Monday, March 31, 2008


Well...We're FREE at last!! Hubby called the federal jury line Friday night and they said...we don't need you!! Three months of this is finally over...I'm getting on the Internet and plotting our get-out-of-town trip!! You don't realise how long three months really is until you start counting those Friday nights!
Samantha is good to go...feeling much better today with No fever for over twenty four hours. Thank goodness. William is fine as well, so Gamma is batting a thousand!LOL...Today, anyway. Crystal is still smiling, so that's a good thing.
Weather has been it's normal self...windy, muggy wettish. I suppose I'll first try to get online and check out the weather forecast for the month ahead. Sure don't want to schedule a trip in the rain!
So, here's hoping you have a wonderful and beautiful Spring day, and I'll talk at 'cha tomorrow.


Gordon said...

Hanging about for three months certainly would be a burden; hope you get some good weather to get away.

Donna said...

Gordon- Thanks Gordon! We're Really looking forward to it! Have a beautiful day!hughugs

Dawn said...

You are batting 1,000 today. That is GREAT!!!

Where are you planning to go on your trip?

Have a beautiful day.


Donna said...

Dawn- Fredericksburg, Tx. Hopefully, it won't be rainy!! We're So ready for this mini vacation!!hughugs

Anvilcloud said...

Whoopee! Time for you to hit the open road.

Brenda said...

Happy Monday!!

Make it a romantic vacation, a little rain won't hurt that. :-)

Donna said...

Ac- You Said it!!lol...I've been checking out the parks already! Getting warm there???hughugs

Brenda- Romance? Romance? LOL... I Want Some Shopping Girl!!LOL...and some trees with homade piece of chocolate Pie!!LOL...hughugs

Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are good all the way around!

Donna said...

Jazzi- Boy, I hope they Stay this way for a while!! Have a Warm night sweetheart!!hughugs

A Mother's Place is in the Wrong said...

Have some fun planning the break - the chocolate pie sounds good. Love and Hugs, M :)

Donna said...

Margot- Thanks sweetie...I've been plotting and planning all day!lolol..How about Your "gettaway"?? Got things planned yet?? hughugs

JunieRose2005 said...

Hey! Sounds like you have some fun times ahead!

As you know I'm new here but have to say you have a beautiful blog going! I'm gonna enjoy visiting here!


Jane said...

How exciting Donna! Have a wonderful time. Glad Crystal's date went well too.

Unknown said...

Three months is a long time. Go and enjoy yourself now. Also read your post below this and so glad Crystal had a good time. You want your babies to be happy no matter what age they are.

Sally said...

So glad you're now able to plan a get-away, the kids are both better, and Crystal had a great time. Who could ask for more!! (HUGS)

Donna said...

Junie- Thanks Sweetie! Looking to many visits from you!! I really enjoy your blog as well!! Happy day to you!hughugs

ExPatKat- We are to! She's been smiling a lot lately!lol...Have some fun today!!hughugs

Joan- She did! And we can't wait to scoot out of town! Hopefully it won't be raining!!hughugs

Sally- You and me both!lol..They are still doing fine so hopefully it's Gone!! I won't ask for Anything more but happiness..Hope you're day is a great one!!!hughugs

Rosie said...

Whoo hoo good for you sweetie you go and enjoy planning that much deserved break asap!! I can't wait to hear where you plan on going ;)
hugs-hugs Rosie x

Donna said...

Rosie- Thanks!!! And hope You are feeling lots and lots better?? Sounds like it!!hughugs

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.