Twenty pounds...That's ALL I want to loose!! It's time again to go for it! This is the only problem I have as I grow older...up and down! There Must be a better way! How do YOU handle this problem?
buy a see-saw.....and enjoy the ride! :-)
hugs and good luck!
If you find a better way to lose than cutting your calories down to 900 a day, let me know. I've tried everything including increased exercise, low fat, low carb, and I only lose weight when I drop calorie intake to about 900. I am not nice on 900 calories a day. lol
If you find a cure share it, I need to lose about 100.
OMG, what a CUTE PUPPY!!
Hahaha, and he's SMILING!
Kimberly- Thanks Miz Kim!!!Hahaha...hughugs
Lynn- 900?? OMWord!!! Don't think I could do that!!hughugs
Brenda-HAhahaha!! Isn't she sweet?? She guards my blog! She has lots of brothers and sisters though!! GO get one!!hughugs
Sorry, I don't handle it at all!
I have given up.....
But I wish you good luck!:-)
I call Jose' and feel SO much better!!
You do NOT need to lose 20lbs; I've seen pictures, girl!! ((hugs))
Brit-HAhahaa...Wish I had Your attitude!!hughugs
Sally- Jose???Hahahaaa...I oughta!!! But alas, I'd have to buy new clothes!!!hughugs
Everything in moderation, I say!
I wish I only had 20 pounds to lose!
That would be a 'Piece of Cake!!' hahaha
Junie Rose
I hang around with fatter friends...
Just read in the paper about July being ice cream month as I was supporting the cause!!! Its so hot, I 'had' to have something to cool off LOL.
Diet and ice cream in the same post???? lol!
You're telling your problems to the wrong guy here. No sympathy from this quarter. ;)
OMG! I'm with you on this. I only want to lost 5 pounds. The last time I tried I gained 3 more :(
I try to skip the ice cream and just make an effort to eat healthy, but it makes it pretty tough when it's too hot to be active and then it's ice cream month on top of that! Good luck!
If only there was a magic tablet or a cream or something that we could use and the weight wound fall off overnight...! :-)
The problem is you send us a beautiful cookery book with amazing recipes and we all need to lose 20 pounds !!!
CJ xx
LOL I hope you don't feel as sad as that kittie looks!! I have no great words of advice. Summer is my worst time because I LOVE ice cream and we all know ice cream is "of the debil!! Maybe I should start working on acceptance!!
hi; first time stopping by your blog; very cute one!
I love Starbucks Java Chip Frappucino ice cream; I could (and have) eaten a pint of it in one setting
I'm trying to lose 30 pounds (again; it keeps finding its way back); I'm emphasizing more on healthy eating and exercise and less on the word "diet". So trying to make better food choices that I can live with so if I ever lose the weight it will stay off this time. Veggies, salads, lean protein like fish and chicken. Lots of exercise. But the older we get (I'm 51) the harder it is; I used to lose 10 pounds in a heartbeat; now it likes to stay around forever!
Goodness, I need to lose 20 pounds several times! hahaha!!!!!! It just gets harder and harder to get those fat cells to pack their bags and GO!
I used to handle it well but now I don't handle it at all! Hushugs xoxoxox
It's exercise, exercise, exercise. Watching intake is important, but the best thing you can do is consistent exercise... at least 5 days a week. Plenty of cardio. Your clothes will fit better and you will feel better. You may find you only lose 10 lbs, but you look and feel better. Join a rehab center... usually sponsored by a hospital.. then you don't feel like you are working out at a meat market.
Oh goodness- if it is National Ice Cream month, I hope my Hubby doesn't find out... I'm already broke trying to keep the stuff around here as it is! LOL
Thank fully I have managed to lose mine and so far keep it off (touch wood!!).
Love the cat picture by the way!
Sorry that I have been the worlds worst blog friend recently ~ things so hectic!
Am just going to catch up with all your news.
Take care ~ sending love and big hugs your way XXXXXX
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