Thursday, March 20, 2008

Paula 'Dun Lied 'Ta Me!!!

Oh Yes She Did!! Ms. Paula Deen...lied to me when she said this recipe only took EIGHT minutes to prepare!!! PREP TIME: 8 minutes......COOK TIME: 25 minutes....Prep time 8 minutes, my rear!!! Try, ONE flipping HOUR...I guess she meant, that my STAFF could do all the chopping, sauteing, pot locating, picture taking, condiment grinding, can opening, box opening, Excedrin taking prep work before I even appeared!! Not To Mention...That dadgum elbow macaroni blew up in the pot and Almost ran over onto the stove!! And YES, I used the whole box!! LOL....Geez!!! I can Just FEEL Hubby laughing about now!!! I've got enough Wayne's (who Ever the He** he is), Beef Macaroni and Cheese, to feed Everyone at work plus dinner here at home!!! Oh Well, guess I'll go turn on the oven and let it "turn to a delightful crispy brown"......LOL...'Ya know, that Trash duty that I wrote about in Sunday's post, is looking better and better by the minute!! I'm Not making this again.
PS- It turned out dry. Hubby didn't laugh...he tried to make suggestions to fix it. He Did say it was pretty good though. But after everything it took to make it, it just wasn't worth it. SO...guess I'll go make a cuppa coffee, find a comfy chair and "plant" it. Y'all have a happy day!!


Crystal said...

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!! OH, first I thought this was still Wordless Wednesday and forgot myself...

Paula SHER DID lie to mammy!!! BUT, in her defense it was finger lickin good;o) REALLY, Mom worked her lil arse off and WILLIAM kept tellin Gamma how it tasted like pizza while he SHOVELED it in! I even ate it and didn't even give her a hard time that it wasn't "healthy..." Perty good mammy!

Donna said...

Crystal- nitwit....LOL...He Did say it tasted like pizza...Gads...I Am SO not making that again!!

dabrah said...

Donna, I'm very confused. We're 42 minutes into March 20th, and you must be about 5 hours behind us. so how come your post is dated March 20th instead of March 19th? I agree with you, it sounds as if your macaroni dish was really a lot of trouble to make. But you know, if you watch those TV chefs they just grab things out of a bunch or a bowl or basket and never seem to need to wash or peel them, and their chopping up stuff seems to be faster than the speed of light, and amazingly they still have all their fingers at the end. But at least you have the consolation that it tasted good. Imagine if you'd done all that and it didn't!

Unknown said...

Hi Donna,

Didn't you know Paula and I are BFF? LOL That sure looks good though even if she didn't quite tell the truth. heehee

Anvilcloud said...

It would take me 8 minutes just to gather the stuff.

Gordon said...

Donna, if it took you one hour it probably would have taken me two! My kind of cooking is a roast; put it in the Weber and let it do its magic. :-}

Pauline Evanosky said...

My hubby always cringes when I get out the macaroni...he knows I'm going to cook up the whole bag and make a ton of whatever it's destined to be! If you haven't planted it yet pour in some V-8 to moisten it up.

Hey, I love your music so on your site I went and fixed up one of mine with it too! Thanks!

Brit. (lille meg) said...

It seems yummy! I am sure you enjoyed it.
Have a great day!

Donna said...

Dabrah- LOL...I posted this last night and changed the date under "post options"...little trick Crystal showed me.
Yes they Do!! They have lots of help in the kitchen. Happy Spring to you!!!hughugs

Donna said...

Joan- Good!!LOLOL...Bring that..Woman..on down this weekend, and we'll See if "prep time" is really 8 minutes!!LOL...Have a happy Spring Day today!!hughugs

AC- It took me 8 minutes to Read the darn recipe!!!LOLOL...Happy Spring to you!!!hughugs

Gordon- That sounds more like my kind of cooking!! In fact, I think I'll find a nice hunk of meat for this weekend...Happy sailing sweetie!hughugs

Donna said...

Lady Skye- Hi Sweetie! Thanks for the V-8 tip!! I was wondering how I was going to moisten it up. Great idea! Isn't the music box fun? If people don't want to listen, they just turn their volumes down on the speakers or computer. Happy Spring to you!!hughugs

Lille- It will be once I get some "juice" back into it!LOL...Happy Spring sweetie!!hughugs

Sally said...

Well, it sure LOOKS good! I found an old recipe at my cousin's house his mama had for hamburger casserole, sort of like what you made but it had rice and mushroom soup. It was dry a little also, but really good. I always cook way too much macaroni!!

Donna said...

Sally- I didn't intend to, but I guess, if I'd Read how many it served...LOL...I wouldn't have made so much!...Rice & mushrooms sound good..I may have to start "plotting" again..LOL..Happy Spring to you!!hughugs

Brenda said...

Well it looks good to me.

I make a similiar dish but do it on top of the stove. I call it my Arkansas goulash. :-)

Donna said...

Brenda- LOL...I don't think I Ever want to see macaroni again!!lol
Hoping you're having a Happy Spring first Day?!!!hughugs

Rosie said...

Oh my I did laugh reading this post Donna *sorry* all I can image is a pot of exploding macaroni!! I know it’s naughty of me but I just couldn’t help myself ...

You know sweetie all those chefs and cooks have helpers not like us that have everything to do! Got to say your dish looks mighty good to me and passing over my plate for a taste :D

hugshugs Rosie x

Dick said...

Oh yeah a cuppa coffee, that would be nice.

jenn said...

It sure looks yummy. I make something that looks like that and my kids love it!

Donna said...

Rosie- Laugh anyway sweetie..I Did!LOL...Thanks for being so nice!! Of course, it doesn't compare with what you do but it was a long lesson in Patience!!lol Happy Spring to you!!!hughugs

Dick- I'm making a pot Right Now!!! Does sound have a wonderful Spring day. I'll be over again shortly to see if you have any new "goodies". Loved the sparkling water!hughugs

Jenn- I guess if William thought it tasted like pizza, he must have liked it. Sami wasn't thrilled..she kept giving me "the evil eye"...LOL...Have a Happy Spring Day love!hughugs

A Mother's Place is in the Wrong said...

Well it did look good, Donna, maybe you should have added the frog in a cup of coffee to wet it a bit? Now that would have been interesting! M :)

Donna said...

Margot-LOLOLOL...I swear...comedians everywhere!!LOLOL
Mr Frog Really would have done a good job of wetting it down alright!! Probably would have helped!!LOL...You have a Wonderful night and Happy Spring to 'ya sweetie!!hughugs

Unknown said...

Donna, You are HILARIOUS! You should have your own cooking show to debunk other cooking shows! LOL

Donna said...

Nathalie- Don't think I haven't thought of it!!LOL...I Have...But...I'm not fast enough in the kitchen..LOL..You have a wonderful night and Happy Spring to 'ya!!hughugs

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

Hey, at least you tried! I think everyone should be happy you even cooked. LoL
Paula Deene's staff probably did do all the chopping..
Hope you have a good day tommorow.
love nita

Anonymous said...

Eight minutes? To make that?? She's got to be kidding. There's no way ANYBODY can make that in eight minutes.
Doesn't it take eight minutes just to cook the macaroni?
It looks good from here, anyway. By the way, I'd rather take out the trash than cook for a week. I'm just sayin'. ;) But that's me! Cooking is NOT my favorite thing to do!

Donna said...

Nita- I Do believe you're right! She has lots of people and I!lol...and thanks, it wasn't bad especially after I added real cream and cheese and mixed it all up. Lady Skye suggested I add V8 juice...and I didn't remember until I'd already added the cream...damn...I 'coulda had a V8...LOL hugs sweetie!

Jazzi- Absolutely Right! This is Not an 8 minute prep recipe. 7 minutes on the macaroni!LOL...(Ssshhhh...I with you on the trash taking out is sweet but I'm NOT the worlds best..rather be doing something else..) hughugs

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.