Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Cowboys and John

Well ain't it sweet. Those Cowboys seem to be getting something together. Awful close though, 25-24. I like the Cowboys, being in Texas I'd better, but my heart belongs to the Miami Dolphins. I know, I know, it's been awhile since they've done anything worthwhile, but I've stuck with them for the last 35yrs so why defect now?

Also heard it's John Lennon's birthday today. I remember getting those Beatle dolls along with my girlfriends when I was 10yrs old. What a hoot. Wish I'd hung on to them. Probably worth a small fortune by now.
Corky, our 15yr old Yorkie, has this thing he does now. Being partially blind and deaf, and totally spoilt by the kids (carried, tickled, smooches, generally ruined), he now wants you to light his way with a flashlight after the lights go out. Not once, so he can find his way to his bed (after we've put him in his bed repeatedly), but at least every hour and a half or so. Starts out with grunting in the hallway. No response? Lets try louder grunts in stereo. No one coming? How 'bout Dolby? Ahhhh, that works...You put him in the bed. Out he goes...over and over. You see, he sleeps most of the day while we're at work. So guess what he wants to do at night? There's NO way we'll ever put this dog down. We love him. Blind? Deaf? So, lots of people I know fit into that category but I won't put them down either. Turn on the radio? TV? At 1:00am I was considering my options....I'm a bad girl....I repented....Any suggestions??

Well, guess I'll get busy...doing something...Let me just finish getting this oatmeal out of my eyebrows. Y'all have a swell evening and a super tomorrow!


Crystal said...

Who's the Beatles mom? And quit griping about the dog! Your just mad cause he's harassing YOU now and not all of us. Heh heh...

Anonymous said...

Miami Dolphins, huh, that's interesting. :)

The last doll I remember was Sparkle Plenty, but that was before your time.

I know what you mean about the doggie; if Katie had not been suffering so with no hope. Well, suffice it to say I miss her more than I even knew I would.

Oatmeal in the eyebrows? Okay, I'll leave that one alone. Have a great day!

Donna said...

Crystal WAS a sweet little girl who USE to live with us...There's always tonight kiddo!!! Revenge is best served cold...hehehehe

Donna said...

Sally- I think I do remember Sparkle Plenty! I also had a doll with green hair, but don't ask me to remember her name...Oatmeal? Falling asleep in it, head first! lol

Crystal said...

I know I can be...difficult at times and it's moments like this that I realize the error of my ways. Yes, I do realize them, but for some reason I can't CHANGE them...
Ha!! Aren't you suppose to be at home SLAVING over the stove?? Where's my meal WOMAN!!
What was that I just heard FATHER say as he eagerly runs to the front office?? Apricot fried pies?? You don't say??!!

Anonymous said...

John Lennon's b-day again, eh? What would he be, 67 today? wow.

I have a cat who does a similar thing to your Corky. He's not bline or deaf, mind you, just demanding! When he wants the windows open, or the blinds, he will grunt and meow, and yodel until one of us gets up out of bed and opens the window for him. There is NO rest until he's happy! But he's worth it. :)