Monday, March 10, 2008

What Do You Do When You Can't Do Anything?

What a title huh? Geez. You know, I've really been in a quandary today about what to post about . I've been really preoccupied, over the last several days, with our daughter Crystal's BF, Tasha. We've known her since she was about 12 or 13yrs old. A little girl, with So much potential. We love her. We've made her a member of this family. She calls us Mom and Dad...and she has the ability to absolutely, break our hearts. It's Not intentional. Some would just laugh and call it a Blonde thing. Not me. I Know better. I know Lots of Blondes that are powerful, strong and loaded with self-esteem. They Know when to get off the tracks when they see a train headed straight for them.
All of you, that have followed my blog since I began, Know me fairly well. You know that I do Not like to blog about the Drama in life. The pain or anguish of life, which can and does happen to all of us, in some way or other, every day. I Love life. I believe in magic and happiness. I can't stand it when I see someone in pain. I want to "fix" it. Forgiveness and joy are just the flip sides of destructiveness and anger. I've had my share of the dramas. I Totally believe drama in one's life, is self induced. It absolutely boggles my mind when I watch someone just sit down and let life just roll over them instead of standing up and making each moment count for something! There are several faithful readers of my blog that have had the very worst of life reach out and grab them and it's really hard to not be able to "fix" it for them...BUT....They are dealing with what life threw at them. They are Not just sitting back and letting life run over them. They're fighting for happiness and I salute and admire them. If you slap someone and they slap you back, have you not induced a drama? If you continually repeat the same mistake, over and over again, are you not inducing a drama? If you continually do things in your life, that are self destructive, are you not participating in Drama?? What do you have, when the drama in your life, is all you have to hold on to?
Tasha forgave...Again...someone who is a Big producer of drama. I can't fix it. She just does not understand the concept of...trainwreck. What else can I say to her that I haven't already said? Sometimes you just have to let the trainwreck happen...and it breaks our hearts.
I'm sorry if I actually wrote a "downer" post today...I Should have just gone to the bookstore and gotten lost in the aisles of books, drinking a Grande Chocolate Mocha


Crystal said...

Sometimes mom, the best lessons learned are the ones we have to learn and FACE ourselves.

It's always the hardest to watch things from afar and not do something about it. I tried to do something about it once and it didn't help her. It only ended up bringing me down with her. Have faith that one day she'll "wake up" and see things as clearly as others do and be thankful that your daughter does listen when you speak;) Love you...

Donna said...

Crystal- You're one of those "blondes" I was talking about...I'm SO grateful for you...I love you to...

Anvilcloud said...

I understand what you are saying. It's too bad that people have to endure their own wrecks. We can see them coming but can't stop them. We can only help to pick up the pieces afterwards.

Anonymous said...
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Ginnie said...

I agree with the other commenters. The only person I can change is myself and, hopefully, if I keep my side of the street clean, I will be a good example for others.
(much easier said than done!)

Donna said...

AC- Hard to do, isn't it?!! But there's No way around it..Happy day to you..hughugs

Thanks for popping over! You're right, It's up to us!hugs

Unknown said...

You can never write a downer post on a PINK background! I didn't realize it was a downer until you said so (am I a blond?) I agree with all who've posted (wise sages)- it's hard to watch and not be able to "fix". You can't talk someone into get their life in order. Alas, it takes many experiences (I know this from personal ones myself- why I don't pine after being young again- I was a DITZ!)

Donna said...

Nathalie- LOL...weren't we all!!!..I needed this!! You have a Wonderful Day Sweetheart!!hughugs

Anonymous said...

As you say, we all have dramas in our lives. If we didn't, could we really call ourselves Human?

Take care and have a hug from me.

Crystal xx

Donna said...

Crystal- I really appreciate the kind words today...I usually can put these kind of moods in their proper place and move forward...Know What?? I'm putting my Happy face Back on...24hrs of this is, enough!!! Thanks Sweetie!!hughugs

jenn said...

I've been following this over at crystal's and unfortunately I think she's going to learn the hard way.

Just be there. That's all you can do.


Jane said...

Oh, Donna, I feel for you. The hardest thing for a mum is to have to stand by and watch the inevitable happen. Sadly it's the only way they learn though.

Be there for her when it all goes pear-shaped, that's all you can do.


Donna said...

Jenn- I've decided to do just that!! I can't change Anything..I also felt myself being pulled down, with all the negativity and sadness..SO..I've "stepped off the merry-go-round"! Gads, I feel better!! Thanks Sweetheart!! How's the family??hughugs

Donna said...

Expatcat- Thanks Sweetie! You're right! She will her own time...(I like the "pear shape" analogy!!! That's Exactly how things fall)!!!hughugs

Brit. (lille meg) said...

It is sunshine here too, and I love it. We have got it for a few days, we don't know how long it takes before the rain or the snow is coming.
We are waiting for spring, but I think it is a bit too early yet.

Your flowers on your blog are so nice!

Donna said...

Lille- Sunshine always makes you feel better! Wish you warm days sweetie!hughugs

Jennifer said...

hi there, I jumped over from Crystal's blog. I love the music on your blog by the way. :)
About Crystal's BF... she has no idea what she is in for w/ Mr. WRONG, but she will soon learn, and it will be hard but she will make it through.
She has no idea how lucky she is to have you all as her family and friends. You are wonderful people and just from having you all in her life means she is blessed and good things will happen for her. She'll get it. She will. Sooner or later. It is just hard to sit back and watch someone you love get taken advantage of and hurt, but like Crystal said it the only way some times to learn. :)
Have a great day, and this post wasn't a downer, it just shows again how loving, caring and kind your family really is. :)
hugs, Jenn

Donna said...

Jennifer- Thank you Sweetheart! And you can bounce on over here anytime!LOL..I know you're right..she'll just have to learn the hard way! Have a Happy day sweetie!hughugs

Unknown said...

You are so not a downer. You're always encouraging and full of life. I also known people who just seem to make a living making the wrong choices and being in drama. Sometimes you can't do anything and just need to let it play out.