We are SO Busted!!! If you have been reading my daughter's (Crystal) blog, then, you know the Subway story....OhMyWord...WELL, at lunch I happen to mention this story to Hubby! We start plotting and planning how fun it would be to just do a drive-by at the Subway...because, being Many Wonderful things...our daughter is also a wonderful sport and likes a little fun, herself! That being said..LOL....Oh My...We hurry up, finish our lunch, book it out to the truck...jump (sorta) in, and hurry to Subway...LOL....Well, everythings going just fine...we just want a "peek", when all of a sudden there's this Camera in my hands...(I believe Hubby shoved it into my hands as we were getting into position)...LOL....We both had tears just rolling at this crucial moment...Hubby yelling, "DID 'YA GET IT"??? I'm flopping all over the seat, at one point, laughing so hard, I almost lost the camera out the open truck window!!LOL...But I did get her and Tasha(Crys is on the right), both of them covering their faces with napkins...dying of embarrassment!! GEEZ, we had fun!!! What a hoot...It's been One Hell of a Day at Sea!!!!!LOL.....Now Don't bother to go to her blog...she'll only have terrible things to say about her Very loving parents... "<>"....LOL