Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Severe Storms & Old Couple

What horrible weather! I've spent half the morning checking with all my blogger buddies. I pray you are all safe and well sheltered! I know what those tornado scares feel like. Not fun!! Just stay close to your weather radios.
Well, we ate lunch at Golden Corrall. Remember the old couple I told you about several weeks back? They were stealing all sorts of jelly beans, chicken...etc.?? Well...they were also there..stealing...again. Geez...I openly watched them, in action, yet again. I'm really trying to justify their actions...1. Maybe their poor...2...I can't seem to come up with anything else. No judgement...I'm just trying to understand the why of it. Maybe it's not for me TO understand. It's Their lesson...I should just let them learn it. Would YOU report them??? I just can't seem to do it.
Well, guess I'll get moving. But first, how 'bout the presidential candidate races!!! Geez.......
Have a safe, safe day everybody!!!

(PS- the old couple in the picture is NOT the couple I was telling you about!LOL)


jenn said...

If they are that openly stealing, maybe the waitresses do see, and just choose to ignore it. Who knows. I would think if they could afford to eat out, they wouldn't NEED to steal.

We ate there last night. So yummy! My hubby's ex-mother-in-law took us all out for my birthday. I love that place!

It started raining a little while ago, and the wind is picking up. I haven't heard of any tornado's in the area yet. Hopefully we won't see any!

Enjoy the rest of the day!

Donna said...

Jenn- Just keep watching the weather reports!! Please be safe little girl!!! hughugs!!

debambam said...

Hope you are all safe with the tornados that I've been hearing about on the news...

As for the stealing couple? Perhaps reporting them would help start something that takes them out of whatever cycle they are in, assuming of course that the managers do something about it. It's a hard one isn't it?

Cheers, Kelly

Donna said...

Hey Miss Kelly!! Hope you're about to get all settled in! Yeah, these storms are awful!! They didn't get us (we're in central Texas) but they sure are taking a toll on the central, upper and eastern US. 50 dead and countless, homeless. If you see temps in the 80's? In Winter? Look out!! Well, hope all's well in your neck of the woods girl!! hughugs

Sally said...

I think you're right not to complain or report the couple. There's no telling what their story is. I don't know why, but I'm thinking they're not poor, rather the opposite. I say that with nothing to go on. However, I once knew a girl many, many years ago. They would go out to eat, and she'd have her kids pick up the tip that her husband had left when he'd go up to the register. She'd go to the grocery store, give the boys a bag of cookies, and tell them to hurry up and eat them; then, she'd stash the bag. Also, they all took bathes in the same tub of water. Well, the short of the long; she became a multi-millionaire but I wouldn't want to be in her shoes. Nope.

Brenda said...

Naw, I wouldn't report them either cause I suspect since you've noticed what they're doing at least twice, the folks that work there have surely noticed too and have chosen to ignore it for whatever reason. I don't understand though, how some people just do stuff like that and think it's ok to do it. I'd feel so danged guilty that I know it would show all over my face. I guess I dont' have the answer.

We didn't blow away but there sure was some damage in some parts of Arkansas and TN really got whipped up on.

Donna said...

Sally- Geez girl! Makes you wonder about the type of up-bringing she had...and how it's now being taught to her children..Lordy...Hope there's no more of the bad weather coming their way!!! You watch the skies sweetie!!!!!hughugs

Brenda- I agree with both you and Sally...I just can't report them; and it makes sense that it we watched all this going on then others, who work there, see it also. hughugs

Y'all STAY SAFE!!!!! Or I'll do something to 'ya!! Something...I'm thinking!!lolol

Dannalie said...

The old couple reminds me of Dirty Dancing when the old couple were stealing the wallets and Johnny was accused of doing it and Baby had to tell her father that she had been with him the night before and...well, No body puts Baby in a corner!

I'll let you know how the weather is in FL!

Love ya my new Waco friend!

Unknown said...

They were there again??? Too wild and were they taking jelly beans again. I find that to be the most odd thing in their stealing. I mean how much is a bag of jelly beans? We're all safe and sound here if not a little damp. You take care..... Your music is playing Moon River and it's taking me back in time,love it.........

Donna said...

Dannalie-Are you flying or driving?? Either way...PLEASE be safe!!!
And I Loved Baby!!!LOL...that was cute!!!lolol Love you to!!

Joan- Thank God you're safe!!! We heard there were 68 tornado touchdowns!!! And YES they got more jellybeans!!! He scooped them up with his...HAND!!! Those and other things went into the big bag...sad..sad..sad. STAY SAFE Girl!! hughugs!!

Anonymous said...

Yep, I'll agree... if you've seen the couple there twice, I'll bet the staff at the restaurant know all about them. But, eww, scooping stuff out with his hands... I mean, men aren't always good about washing their hands, you know?
If I were you, I wouldn't eat the jelly beans!

Donna said...