Well, it's official..the Love month has arrived. Really now... where in the world did January go?? Just two days ago it was Jan 2nd..wasn't it??LOL.Geez..Although I must say the Sun is shining and the birds are chirping..Oopssss..sorry to all of y'all east of the Mississippi...and north and west...How 'bout you Florida??? LOL..sorry, I know that karma's gonna get me.
Cooking a pork roast for supper. YES..Me...cooking...Since Hubby has taken control of the kitchen, my memory is beginning to fade, but a few ideas do pop in occassionally. And there MUST be food on the table by 3:45pm for the kiddos when they get off the bus...or trust me, I'll hear about it...from Them!!LOL So, I suppose I'll get this post done and get in the kitchen and "invent" something to go along with the roast. I did buy some wheat tortillas for pork wraps either Saturday or Sunday because there will be leftover roast...and you have to do something with it. Y'all have a warm and cozy evening and I'll talk to you tomorrow.