in Heaven Too)...LOL..right...But I AM working at it...this is All Miz Brenda's fault...LOL...night.

Friday, April 25, 2008

All Things Spring Photo Challenge

I'm guilty of getting this up...late!LOL Sorry Brenda!! I woke up this morning thinking it was...Thursday!!...Senior moment???LOL...Gads! So, Anyone who wants to play along can! The Next challenge will be on the 16th of May! Since it'll be in mid May, the next challange will be...All Things Bright...(anything that has a Bright quality or reflective quality about it). Check out Miz Brenda's blog...This could become addictive!!! Have a Happy day!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Common Sense or the Lack Thereof...

The official meaning of the words, common sense is as follows:
common sense:
sound practical judgment; "Common sense is not so common"; "he hasn't got the sense God gave little green apples"; "fortunately she had the good sense to run away".......

Hummmmm............This morning, I Really had a Good dose of what this means within my own existence. I'm blow drying my Grandaughters hair. I notice it's just slightly oily around the nape of the neck so, being the good Gamma that I am, I happen to mention it to her...lead balloon...She gets upset because she immediately assumes I meant that she did not wash her hair properly!...I over ride the initial outburst with trying to let her know that I meant No Such Thing and you can not continue to use a shampoo that is Designed to put oil into the hair and have your hair continue to be "bouncy" and squeaky clean after every shampoo...Every third or fourth week, you need to strip the hair with a cleansing shampoo; something with lemon or lime additives. HELLO!!! Common can Not force people to acquire it. They either Have "it", or they don't. AhHa!!! I can hear you now...."well honey, why are You blow drying a 13yr olds hair and putting Up with it"? Have to remember what I said previously....some either Have it....or they DON'T....LOL.....Have a fun day!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Shhhhh...I know....Wordless!LOL...Just a Quick word...This is my most favorite animal in the whole world...What's yours??...Night!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day and The Day The Earth Stood Still

I thought this was a really pretty picture to use for Earth Day. I Know I should have gotten this posted this morning, but alas, never enough time. Hope you all did your part in making Mother Earth a little happier today...I think she's getting a little put out with us! joke!! Since I have Not put up any more Trip pictures.....What??...I Heard That!!!LOL....I thought I would Also include a video trailer for a movie I've Always liked...The Day The Earth Stood Still. Did you know Hollywood is in the middle of production of a remake? Keanu Reeves is starring. Hope they get it right!! So, since my life was a bit boring today..(thank goodness), enjoy the clip and I'll talk at you tomorrow. PS- I'm sure some of you will be glad to know I've changed up some of my tunes in the music box...If you watch the clip, go to my music box (at the very bottom of this page) and shut it off....hope you like Sarah...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Hello Monday...Again

They have rows and rows of roses...

These ladies were So cute! They were all going to jump up when they saw me aim the camera at them..."NoNo", I said. "You all give that wall character"!...They looked at each other and just Bust out laughing...but they didn't move! I was aiming for the figures On the

Just a little "bling" in the main building

Entrance to the Seed Farm

Flowers at the Seed Farm

This is Enchanted Rock...The gentleman talked to everyone who went by...??? He wasn't an

A very disgruntled cow on the side of the road

My Goodness! Our little vacation certainly went by fast. It's already Monday again!! Went in to work early this morning and got off late. Hubby's back doesn't seem to be getting any better...And he, like Most men, will Not go to the chiropractor!! And that's not even the Hard part about it...It's the, "Don't touch me, pull me, sing, look, move or Breathe at me" air that just hangs, like a dusty little cloud, surrounding him with every step...LOL. Ladies, how many times have you heard yourself say, "If you would just Listen to me...". They don't....SO, I'll bring the meds, water...and just keep...a low profile!!LOL....So y'all have a wonderful evening and know you're loved.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

More Pictures and I Done Made Me Some Pie!

I made pie and posted pictures...Geez, that takes time!!LOL

Voila'....Good old American Apple Pie

This was part of the Admiral Nimitz Museum which we visited

Can you imagine what would happen to the soldier that sent this skull of the enemy home to his little woman???...Nowadays????

Reenactment of what a camp in the Pacific theater would have looked like...see the rats?

Iris' in the Japanese garden

These underware were knitted by women prisoners of war (WWll)

Entrance to the garden

Japanese garden donated to Admiral Nimitz Museum...

A German restaurant where we ate German pancakes...good!

Here's some more pictures....Just waiting for dinner and thought I'd add a few more. Don't forget to click on the pictures for a better view. LOL...I Know you're thrilled...get over it!!LOL....Happy night or day to you!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

More Pictures on a Saturday

An old building in Fredericksburg

This Cider Mill makes the BEST Apple Pie Ice Cream!!

The "Mule" and their Mini. We traveled all over their land in this thing. Fun!

Our friends home taken from a nearby hill

Our friend Beverly

Some Crazy woman Begging for a ride back to the house!...LOL

A Wonderful breakfast prepared by Bev

Entrance to our friends home

Driveway up to their home

Their home in the woods

A dove in the tree in the front yard...Really!LOL...

The Front yard

Did a little shopping for some leather goods...the baby bag was wonderful for carrying all my camera stuff!

Well, here's some more pictures from our trip. I Know you're SO here they are! And don't forget to scroll down to the previous post and leave a comment if you want to play along!! Have a fun night...or day!!

Pay It Forward from Lille Meg

Thank You Lille Meg!! They're Wonderful!

These books are My Pay It Forward Prizes. One of the first Three? Email me your home address at Have fun!

This is a neat thing to participate in....The rule is simple....IF you want to do this, just be one of the FIRST THREE Commenters!!! The first Three people who leave a comment promise to Pay It Forward to the next Three people who leave comments on Their blog. If you don't think you want to do this, don't leave a comment. Lille sent me these really beautiful prizes. Thank You Lille!! I will now Pay It Forward! I have three books to send to the first Three commenters on My blog comment section on this post only. Have Fun!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Home...Looks Pretty Good

Well, we made it. Stormed on us last night but it passed really fast. I was Most grateful!!LOL...We left Lady Bird Park at 8:45am and pulled in to the shop at 12:30pm. Not to bad. Road construction in spots but we made it through easily. We had a really nice, peaceful rest. Hubby slept really well with the windows OPEN at night...(38F)....LOL....NitWit...As I type this, he's in his chair in the living room....his back is out...pulled it, he said, while checking and putting air in the tires last night....I said, "How would I have gotten you in the truck if you'd fallen out on the ground"??....."Go get some of those drunk bikers....and just shove me in"...was the reply. answer for everything.LOL...
Anyway, I took a bunch of pictures. Saw alot, ate alot. So without further ado, here's some of them. I don't want to wear you out and post all I'll just post them in sequence over the next few days. Yes, by the way, we were parked next to an airport...But it was fun! We got to see an air show...every few minutes. Take offs and landings....And I Loved this sleek little jet! The sound alone was worth the ant bites...LOL.
Well, I think I'll call it quits for tonight. Y'all have a cozy and happy night or day, and I'll see 'ya tomorrow.
Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.