Saturday, March 29, 2008

Houston Update

Well, it's 5:00pm......just sitting here....LOL....Been playing with the Granbabies, running back and forth to town, getting odds and ends for the weekend. A couple of toys...WHAT???LOL...yes, I'm a BAD Gamma.

The phone just rang...Crystal calling to ask "What's wrong with Samantha"?...I sit there wondering HOW she knew Sami was sick (fever with a cough starting)...A mother's intuition??? No, a mother's cell phone. Sam texted her just to say "Gamma said I was sick with a fever..." Well, you know what came next. "Do I need to come home"???..."NO"!!!...I DO believe I have a nursing license to Prove that I can do the job correctly"!!!LOL....That seemed to work. BUT, while I had her on the phone...LOL..."Are you coming home tonight or tomorrow"??...."Well, I guess I'll stay here then head home tomorrow"...(she had said before she left, that if they hit it off, she'd just stay there, if Not, and he was a jerk, she'd be home tonight) I just simply told her that really was preferable to her driving 2 1/2 to 3 hours at night, by herself. We really do Not like the fact that she drove alone, but what's a parent to do...let go and let God. So, we have. He told her he had a spare bedroom and he WAS a gentlemen. She said they were having a blast. They were somewhere in didn't get the name. When I told Hubby that she was staying in Houston for the night, we just looked at each other...."So, he's not a jerk...good for her..."he said....I'm feeling So many things right now...Loss??? Oh My....but damn, she sounded SO happy! Trust me when I say, It has literally been five years since I've "heard" the sounds of "happy" coming from her. SO, we'll see.

Guess that's all for right now. Gotta go check on the sick one. Y'all have a wonderful night or day, happy.