Thursday, February 7, 2008

We Are SO Busted!

We are SO Busted!!! If you have been reading my daughter's (Crystal) blog, then, you know the Subway story....OhMyWord...WELL, at lunch I happen to mention this story to Hubby! We start plotting and planning how fun it would be to just do a drive-by at the Subway...because, being Many Wonderful things...our daughter is also a wonderful sport and likes a little fun, herself! That being said..LOL....Oh My...We hurry up, finish our lunch, book it out to the truck...jump (sorta) in, and hurry to Subway...LOL....Well, everythings going just fine...we just want a "peek", when all of a sudden there's this Camera in my hands...(I believe Hubby shoved it into my hands as we were getting into position)...LOL....We both had tears just rolling at this crucial moment...Hubby yelling, "DID 'YA GET IT"??? I'm flopping all over the seat, at one point, laughing so hard, I almost lost the camera out the open truck window!!LOL...But I did get her and Tasha(Crys is on the right), both of them covering their faces with napkins...dying of embarrassment!! GEEZ, we had fun!!! What a hoot...It's been One Hell of a Day at Sea!!!!!LOL.....Now Don't bother to go to her blog...she'll only have terrible things to say about her Very loving parents... "<>"....LOL


Crystal said...

You will never no the complete awe I had at that moment of seeing my 2 loving parents in that parking lot.............

Donna said...

Crystal- LOLOLOLOLOLOL <3<3<3<3<3<3

jenn said...


Brenda said...

Hahahahaha, better watch out, you never know what she'll come up with as payback!

Donna said...

Jenn- Yes Dear...the SAGA..continues!!LOLOL She's STILL typing...bad sign!!!LOL

Brenda- There's NO telling what the response will be...I'm waiting..LOLOL

Rosie said...

Hahahahahahaha - I have sat here laughing until my stomach aches! Oh I do love ya for giving my a good laugh :D

Take care now sweetie and have a great day!

Rosie x

Sally said...

Oh yeah, SURE Hubby shoved the camera into your hands. hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Mother's Place is in the Wrong said...

Hi Donna, thank you for your Birthday wishes -have had a lovely day and just ate all my Birthday chocolate!! Hope you're all well and happy. Margot xx

dabrah said...

Hi Donna, I have to admit that I felt very sorry for Crystal in this instance, but in fact your efforts seem to have resulted in her getting up the courage to introduce herself to the 'hottie', so I guess it's the end result that counts.

I stopped by to let you know I have joined in with the One World One Heart event, and have a giveaway on my blog, if you'd care to visit.

Donna said...

Rosie- LOL...Y'a know? A Mamas gotta do, what a mamas gotta do!!LOL... Glad you enjoyed the tale!! Have a fun evening sweetie!!!

Sally- WHAT??!!!LOLOL....Well he...DID...I think he did..LOL...Welllll...But he WAS driving the "get-a-way" truck!!!LOLOL...Glad we made you laugh little love!!!

Margot- I hope that chocolate was wonderful...blissful even!!LOL It's always a happy day when you turn 29 isn't it!!lolol Have a fun Birthday evening!!!

Dabrah- She is, in fact, stuck in a rut!! If our little foray into the unknown zone brought about her sudden urge to "stop sitting still and start living" then our job is done!lolol(and we had fun doing it)!!!LOL I'll be over shortly to see what you're up to!! Have a fun evening sweetie!!

Blondie ~ Vintage Primitives said...

I have read Cry's subway blog and then read yours - I got the proper perspective and giggled. You are truly a terror for your daughter!! Why didn't you get a pic of the Hottie??? I am dying to get a look at this paragon!
Crystal, if you are reading this - i feel your pain, shame, love your momma's sense of humor.

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

Donna, thank you for being so kind to me. love nita

dabrah said...

Hi Donna, thanks for visiting and leaving your name on the list for the giveaway.
As for your matchmaking skills, well... they're hardly subtle, but I guess this time they worked! I think you and Crystal are funny.

Donna said...

Blondie- Hey there Girl!! How did you make it through all those storms?? Everybody OK??? And what a story...Everything happens for a reason...everything!! He likes "recreational drugs..." Mamas always seem to know best..I just don't "get it"!!! hugshugs

Miss Nita- It takes Nothing to be be sweet to you baby...You know how I feel about you! John is happy and running free like never before!! I'm rejoicing in his new found freedom and his love for you!! It will Always be there for you to call on!!!! hughugs<3

Dabrah- Ahhh Sweetie...Yes she got "Motivated" which was wonderful...but now we know why Daddy and I did what we did!! Read her morning entry...We've Never been so blatant in our playfulness with her! Spur of the moment, and off we went! Now I'm So glad we did it! Have fun today sweetie!! hughugs

Anonymous said...

Woohoo, that was a fun story, both here and at Crystal's place!

Crystal said...

Blondie- All I can say is I LOVE YOU!!!LOL! Have a good weekend!

Unknown said...

What are parents for if we can't embarrass our kids now and then. You guys sure know how to have fun! Have a great weekend Donna!

Donna said...

Joan- It's a parents duty to embarrass the children!! Let's just say we try to co-ordinate our "moments"!!LOL You have lots of fun tonight!!!

Donna said...

Jazzi- It really was fun to do to!!LOL...until we got caught!!LOL Have a great night sweetie!!!

Sea Angels said...

Donna you truly brighten up my life....and they think the English are crazy.......we can't even compete with you lovely guys.
Hugs and hugs
Lynn xx

Donna said...

Lynn- LOL...What a compliment!!! We Do try to have lots of fun...Never know when life will change...You have lots of fun today Sweetheart!!!